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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Bojack

  1. I'm making no judgments about BrickHorn's family or any other person I don't know with this post.  A lot of what people are objecting to when they object to being called racist is just the term itself.  Strangely, it's similar to someone saying, "I'm not a feminist. I just think women should have equal rights." or "I'm not an environmentalist. i just think we should have clean air and water."  They see racist as a negative label but have absolutely no problem whatsoever with the tenants of racism.  Here's a literal hood wearing klansman denying that he's a racist but arguing for racism.


    • Like 4
  2. 4 hours ago, DixonHur said:

    I love the irony/lack of self awareness of the guy wearing a "Stop Hate" tee shirt while wearing a MAGA hat.

    You write "Stop Hate" on your shirt and you wear a MAGA hat.  What's that supposed to be? Some kind of sick joke? 

    • Like 3
    • Haha 3
  3. 18 minutes ago, Zavala said:

    Tell me more about how impeaching Bush would've stopped war crimes?



    Zavala, how'd you feel about the Iraq War back then?  Today, you're calling Cheney a war criminal.  What happened to all the Fox News fans that were dismissing those of against the war as dirty, naive hippies that hated the troops?  Seems to me there's quite a lot of overlap between the people that bought in to all the Iraq bullshit and Trump lovers today but not many will admit it.  

    • Like 2
  4. 3 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    To further your point that a hand gesture can mean more than one thing in ASL, the "okay" hand sign can also mean the number 9 or the letter F. But, of course, the hook'em sign has different meanings too depending on context.

    True.  I've seen it used as a secret devil sign.  


  5. They're not necessarily evil but their worst feelings have been validated and nurtured by 30 years of talk radio and Fox News.  They're done even pretending to be the party of family values, fiscal responsibility, and law and order.  Most of what's left is just hating other people.  


    George Will left the GOP because it has completely abandoned the principals it used to claim.  Last week, Rush said it out loud that they never really cared about the debt.  So, what's left of the Republican Party?



  6. 14 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    This doesn't work. Trumpkins cannot be shamed morally.


    True that it won't work with his die-hard supporters but ads like that were probably pretty effective last time around and that was just with the Trump demo tapes.  He's put out 4 albums worth of shit since.  It's a way to reach voters that otherwise don't hear the truly awful things he says through mainstream media, let alone Fox and Friends.  We can hit him much harder on all the sex crimes because he won't be running against the wife of Bill Clinton.  We'll largely negate that again if we nominate Joe Biden. 

  7. 13 minutes ago, SameSame said:

    Complete bullshit is right.  You've got to be a flat fucking idiot to believe any of this.


    He could he launch into a story like this and most people would hardly notice.  Guy belongs in a nervous hospital. 



  8. The message from our super Christian President on a Sunday morning: if you're here from one of "those" countries and you disagree with any of this shit, no matter how you got here or what you've contributed, shut up and get the fuck out.  More than 90% of Republicans approve of this.  

  9. On 7/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, slorch said:

      LOlz.  Aside from New England and Minnesota, the blue counties are a virtual road map of dependency.

    Image result for red and blue states


    Snorch, you said, "aside form New England and Minnesota, the blue counties are a virtual road map of dependency."  Shouldn't you add the most populated parts of California to your exceptions?  The coastal parts, where most people live, are dark blue on the party map and less than 10% on the SNAP map.

  10. 21 minutes ago, pyrohornIII said:

    And Lincoln's head pops off his statue and rolls down the stairs like a bowling ball.

    And Lincoln will demand Ivanka is sacrificed to the Kraken. 


    • Like 2
  11. Anyone remember that show, Otherworld, from the 80s?  They had an episode where the teen son and daughter became superstars by performing hit songs from our reality that were unknown to the rubes in Otherworld.  This movie reminded me of this.  



  12. 1 hour ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Maybe round you up into a forced labor camp where you will be starved and worked until the mass killings begin?

    Just don't call it a concentration camp because that would be rude.  

  13. The Fozzzz disclaimer: 

    I hereby denounce FISA, Obama's deportations and drone strikes in rural Pakistan, what the CIA did in Central America in the 60s, 70s, and 80s, and all else that the United States has ever done wrong under all administrations.  My position on anything I'm about to post is in no way an endorsement of any past bad behavior by our government or anyone else.  

    Fozzz, could we do something like this so we don't have to hear the but Obamas and shit several times every day?

  14. 6 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Yep we should be doing better as a nation to temporarily house these folks (better than our own homeless apparently). The thing is I'll bet a $20 many of them are living in better conditions than the ones they're fleeing from.  Cue the fuck you cabal !!!

    ...underprivileged anyway, so this is working out very well for them.  Thanks, Barbara.  

    • Like 1
  15. 7 hours ago, Fozzz said:

    The Laffer Curve as a concept is essentially correct. 

    Right. If you have a tax rate of 100%, tax revenues will drop to $0.  With the Trump tax cut and the Kansas Brownback tax cut, tax revenues decreased dramatically.  Where is the sweet spot in the Laffer Curve?  Do you agree with Laffer that Kansas didn't cut taxes enough?


    Laffer has said the problem in Kansas was that Brownback’s tax cut didn’t go far enough. “When you put an atomic bomb on a place, it will materially change the place – but a cherry bomb probably won’t change the buildings or anything else,” he told The Guardian in 2017.



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