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Everything posted by hrmaddie

  1. Oldest daughter was accepted to UT, Natural Science College. I was so pumped, but she feels the school is too big for her, I can understand that. She hasn't told them no, but it is not her #1 choice. She did get accepted to U of Arizona (good scholarship which would make it cheaper than UT for us), Butler, SMU and a couple of other schools. She is waiting to hear from TCU, Cornell and one other school, can't remember which before she decides. She did say TCU was too close to home and she wanted more distance. We took a visit to Arizona a couple of weekends ago. I think she woke up one day and decided I'm going to apply to some of the most expensive schools.
  2. Spent 9-10 days in Israel already. Came to Jordan to see Petra and see other sites.
  3. I’m in Amman, Jordan and can’t fucking wait to get on a plane tomorrow morning and get the fuck out of here. All the while I’ll be praying I don’t get shot down.
  4. Neonmoon - you should be able to get your body used to the long runs, build them up slowly. A marathon beats everyone up. My last 4/5 have stunk (according to me) things go wrong. Of the 12/13 I’ve done I can say 2 went really well and 1 awesome. Sometimes it takes quite a few before things click. 2010 - I would consider buying a used road bike. Not sure you will find anything decent to rent in Waco. Good luck with your training. If you have questions ask away a couple of us have done some triathlons. One guy on here is super fast.
  5. I have six acrylic magazine cases I no longer use, $25 for all 6 plus shipping (I'm thinking postage will be about $25). If you live in the D/FW area I can meet in the Plano, Frisco, Lewisville, or Flower Mound area I can meet you. They come with a foldable stand or they can be wall mounted. They will hold a standard magazine. I can't seem to figure out how to post a pic so if you want pics pm me.
  6. I saw that, crazy, she smashed it. Congrats to Jet Black amazing time on the Big Island!!!!!
  7. Just unbelievable. Now for Texas and Jet Black to get it done. I think age groups start at noon CST. ousux, Go Horns!!!!!
  8. Good luck Jet.Black - hopefully the winds are calm on the way back. Lots to watch this weekend: UT vs blowu , Ironman world championships, breaking 2 (I’d love to wake up and watch this but I just can’t this weekend), Chicago marathon.
  9. Running in the heat is tough, not sure if anyone ever gets used to it. I have found it easier over the years though, but I did swear off fall races. I used to have to take on water every mile or so, now my body doesn't start asking for water until around 6 miles. Maybe I'm doing a better job of drinking more water during the day, not sure, probably a combination of both. I ran 10 this morning and stopped at mile 4 to drink and then nothing until I got home. I do drink a big glass of water before I head out the door every morning. I live in the D/FW metroplex, the humidity is real and sucks. I'm looking forward to just breathing a less humid air. Bring on the cool weather and some rain.
  10. My BIL and SIL went to Panama for some kayak fishing, he caught a rooster fish on the last day and she caught the female world record cabrera snapper. I have no idea how that it is made official but they are entering the size in, whatever that means. You can skip to the middle or so and skip all of the reeling.
  11. I’ve done two fall races and have swore off them. I agree I’m done with the heat now. I too keep looking ahead for a glimpse of something. I’m outside of aggiesucks land for a couple of days on my daughter’s school trip. The entire day is outside hiking, canoeing and other shit. Why couldn’t the teachers pick a utter time of the year?
  12. Gasman ran Pikes Peak, too. Interested to hear what he thought of it.
  13. i ran the Pikes Peak Ascent on Saturday. Well I wouldn’t call it running more a very slow jog until mile 9 then it was a walk / stumble to the finish. Last mile took me around 28 min. The altitude got to me. It was great but I wasn’t prepared for how technical that trail is. I thought I would come in around 3:15-3:30 finished in 3:51:XX. The last few miles is so deflating looking at the switchbacks and how much more was left.
  14. Yeah it's crazy the quality of fish that he catches, I just wish he would give me some of the meat. He loves it though. I think one time he went 4-6 miles in a friggin kayak, too far for me. He seems to be safe about it, emergency phone, beacon, etc.
  15. My BIL has been going out on his kayak a bunch this year. I normally wouldn't post this, but a hammerhead shark came up and bit the largest kingfish I've ever seen in half. Starts at about the 3 min mark. He's going to Panama to do some kayak fishing at the end of August. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkVzA7F4bzA
