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Everything posted by dcar00

  1. Abmas being fucking due/overdue and Tech seeming to be out of sorts makes me think it will be close. can't wait to here "Pop Isaacs" a 1000 times. Apparently you have to say his whole name every time.
  2. yep. he's trying to make contact with the fan with his foot for sure and didn't try to avoid contact. kind of the same thing Clark did. if he doesn't stick his foot out the fan goes right by him but if he backs up or stops maybe he runs into another fan running behind him who thinks he is going to keep going forward. that said the fans were in high sprint and while they are all thinking they are trying to avoid players there are so many of them there isn't a good place to move that the player knows is safe.
  3. I think we are crediting Beard for the way he coached them to play defense. I'm not sure how you can divine that the culture was gone in a month after the arrest. In fact, I'd say the culture was there, because after the initial Rice fiasco, basically the day of, the guys got back to business. Everyone to a man credits Terry with steering the ship but it wasn't a mess. It was a bunch of senior guys and Disu who kept their heads down and kept grinding. Horton being a complete bust and Abmas not really being as good as advertised has certainly hurt Terry.
  4. It depends on the history the coach has as a head coach before he got there. But if you do a search and you hire an assistant with no HC or a HC with little record as a HC you are already signing up for some bumps and bruises. Terry's situation is unique in going from interim HC to HC but he has plenty of history as a HC building a team.
  5. what is lowest seed for a major conference at large in the last 10 years or so? As I recall usually the major conf at large stop at 11 but maybe someone was a 12.
  6. aggy at Ole Miss could be a play in game.
  7. what mess that must have been
  8. really is incredible what Vic has done after losing Rory and also how great Booker is. being top 5 is a helluva a job.
  9. Do Quinnipiac players take a poll before their games on whether they will win or lose?
  10. I mean Red wouldn't want to deal with recruiting and playin school, I'm thinking Wooden knows the college game a bit better if I had a choice.
  11. and so it begins... as of today who would be our first game in the Big 12 Tourney?
  12. "In an emergency Break Glass and Hire Rodney Terry". The money apparently, and somewhat surprisingly, wanted Terry. Familiarity probably went a long way. If it had been a random assistant who had been with Beard for only a few years and had no other ties to the University, my guess is we would have done the "here is your bonus, good luck" and started a real search.
  13. I get it but I just want the best coach we can get.
  14. I hope CDC has to watch this A Clocwork Orange style at his house.
  15. he's a waste most games. he did nail a couple game winners we needed.
  16. We have such poor awareness. does Abmas think KU is just going to stop?
  17. well it's not getting any better apparently. It is why we hired RT in the first place. He's never on CDC's list if we are starting from scratch.
  18. 3. because we will be scared to fire him after 2 years because people will talk about Texas.
  19. waves everybody off and throws up the ultimate brick.
  20. that pretty much sums up this team, game and season.
  21. But we had to hire him, because if not, well, people would talk about Texas.
  22. It really sucks we have at least another year of this.
  23. when teams get physical with Disu he disappears.
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