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Posts posted by davidg

  1. If its a small two lane ramp and you are dicking around hogging the center, I will back my boat and truck down close enough that you can't walk between the vehicles and launch before you realize whats happening.  I  have zero tolerance for lollygagging at the boat ramp and my wife and kids have picked up that trait too.   We've had lots of laughs at the boat ramp at other peoples expense. 


  2. 1 hour ago, PvilleStang said:

    You should see what he did to your mom...


    But honestly, I do a half and half on the motor / winch strap when trailering.  Wife's got the trailering part down, but with all the assholes wake-surfing right by the ramp, I have her pull it in just enough to get the boat on the bunks without it flopping around, then hook it on, pull it to center, then tell her to goose it with the lower unit almost all the way trimmed up.  A few cranks, and it's perfect.  Doesn't take a ton of muscle, either.  Hope our next boat has the guides at the end of the trailer to help keep 'er centered, but not overly worried.

    I always let one of the kids or my wife pull the boat on the trailer.  They drop me off to get the truck then pull back out and wait away from the ramp.  By the time I've got the trailer backed in and hop out of the truck, they are 50' away, idleing right toward the trailer.  Once it hits the bunks a little goose on the throttle to slide it up a couple of feet and I attach the strap and winch the last 2 or 3 feet.   they will kill and trim the motor and we are off in about a minute and a half.

    I figure that its hard to sink a boat while just idleing around and the worst that could happen is a scuffed rub rail or maybe a little scratch on the gel coat.  I would much rather this happen than a jackknifed trailer or submerged truck.

  3. 10 minutes ago, thrillhammer said:

    I dont recall there being decent hiking at either park.  have you looked at the hiking maps on the tpwd website?

    You will want to get a real early start hiking in PD during the summer.  We did the Rock Garden trail on our way to Philmont in late July 2015.  Several kids and an adult were in the first stages of heat exhaustion when we go back to the vehicles.  It started off cool in the morning  but was blazing by the time we reached the rim. 

    The lighthouse trail is another popular one.




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  4. Isn't the 375 Wby basically an improved 375 H&H?  Why not use 375 H&H as starting loads vs extrapolating from a 30.06?  I haven't compare the specs on both 375s but one would think that almost any 375 H&H load would be within maximum of the Wby.

  5. Was looking through an email archive over the weekend and found an old email that I sent out after a fishing trip to our place that happened a long time ago.  Forgive the length but I think its a nice read.

    I was able get up to our farm a couple of weekends ago with my Dad, one of my best friends from back home and a friend of his, who lives near me down here in Houston.  We were planning on setting some trotlines in Lake R/C and doing a little bass fishing in our small lake.  When Dad and Beau arrived Friday afternoon, a strong, 25 mph south wind was blowing 2'+ waves onto our shoreline where we launch.  Since Dad only likes to use his old 12' johnboat (and paddle at that) to set lines in the big lake, they retreated back to our small 12 acre lake and set one line out, using some hand-sized perch as bait, for opelusa catfish.

    The small lake has given up lots of op's in the past 30 years, including a 72 pound family record that Dad caught back in the late '80s.  Spring, two years ago we did pretty good in Lake R/C,  catching 15 op with a total weight of 302 lbs.  Last year we only set the big lines twice without catching any large fish either time.

    Since the wind was still blowing strong when we arrived in from Houston that night we only had the one line set.  The line was set with one 2 liter jug in the middle to keep the baits off the bottom.  As we pulled up to the lake the next morning,  we noticed that the jug was pulled into the wind, out of line of the two post driven into the lake bottom that act as the trotline anchors.  Waiting for my Dad to join us, we watched the jug move back and forth, occasionally tipping up and submerging (a la  JAWS).  FISH ON!  We climbed into Beau's 16' john and trolling motored over to the first anchor post.  Dad got ahold of the line and we quick ran down to the fish.  It looked to be a nice one.

    Our preferred method of fighting a large trotlined fish is to use another 2 liter jug with a short piece of cord and a quick-clip trotline/longline clip.  We move down the line and attach the jug as close to the fish as possible.  The fish will make several 'runs' against the jug (you release the trotline when the fish surges) and will soon tire.  When the fish tires you can then either reach in and gill the fish into the boat or use a 'large' dipnet.  We soon had the fish in the boat, a 42lber.

    The wind died a little on Saturday so we were able to set our other big cat lines in R/C and one small line we use for catching channel catfish.  We spend the rest of Saturday catching bait for the big lines and running the small line a few times.  The small line will usually give up about 6-10 1-2 lb channels each run so we had a nice mess of fish for a fry Saturday night (4 men, 7lbs fresh channel cat fillets, 2-12 packs of beer = life is good) and a bunch for the live box.  We hit the sack foundered from a good feed looking forward to running the lines in the morning.

