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Uncle Nate

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Posts posted by Uncle Nate

  1. I don't want Leach 2.0. 

    Seth runs the ball, an he runs it effectively. Also plays defense, something we haven't seen a lot of in the South Plains.  But when I watch Seth and Graham's offense, I see an offense that has the passing option of the air raid mixed with a good, sound running attack.  

    If Seth can build a winning program at UNT, then I know he can have success at Tech.

  2. Watching the UNT-SMU game last night, and the routes the WR's ran and how much it reminded me of Leach's old teams, I wouldn't mind Tech bringing in Littrell,  with Harrell and Filani on the staff as well.  

  3. Thank you, Kliff, for providing me an opportunity to be much more productive than I would have been this fall.  I have a lot on my plate and not being distracted by a successful Tech football team will help me get it all done.


  4. Just now, Neonmoon said:

    Overheard Tech fan at work “We are going to be pretty strong this year. We arguably have the best Linebackers in the league” 

    I'm a Tech fan, and I have to laugh at that statement.

    Plus, we are going to suck at QB.  So there's that.


    Caveat:  I'm the Eeyore of Texas Tech football.  I'm like Randy Quaid from Major League II.  

  5. 20 minutes ago, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

    My argument stands that a comic book company produces more relevant and worthwhile material pays taxes and doesn't get involved in the government. Why shouldn't churches be held to account and pay for the services that everyone else has to? Especially when massive amounts of their income doesn't even go to charitable causes?

    1. More relevant and worthwhile material is your opinion.  What you dismiss others see as truth, and vice versa admittedly.

    2.  Again, let's be careful not to lump everyone into the same boat.  Don't confuse these scam artist mega churches with the churches who actually practice what God commands.  Let me be clear...I do not consider Joel Osteen and his like to be true Christians.  They are motivational speakers who are preaching a false gospel in order to attain wealth.  They should be called out for the con artists that they are and taxed appropriately.  I'm just trying to point out that there is a clear and true difference between them and traditional, mission and gospel oriented churches who, when having to decide between spending their limited funds on helping the community vs. their own church building maintenance, more times than not choose the former because that is the right thing to do.   

  6. 19 minutes ago, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

    My apologies that your delicate sensibilities were bruised by my obviously abhorrent language. Tell me, were you more offended that I called out the clear nonsense you are peddling here or just that I used a few bad words?

    I think my question was pretty apparent.  This has been a civil discussion and all of a sudden you are all pissed off and calling names out of the clear blue.  I was just curious as to why?

    I don't think I'm peddling anything.  I have not been evangelizing or anything. I thought it was a decent discussion between people with different points of view.  If you can't handle a civil debate without getting all pissed off, then either find some better meds or don't engage in the debate.

    • Like 1
  7. There are still volunteers, from a lot of these little churches who can't afford their electric bills, heading to Houston even now to help with rebuilding homes for Harvey victims.  There is zero publicity that this is still going on.  The work is not done, folks.


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  8. 18 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

    Haven’t done enough research into others. That has nothing to do with the fact that every church should pay taxes

    Actually, it very much does.  If you single out churches as non-profits that should pay taxes but not other non-profits, then you are discriminating solely on the basis of religion, which is unconstitutional.


  9. 44 minutes ago, Valmy77 said:

    Especially as College Station is a very long way from the Panhandle. I have no idea why it is any of A&M's business if Tech's donors give money to Tech to open a new program. But then I haven't read Sharpe's article.

    You look up "aggy" in the thesaurus and the first synonym it lists is "insecure."

    • Haha 1
  10. 23 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

    Then get more followers. Basic business. They can’t make enough to pay taxes, they shouldn’t exist.

    Do you have the same stance for every other non-profit, or just the religious ones?


  11. 19 minutes ago, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

    Marvel Comics pays its taxes and it churns out more relevant and compelling literature on a regular basis than does the entirety of any church or religion in the country. But not only that, they don't see their way into trying to get involved in the politics of the government. So yeah, your fucking church can pay taxes dickbag.

    What's with the hate?  This debate has been civil.


  12. 19 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

    The churchs have a say in the government now. Osteen’s church made 78 million in contributions.

    Treat the Church like every other for profit entity in the county. They are a business and nothing more. Treat them as such.

    But they aren't for profit.

    And I'm not talking about the mega churches.  I'm talking about the small, barely surviving churches. They don't even know what a profit would look like.  They expend more into the community than they bring in.  


  13. 18 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

    Cool. Then stop giving them an exemption from the thing that everyone else has to do. 

    If you tax the churches like everyone else, then the churches get to have a say in the government (the churches, not the individual members).  I don't think you want that, do you?  I don't.  I believe in the separation of church and state.  It's called the two kingdoms.

    I don't want the church involved in the government, and I don't want the government involved in the church.  The only way to have true separation.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Go Pokes said:

    So is mine.  Unlike these two misogynistic racist neanderthals,  I will be going to see it.  Mainly because I have an Asian fetish and wanna bone Jessica Wu.  




    We won't be going to see it precisely BECAUSE my wife knows I have an Asian fetish.


  15. 22 hours ago, InkaUtexas said:

    I divorced an anti-vaxxer. Sad thing is she is in nursing school now. Like most conspiracy people, anti-vaxxers are so susceptible to other BS they can become a scary group. 


    How ironic, considering she must have a huge list of vaccinations in order to do her clinical rotations, which she has to do in order to get her degree.

  16. 3 hours ago, clapclapclap said:

    I dunno, I think it might be scarier to be a kidnapped tourist in a faraway land where they partially amputate some of your limbs, rip out an eyeball, rape with a electric prod, sandpaper your skin and then pour on alcohol, sew you and your companions together mouth to butt into the human centipede, then smother in fire ants and leave you to slowly await the days later relief of death.  JMO.

    Anybody else read this with Billy Crystal's voice in your head?

    "I hate when that happens"


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