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Everything posted by DeweyCox

  1. Is not 40. Does not like to shit with the door open, talk about pussy, go on riverboat gambling trips, or make his own beef jerky.
  2. I’ve spent most of my adulthood in oil/gas, including a few years in PA and WV. When the Utica and Marcellus boomed, it was a huge relief to WV as coal mining (once a major point of economy and identity) was being pushed out at the same time. A huge influx of Texans showed up taking many of the higher paying O/G jobs because we already had the skills/knowledge to make it happen. It pissed ‘em off. T.A.FT. stickers all over the place...on hardhats, bumpers, banjos...stands for This Ain’t Fuckin’ Texas. Mountaineer sports is about all there is to root for as far as state pride in competitive sports goes, so, you bet your ass they take seriously the chance to beat Texas at its own game...football. There will be a fight. It might all happen in the stands but there will be a fight.
  3. These scholarship vids kick ass. The energy in the room says it all.
  4. @Katfid54 should be here soon to clear up the confusions on this here page
  5. I was really impressed with the “team” mentality, more so than any individual performance. One of several examples is Eagles looking like a complete stud, yet instead of showboating he runs to celebrate the guys who allowed those plays to develop.
  6. Hey, Farva, what’s the name of that band with the song White Rabbit?
  7. Guess you haven’t heard that hustle never sleep
  8. Pretty sure that dude has a smokin hot woman
  9. 1,000,000th viewer! What do I win?
  10. How did his concert go? I couldn’t find it on tv...
  11. What’s really cool with that particular puzzle is that it is 100% interlocking! Those are the best...
  12. Now that that’s over... Look, I wanna’ be honest with you. I really need a job. And, I will take any position – as long as it doesn’t involve having sex with old ladies for money, or bear traps. Those are my two bugaboos.
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