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Uncle Nate

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Posts posted by Uncle Nate

  1. And Angelo's frog is 100% correct about Bob Duncan.  I remember when he first ran for the house back in the 90's.  Duncan has always been what I would consider a true model of what a good leader should be.  If we had more politicians at both the state and federal level like Duncan, we wouldn't be in near the mess we are in today.



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  2. Let's be careful not to lump all churches in with the Osteen-modeled prosperity gospel mega churches that are nothing more than big businesses who do not preach basic Christian principles, but rather are more of a motivational speaker/entertainment show combination.

    I read some of the posts here and it makes me fearful that for all too many it has to be an "all or nothing" approach.  I think such an approach would ruin, and I don't use that term lightly, a large number of small, struggling congregations who are money poor but Gospel rich.  My little church falls into that category.

    These prosperity gospel preachers like Osteen, the guy in the Woodlands, and guys up here in DFW are preaching a false gospel, and raking in millions in the process.  I have no problem with them being taxed because clearly they are simply wealthy motivational speakers.  I've listened to Osteen a few times on the teevee...and I don't recall the name Jesus ever being uttered by him, nor the gospel that we are saved through Christ's blood alone.

    But in our zeal to call these mega-church millionaire preachers out for the con men they are (and they are con men, there is no doubt), let's be careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater and destroy a number of good, true gospel-preaching small, poor congregations in the process.  If my church had to pay property taxes on our small, dilapidated property at the rates of a normal business, we would have to shut our doors.  That would also shut the doors on our Christian daycare that my community...many of whom are not Christian at all...have come to depend on for good, quality, child care that they can't find elsewhere.

    • Like 8
  3. 19 minutes ago, angelos's frog said:

    Robert Duncan is a helluva guy and it was a huge mistake for Tech to let him go.  This smells of politics to me.  Duncan is a former state senator and has always been part of the more moderate wing of the Republican party.  With the party's lurch to the hard right, I'm sure that he found himself at odds with some of the behind the scenes kingmakers like Sullivan and they engineered this based on a false pretext.  Shit like this is why I left the Republican party after being a Reagan volunteer in '84 and voting in Republican primaries for over 30 years.

    Let's just be clear that "Tech" did not let him go.  Rather, it was a group of Aggy Perry-appointed Regents with little, if any, real connection to Texas Tech University who forced him out.  Perry fucked over higher education in Texas for years with his BOR appointments across the board along with his legislative agendas for over a decade.

    • Like 2
  4. 29 minutes ago, slorch said:

    my aggy friends always act surprised why I hate Texas A&M so much...then when I real you off their lies and petty bullshit through the years, it goes into, “ Well, you gotta understand...”


    no, fuck you motherfuckers.  You will never change and there’s a reason y’all are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.  Go fucking die  In a fire... I don’t even care if you light it first.

    Testify, brother.

  5. 18 hours ago, Surly Bevo said:

    You don’t really need to wait until BTTF2 to worry about plot holes. How about the whole notion that if George beats Biff’s ass and is now this smooth motherfucking writer who is plugging hot skinny Lorraine, writing best selling novels, buying Marty a 4x4 and accomplishing anything he puts his mind to that Marty probably doesn’t have the kind of upbringing that leads him to spend all his time hanging out with a crazy ass single scientist who used to spend all his time with a bunch of cabbies in New York City.

    Better yet...if he is this high paid author, why are they still living in that shitty ass house, and why does he only have the ONE car for himself, his wife, his oldest son, and daughter to all share while the youngest gets a 4x4 all to himself?


  6. 1 hour ago, Art Vandelay said:

    I think some of y'all may be naming the #1 song on the day you were born instead of the #1 song on your 14th birthday, as stated in my post. Not that it really matters, of course. It's just some stupid shit I saw on Facebook. But I think the point was popular music has a real impact on you when you're around that age...or something.

    My bad.

    #1 song on my 14th birthday:  "Livin' on a Prayer" - Bon Jovi

  7. 51 minutes ago, phdhorn said:

    I've thought a lot since I was a kid, like, if your dick is out on a bike, and you fall or trip or something, and your dick gets caught in the spokes, and like it gets chopped off, it would be, like, really bad, you know?

    That's what I think about regarding dicks and bikes.

    Your avatar is perfect next to that post.


  8. On 8/4/2018 at 12:09 AM, Jhawk said:

    So obviously a cia hit it isn’t even funny. I’m guessing they’ll “investigate” for 12-20 months and never release anything. A lot like Vegas. Once no one cares and the media won’t pick it up they will release that the hitman has some crazy motive or something. But it won’t be something suspicious enough for the press (which is 50% CIA anyway) to cover. 

    Fact is, GHWB ran his mouth and it got a dude killed. And as a the former head of the CIA it is actually the least important person he has ever contributed to the killing of. 


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  9. What's weird is it hasn't made the DRC police blotter at all this week.

    You would think the finding of a body along I-35 who is beat up and brain dead would have made that.  Every other little police radio call does.  But it is the DRC...so I take that with a grain of salt.  

  10. On 5/25/2018 at 8:29 AM, pearlandhorn said:

    I took astronomy in college for my science credits.  Bitches love astronomy.  For anyone who doesn't believe there other complex carbon based life forms in the universe (are there any of those people left?), take a look at that picture.  Makes you feel very, very small in the grand scheme of things.  We aren't special.


  11. Dropped 30 pounds since mid-April.

    I had been stalled at the 20-25 pound mark for about a month or so after doing keto & intermittent fasting.  Then I went on a trip overseas, ate 3-4 (or more) times a day, ate carbs and sugar and drank beer, and came back and dropped 5+ pounds almost instantly.

    So sometimes the best way to break a stall is to just change up the routine dramatically.  In my case, increasing meals and carbs helped trigger my body to start dropping weight again when I went back to low carb/IF.

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