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Posts posted by davidg

  1. 15 hours ago, Bone3421 said:

    Ran by rei today and didnt love any of the packs...most options were osprey's,deuters and gregory at the 60L+ range....didnt see any exos but liked the kestrel(osprey also) 

    Little more research and guess i will decide in a week or two

    Today just bought a compression sack and a compass


    I think you said in  a previous post that right now you had a max pack weight of about 45lb with water and food.  I don't think I would want to be carrying that much weight over that trail.  Are you looking to change your gear to move to a lighter weight?   What does your current gear list and weight look like?  Do you have a budget for acquiring gear for the trip?

     When I was gearing up for our first Philmont trip I bought a 100lb digital  scale   and a 5KG kitchen scale .    I made up a spreadsheet of everything I was going to carry and weighed it all out to the 1/10 of an oz.  You can really see the oz's add up when you write it all down.  I was able to get my base to about 15-16lb.

    If you are really looking to lighten up, look at the smaller, boutique gear manufacturers.  For packs, look at the Gossamer Gear Mariposa,  the Zpacks Arc Blast or Haul, ULA Circuit Packs or the Osprey Levity.  For our trips, my son used a Mariposa and carried about 35lb max in it with water.  I use a trimmed down REI Flash 65.  By cutting off all the extra string and strap length, I was able to get it down below 3lbs and it carries 40lb ok.

  2. 19 hours ago, rpspeed said:

    This sweet ride at Lowes




    nice pvc rollbar


    Helped a buddy in high school cut the roof off of a 4x4 suburban like this .  Sprayed a rattle can camo paint  job and  installed a 6" pipe front bumper.   It became the war wagon for stupid high school senior shit.  We would fill the thing up with people and a couple of coolers of beer and go thrash it out in the country side.     /csb

  3. 19 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    Out to dinner last night, wrapping up, boy playing with his brother on the kindle. Wife gets up to go to bathroom and starts walking away from the table. Boy jumps up with his kindle and starts taking creaper pics from the backside. "What the hell are you doing?" Little shit eating grin. Little Burt in the making. 

    Taking pics of his mom?



    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  4. 2 hours ago, BNB said:

    I don't travel overseas much, but this question just hit me again.

    We were walking a mile or so to a waterfall...

    I asked my cousin when we were on vacation in the US:  Since Europeans (and I don't know what other countries) drive on the other side of the road,  do they walk on the other side of the sidewalk in other countries.  She couldn't really give me an answer.  I thought it might be hard to google.

    You enter an area, that has just opened, do people start walking on the left of the sidewalk, or the right?  How does that work.


    As an American, walk down whichever side you damn well please.  




    And also



  5. I've been listening to Dorothy for about a year and a half now and they are one of my favorite bands.  Their first album RockIsDead is a great first effort of Dorothy Martins fantastic voice over fat blues rock riffs.  

    Their second album 28 Days in the Valley was released last month, was produced by Linda Perry, and features a new backing band with a mellower 70s sound.  Its definitely a departure from RiD but after a few listens it works really well.

    I saw them here in Houston the week before SXSW as they closed out a 3 month headlining tour playing clubs around the US.  They then played several shows at SXSW and have been doing radio spots promoting the album and made a few early spring festival shows.  They announced last week that they are opening for Greta Van Fleet for 10 sold out shows starting May 1st in Houston, then Dallas and Austin the next days.  If you have tickets to GVF,  show up early and you wont be disappointed.





  6. 3 hours ago, Chad Fuck said:

    That's a holy shit right there.  Is he wearing a chute?  Because no telling what cutting him loose did to the integrity of the flying suit.


    So I guess you are furked if this happens and you are that last guy out the door.  Is there a jumpmaster on the plane that stays behind with the pilot?

  7. 53 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    I have a hennesey hammock.  It's great.  A pad does work in moderately cool temps, say around 40, but much lower than that, and you need the other cold-weather solutions like the underquilt.  In warm weather, it's fantastic.  It also uses straps rather than rope or cord to tie to trees, so it minimizes the impact.


    The key to avoiding busting your back is to choose trees that are far enough apart.  If the hammock is hanging in a U, you are going to be in for it.  If you can get it to a reasonable catenary curve, it sleeps great.

    The key is lying cattycorner in the hammock where your head is on side of the center line and feet on the other. Use a ridgeline system to ensure the hammock can be set to the right amount of slack regardless of the tree separation distance.  With my hammock set up correctly, I can lie almost flat.

  8. Buy a large Pelican or SKB case with foam inserts and rollers. They are expensive but about the only thing to use if you need to check a bag and be sure the contents will not be broken. I have a big SKB and its about the only thing  I use when I check a bag these days. 

    I think this is the one I have:







  9. Just now, BlueGreySky said:

    did he even get tazed once?  from his reactions it looks like the hooks didn't catch flesh, because every time they light him up there's no response.

    the cop kept trying to taze him with the gun probes through the shirt.  Seems like he could have just stuck him where his shirt was pulled up and it would have been good night alice

  10. I've got Neoair Trekker for backpacking comfort and use either my old Big Agnes Insulated AirCore or  a Thermarest Luxury Map XL  plus a blue eggcrate pad for car camping.  When I bought the Neoair, it was the lightest on the market except for a couple of the exo-frame pads that require you to sleep on your back.  

  11. ROFL,

    Is the tent mainly for scout camping?  If so, consider going ahead and moving to a backpacking style tent.  When out troop first started, most of the dad's were using their big 4-6 person family tents that they had used in cubs/webelos.  We would have a bunch of big tents with 1 person in them.  As we started moving toward more backpacking activities, the tents sizes started dropping, even for trailer based campouts.      Now, most of the tents are 1 or  2 person backpacking tents.   They are easier to pack and put up than the bigger tents and we don't look like the Ringling Bros with all the big top tents.

    The REI Half Dome 2+ is big enough for for most site camping and still can be used for backpacking in a pinch.  My goto for most scout campouts is an REI Quarter Dome 2+ and on backpacking trips I go lightweight with a Tarp Tent Protrail.    

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