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Posts posted by davidg

  1. How tight would your tether be to those jacklines?  Seems like if you were forward and fell over, there wouldn't be any way you are getting back on board by yourself.   Are they more to help keep you in the boat or keeping you attached to the boat if you fell in?

  2. 20 hours ago, Macanudo said:

    Do it right and go to the grocery store too with a big giant list.  Then hit a bar, drink a beer or three, go to the grocery store and speed shop for the list.   I guaran-damn-tee that I can do a grocery shop trip, with every item on the list purchased in half the time (or less) than 99% of women. 

    My grocery store has a beer and wine bar in it. 12 beers on tap, mostly local/Texas breweries.   A couple of pints of craft brew make a half time break between non-perishable and cold foods.  

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  3. 50 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Yeah, isn't this standard practice?

    Yes it is.  They left the trailhead at 6am and were on the summit before noon.  I think they spent a bunch of time at the summit and let that storm sneak up on them as they were expecting storms in the late afternoon per the forecast.  The first sos went out about 1:20 MDT and they were about a mile down from the summit but had about another mile before getting off the ridge and down below the treeline.  I think they said there were two other groups on the summit when they left but they went down a different trail.

  4. Well,  my kids made the summit of Mt Elbert, but unfortunately got themselves caught in a storm on the ridge near the second summit on the way back down.  They crawled down off the ridgeline into some rocks and covered with a survival blanket with falling temperatures, hail, high winds and lightning around.  Since the weather forecast for later that afternoon was for storms the rest of the evening they kinda of freaked out and didn't think they could stay like that for another 8-10 hours.  They ended up punching the SOS on the spot tracker.

    My drive home from visiting my father was interrupted with call from the Lake County, CO emergency management saying they received an SOS from Mt Elbert.  Not what you want to hear on your Saturday afternoon drive.  At about the same time I got one cryptic text from the kids says "in storm on summit, lightning" and nothing else.  We couldn't tell if one of them was hit or what.  LC Sheriff rescue was starting to gear up to send a couple of guys up to the summit to determine the situation and put a helo on standby if the weather broke and was needed.  After a bit we were able to get a couple of 3 word texts to transmit back and forth and were able to determine that they weren't hurt at that time and just didn't think they could stay there if the storm was all evening.    After about 45 minutes the storm let off, the skys cleared and we were able to get phone contact and find out more about the situation and they decided they would walk off by themselves.   

    They spent yesterday soaking at a hot spring and are headed back to Texas today.  I guess they have a pretty good story to tell about their summer trip.







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  5. My kids have been hiking and camping around Colorado for the last 10 days and are climbing Mt Elbert in the morning.  They had a reserved site at the RMNP East Portal campground and they got fcfs campsites at the Timber Creek Campsite in western side of the park.  They have also stayed at a fcfs site at Turquoise Lake in Leadville.  They havent sent many pics back but I'm extremely jealous that I'm not with them but also proud that they planned and are executing a trip by themselves.






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  6. On 7/17/2018 at 8:18 AM, UnivTex34 said:

    Crap, didn't see this and was wanting to buy one for myself.  We used them on our Philmont trips and they work great for a larger group backpacking together.

  7. I love this song and especially this performance.  Alice is having to read the lyrics off a sheet on the floor but when she kicks in at 5:10, everytime.


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  8. Late to the table top party but my daughter (no pics) and I built a round table top to be fitted to a cable spool for a table in her apartment last summer.  We used 1x red oak from Home Depot with a AC plywood base.  We glued up the boards two or three at a time making sure we got good edge joints and that everything was flat.  Used a bunch of cheap bar clamps from Harbor Freight (50") for the last glue up.  Used the #5 plane on a few high spots and then the RO sander to knock it down smooth.   Built a few quick stools out of 2x12 YP to go with it.


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  9. 4 hours ago, Sbbruin said:

    Since we don't have a dedicated Boy Scout thread, I'll post here.  At last night's Court of Honor, it was announced that our troop is going to allow girls starting in 2019.  It is being driven by 2 dads.  They approached the Greater LA council, who then shoved it down our troops throat.  It will be very interesting to see how it will work.  It has not been decided if they will form a separate patrol withing the troop or be integrated into existing patrols.  

    Another sign that I am losing my America.

    Its probably stated in the other thread but girls in BSA require their own troop/patrols/scoutmaster.  Girl and Boy troops within a chartered org can share a committee but thats about it.  They can't just join a regular troop and be put into a patrol. 

    Only Venturing (age 14-21) is co-ed.

    This graphic explains it fairly well.



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