    We arrived at the little lake first thing and again noticed the jug moving into the wind.  Another fish on!  We went to the anchor post and picked up the line and Johhny promptly had the line pulled from his hand.  The fish was on the first hook in 3' of water.  He got the fish on the jug and played out like a pro.  The dipnet went out and into the boat came a 48lber!   We
    congratulated one another for a moment, then realized that there was something still pulling.  We ran down the line to the other end and found a 12 lb channel cat as a bonus fish.  A real nice run for the little lake.

    We went on down to our landing on R/C and Dad and Johnny ran the lines there while Beau and I started cleaning fish.  3 hours and 39 catfish later we were done.  Here's a few pictures of how to land a big op.

    Putting the jug on the line



    Fish up to the surface




    Get the net


    Lift her in the boat


    Get the hook out


    In the bottom of a 54" jonboat


    Getting ready to weighg



    Up on the scale



    42 pounds


    Catch another one the next day





    TL;DR: caught some big catfish a long time ago

    • Like 3
  6. 19 minutes ago, G650 said:

    I also go to Hooters for the wings.

    Very upper class of you, not unlike a guy I worked with who would take his wife there on their anniversary and get 20 wings and a bottle of Dom.

  7. 52 minutes ago, markstanco said:

    I did find this video I have, forgot I had it on YT.  Caddo Lake in 2011 when the water level was really low.  Vert Video ON PURPOSE. 


    Nice Stanco.  I hear you really *love* that mud motor.

    • Like 1
  8. 10 hours ago, Sam Lin said:

    Dairy Queen in Thailand are all dessert only - ice cream, sundaes, ice cream cakes, Dilly Bars, Blizzards, etc. No cooked items anywhere. Note the biggest Blizzard is "Take Home" size and is about half of a US Large. The sweet spot is the large chocolate dipped cone for 20thb, or 70 cents. They have seasonal fruit flavors like mango, passionfruit, mangosteen. Dilly bar flavors vary location to location, chocolate with peanuts has been the hardest to reliably get.



    All about the dipped cone:


    Suprised that its not a DQ/Orange Julius.  Seems like the ones I saw in Singapore, Indonesia and Dubai were combos.

  9. On 5/1/2018 at 3:27 PM, Chad Fuck said:

    Duran Duran had some good fucking videos.


    The is an extended  NSFW version of GOF and either Hungry Like the Wolf or Rio that was played on video monitors in the clubs back in the day.  There were ones by other groups too but I don't remember any right now. 

    • Like 1
  10. 22 hours ago, dingleberryswitzer said:

    When you go to a mexican restaurant they bring chips and salsa soon after you sit down.  Then they bring tortillas with the meal.  I assume they just throw the leftovers away, so I take them because I hate food being wasted.  

    Actually it's when you ask for more chips and tortillas to go with that last piece of fajita meat on the platter, then you box then up.

  11. I haven't really fished hard for trout/redfish for close 10 years so all small stuff I have is old school.  My gotos are round reels: a Calcutta 200 on a Castaway 7' med rod and a 100 on an OG shrimp tail special IM6.  I broke the Castaway a couple of years ago and ended up buying a Curado and  a cheap Med Allstar popping rod.  

    Thinking about getting a new Chronach.  What would be a good matching rod?  

  12. I went up Friday to our family place with a hometown buddy who brought my Dad over with him.  Our place has about a mile of shoreline on a shallow cove in the upper end of a large reservoir in East Tx.   We haven't catfished up there for several years mainly due to my mom's illness (F Cancer) and dad's degrading mental condition (F Alz).   Anyway, my buddy and Dad got up there early Friday and got some perch traps set out in our small lake for bait and set out a few jugs out of his kayak.  

    By the time I got up there Friday evening, they had a mess of fish in the live box.  I dropped my jon boat in the water but it wan't running right so we didn't put out any more line and just fished the jugs already out and from the bank that night.  We cooked up a good mess of fish and hushpuppies and went to bed stuffed.

    We got the jon boat running better on Saturday and set out two trotlines to be baited with live perch in an attempt to catch some flathead catfish.   We cooked up another mess of fish Saturday and had enough for breakfast on Sunday too.  No op on our line baited with the perch but picked up a couple of larger blues overnight along with some channels.  Had 3 gallons of fillets after eat fish 4 out of 5 meals.


    Its nice to pull up to the landing in the morning and see this out across the flat.








    Got a suprise on one of the jug lines Sunday morning.




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