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Uncle Nate

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Posts posted by Uncle Nate

  1. 1 hour ago, Butch Had Not said:

    Harrell is the OC in name but is littrell the play caller like we see so often? 

    The coaching trajectory has been swift for him,  if he had air raid concepts learned from being a qb in it and mix in littrells acumen from working with at UNC, IU, and UofA, he would be nice to have here but I know it won't go as well as we would hope. Because we can't have nice things and all. 

    No.  Seth is much more a traditional head coach, and he lets his coordinators call plays.

    The WR coach is Joel Filani, who also played at Tech when Seth was a coach but before Graham's time.  He is the one on the sidelines during the game coordinating with the players while Graham is up in the pressbox calling plays from there.

  2. 1 minute ago, Wally Pryor said:

    Not really.   A&M played its ass off and in doing so outplayed Clemson.  Clemson's secondary is a weakness but they're still one of the 3 best teams in the country.

    A&M played them straight up.  It's okay to admit that.  Regardless of how much we hate them.

    No, really.  Clemson played with its head up its ass the second half. And the punter should be told to find his own way home. 

  3. Clemson shit the bed 2nd half.  Seemed like two different teams from the first to second half. It was passing me off. 

    Glad Clemson got the W, but fuck me running they let that be way closer than it should have been. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, Uncle Nate said:

    Hey, is the lighter font to get rid us olds with aging eyes?

    Nevermind...apparently it is something with my Chrome browser because it's doing it on other sites as well.  It's darker in Explorer.  Weird.

  5. 2 hours ago, McCroskey said:


    Such a fact simply isn’t germane to the world I know.


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    The god damned Germans ain’t got nothing to do with it!

    • Like 3
  6. Just now, utee94 said:

    Eff you 2018. This is way worse than any of that crap people were whining about in 2016.


    Dude, my dad died in 2016.  But I'm going to give you a pass on this one because clearly you didn't know.

  7. 40 minutes ago, Moby Ric said:

    I was going to go ride the roller coaster at a texags and site won't open.  They taking a break to fill some more jazz jars for the upcoming game?

    Dress rehearsal for the meltdown?

    Pre-emptive meltdown?

  8. 1 hour ago, mdmost said:

    The NFL has to be thrilled that Nike took the heat off them on opening week of the season. 

    Did they?  Or did they just throw more gas on the fire?

    I really don't see where Nike thinks there is an upside here.  But then, I never understood the logic of any corporation risking to alienate customers over a political position.  It doesn't matter which side you are on...that's just dumb business in my humble opinion.  Even if you think 99% of your customer base is in the same corner as you on the position, why even go there?  Where is the upside?

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