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Everything posted by TreatyOak

  1. Dripping Springs will be a hard game. It's in their house, they have a terrific QB (heading to Baylor), and they will be psyched out of their minds as they enter 6A. It's tough living life as an eternal pessimist but I manage.
  2. Well, the polls are out and as usual, Westlake's been disrespected! MaxPreps shaved off our logo to minimize our impact. And Dave Campbell's Texas Football is doing their usual bait-and-switch, "rank us too high to sabotage our season," hack. Joking aside, I do predict our 3-year reign of terror ends this year. We will have a good line, pretty good D, great RB & WRs. However, there will be a BIG drop-off at QB as two untested players battle for the job and I think you need a great, proven QB to win it all. North Shore was an exception last year w/ a very talented freshman but he could be a generational player. We could even lose games in district to LT and Dripping Springs.
  3. People forget how much development Young required.
  4. I like this lawyer's videos. In this video, he covered the hearing last November, so it won't address the PC issues.
  5. I certainly don't have an informed opinion of the merits of his defense lawyer's claim. However, I've seen the security footage of Ruggs driving 150 miles an hour and I've seen the video of him sitting on the ground following the wreck. It sure looks like they had plenty of reasons to test his alcohol level. I would like to understand how driving drunk and killing someone affects the sentence. Does it normally increase the penalties? Was his lawyer fighting to have his test removed from the case due to this, or is it just because it is the lawyer's only angle to play to have the case thrown out?
  6. Yes, we have lost respect for laws and our constitution. I agree with you. But the scenario you speak of is make-believe. The situation we are discussing is an actual horrendous crime and given the non-disputed facts, his defense lawyer's claims are laughable.
  7. "A lawyer for Ruggs, David Chesnoff, had argued there was no probable cause for the tests, which were taken about two hours after the pre-dawn crash. Authorities say Ruggs' blood alcohol content was 0.16 -- more than twice Nevada's legal limit. But Chesnoff said that officers on the scene knew they didn't have enough evidence for probable cause, that involvement in the fiery crash wasn't enough. Chesnoff claimed that it didn't matter to the sergeant on the scene. "And that's what's wrong," Chesnoff argued. "It does matter, and it has to matter because, if it doesn't matter, then we are in lawless society." No, Chesnoff, that's not why we are in a lawless society. We are in a lawless society because of people like Ruggs who get roaring drunk, drive 150 miles an hour, kill someone and then people like you try to get them exonerated.
  8. Wow, I'm so sorry. That is truly horrible for you. FYI, I hope Ruggs goes away for a long time.
  9. Right? It's outrageous that his lawyers said police had no legal reason to request a blood draw, but I know that is what lawyers are trained to do..
  10. Can any of our astute lawyers here explain this to me? He refused a blood alcohol test at the crash and then had his blood tested two hours later. If he refused the test onsite, how was law enforcement able to administer one two hours later? Did they need an emergency court order to do so? "On Tuesday, his lawyers are scheduled to argue in court that Las Vegas police had no legal reason to request a warrant for blood to be drawn from Ruggs the morning of the crash. Police did not conduct a field sobriety test at the site of the crash. A police report said that Ruggs refused. Ruggs' lawyers plan to argue that any blood alcohol test result should not be allowed as evidence because there was no probable cause to believe Ruggs was driving under the influence. Authorities say Ruggs' blood alcohol content, measured two hours after the crash, was 0.161 -- more than twice the legal limit in Nevada."
  11. I thought that was you. Seriously, next time will, for sure, reach out to you. And props for playing baseball in this insane heat.
  12. Okay, just had my latest amazing day spent with even more NFL stars. Got to hang w Micah Parsons again this summer. We got to talk about his rookie season. He's a little bigger than last summer and seems to have even more swagger, if that's possible. He's very serious but friendly. This year, we also got to hang w D'Andre Swift RB Georgia/Lions. He's very compact and solid. Nice guy that you can talk shit with. Got to hang with rookie George Pickens WR Georgia/Steelers. Super fun guy just looking to have a good time. I got to play catch with him, so I've renewed my streak of playing catch with stars at one. I then sent him and his agent to Barton Springs. Hope they had fun!!! Below is shot of him making an insane catch for the promo. Then we threw giant beach balls at him. You know-normal stuff. Probably most amazing was Christian Wilkens. DE Clemson/Dolphins He is the most athletic big guy I've ever seen! He can catch anything, including a greased bowling ball behind his back! Next summer, @immamac let's do some kind of contest and I'll bring a couple of Surly guys with me. Enjoy! Parsons. If he tackled me, I'd be dead. Swift - wouldn't want to try to tackle him Pickens! My new fave player! Go Dawgs/Steelers. Wilkens. Wow, what an amazing athlete. Normal stuff. Swift Pickens picking it out of the air. Okay.
  13. Even in HS school you could tell VY was super-talented but super-talented players sometimes don't pan out. We haven't seen Quinn play in college yet, but to my untrained eye, he has more of the overall skills required to be successful QB at an earlier stage in his career.
  14. I would argue that Ewers is a better, more polished, all-around QB coming out of HS than VY. If you recall, VY red-shirted and then he had mixed results for his first two playing seasons. Even his 2004 season had some ups and downs until Mack adjusted the offense to match his skill set.
  15. There are only two high schools in the US with two Super Bowl MVP QB's. Isidore Newman HS Austin Westlake Ironically, our Chaps played Quinn Ewers in the 2020 6A D1 state championship. We won, but I got to watch a QB who played on an amazing level for a HS player. We put incredible pressure on him all game and he kept bringing it, scoring 35 points on our D which had previously given up 70 for the season. I'm glad we've got Arch Manning, but I'm rolling with Quinn. He is going to star here for the next two years. You can hold me to it.
  16. Hahah, from the article: "Now, you may only win four games a year, but yeah, six figures is hard to pass up.
  17. Thanks, @LTtxfan Okay, we got to hang w Colt McCoy today, which makes hm the 3rd Texas QB I've got to hang with in a year. He was super-nice and easy to talk to. He told me about meeting Cade Klubnik and how good he thinks he can be. He has stayed in excellent shape. Sadly, I did not ask him to throw me a pass, so my string of passes from Texas QBs is stalled at 2, but maybe next year. I did get a signed ball, though, so that's almost as good.
  18. I got to hang w Quinn Ewers and DeMarion Overshown last week for their NIL gig. Both are super low-key, cool guys, and Quinn's pretty funny. Quinn Ewers seems like a guy who is just fun having in life. I made him throw me a pass, lol, to go along with my Casey Thompson pass. When he was throwing to DeMarvion, (see below) you could see he has perfect form. He whips the ball lighting-fast over his head and it rockets out of his hand. He will be hard to sack cause his release is so quick. I know he sometimes slings it sidearm, but every pass he threw that I saw was totally overhead.
  19. I didn't get a good look at it. It was one of those black shirts with the giant, dumb graphics on it. It was so cool that he was wearing it. His whole fashion vibe is pretty funny and entertaining.
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