  16. Congrats to JetBlack!!!! He killed it at Lubbock 70.3 yesterday.
  17. For the first time in ten years in Denton, I felt a little threatened on my run this morning. I run stupid early all year round. I live in the nice part of Denton, but have seen things over the years, nothing crazy. About once a year I see a drunk stumbling around trying to find their way home. I given them gloves and hats during the winter so they can make it home and not freeze. Saw a college guy during football season completely wasted at 4:30am. Weirdest thing I've seen was some guy late teens or early twenties knocked out cold in the park with his pants pulled down. Someone did a number on him and left him on the trail. I flagged someone down on the street to call the police. This morning I'm running down the street past the orthodontist office and I noticed a guy just standing next to the sign. I figured some teenager out all night. He yells at me "Hey man can I run with chu". I ignored him and kept running. Then I start hearing footsteps and I think great this fucker probably wants money, which I never carry when running. The only thing valuable on me is the watch. I don't carry a phone, ipod, keys, nothing. I can hear his pace pickup so I took off. I made a quick decision to not run to the CVS, but to run through over to the next neighborhood with lots of small hills. I figured no way he is going to keep. He'll crap out on the first hill, well he crapped out sooner than that. I'm still not sure what to make of it, probably wanted money, which I didn't have, but lately there have been some runners that have reported being followed or mugged (all in the college area of town). One woman in Corinth (town about 5 - 6 miles from my house) was assaulted, fortunately not sexually, she started screaming and people came out of their house. That was this past fall. I have a run for tomorrow morning not sure if I'm going to go that direction, but I probably will just maybe on the other side of the street. Might start carrying a taser or spray with me, don't want to. I reported the incident to the police, just a simple on-line report. I usually see one or two police when running early, not this morning though.
  18. It’s a sufferfest during the summer. I’m done before the sun rises. I wear a singlet, really short shorts and a headband. I look like I belong in the 70s but it helps. I still have to wring my clothes out when I get home. Summer sucks.
  19. If you can spare the cash (~ $250) get pre-fitted to a bike before you purchase. It can save you a lot of hassle, buying the wrong size bike or having pain while riding an ill-sized bike. My first tri bike I bought was too big and I could never get comfortable. Finally after paying for multiple fittings I found someone that gave me a proper fit. Not sure where you live, but if you look here maybe one of these fitters is within driving distance. https://www.slowtwitch.com/fitters/ After the fitting the fitter should tell what size bikes will work. If you decide to go this route make sure the fitter knows up front you would like the fit coordinates and a list of bikes that will work best and not just what they sell. I've gone through the pain of getting fit only for the fitter to recommend two bikes that they sell in the shop, neither which I really wanted. I ended up paying another fitter $50 to look at my coordinates and give me a list of some bikes.
  20. Congrats on 10th place!!!! Hope those bone spurs heal, I've never had to deal with them. My Boston Marathon - went exactly as I planned. I ran a little faster than through the first half, just staying with the thousands of other runners. I high-fived a ton of kids, soaked in Wellesley College girls, stopped and gave my niece a hug at mile 14, and felt strong through the Newton hills. I stopped on Heartbreak Hill and finally had a couple of beers (plastic cup size, not full size cans) with the BU kids. Got going again and just had fun running it in. I saw my wife and kids on Bolyston, while I was stopping to give them all a hug, I was waived off and told to finish strong. So that's it, no more Boston, no more marathons. I bought a road bike and am waiting for that sucker to come in. I'm going to continue to run and bike, have fun and maybe just maybe get little faster in each one. I'm trying something new with my running this summer, we'll see what that brings or doesn't. Might help if I were to put down a cookie or two or three.
  21. Yes, sorry in Texas. Denton to be exact.
  22. Any realtors want to help me find the sales price of a neighbor's house? I'm hoping it will help reduce my property taxes.
  23. 12 - phone downstairs at night, pass code protected, no safari, ave restricted everything - she was pissed for two years - I gradually started to allow apps, eased time restrictions, etc - her first Instagram acct and Snapchat acct we had access to. Probably should have waited until she was 14, didn’t garner much use between those two years.
  24. Congrats Clintonaldo!! Great time!!! Last marathon coming up in a few hours. No time goal. Just finish and move on. I’m done with long distance for the foreseeable future. I just haven’t had fun with it for a few years. No regrets, I had a great run at marathons. I think I could have beaten my current PR by about 2 minutes, but that was interrupted with a triathlon and my dad turning 70. I still really enjoying running but will race shorter distances and mix it up with some trail races or even off the wall races. I got into good shape this go around I finally beat my time up this steep hill and was able to log some fast miles around town, but mentally I’m spent No excitement for towing the line these days With the Texas heat around the corner time to cut my mileage back and focus getting faster on the bike.
  25. I would say the mileage would depend on your goals for whatever races you are planning in the next year. If you want to do well at a marathon distance I would suggest keeping the mileage up, but just run easy (maybe 95% of all the miles would be easy), throw in some strides or hill repeats if you want. When I was faster I would target 2/3 races usually in the months of December through April. After those races were over I would rest for a couple of weeks and then run easy from May until the end of September. I would run 6-7 days per week, mostly 7, but keep all my miles easy. During a marathon cycle (14-16 weeks) I would average upper 70s, peaking at 85-90 for about 2-3 weeks. My easy weekly mileage I would keep at 60-65 year round. I really think that helped me stay injury free and build stamina. I believe (and I could be wrong), but keeping your mileage during the off season within say 10-20 miles per week year round will reap tremendous benefits. I've know quite a few runners that run 30 miles per week 10 months out of the year then increase their mileage for a marathon and then fail to achieve their goal time. You won't see a benefit by increasing your mileage for 2 months out of the year, just my thoughts though. To keep from burnout, just run easy and enjoy being outdoors. If you are just running for fun then do that and don't worry about mileage.
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