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Posts posted by G650

  1. 19 minutes ago, GlenFromTheMailRoom said:

    Surly 1%'er post coming up.

    Long story short, Mrs. FromTheMailRoom has decided she wants a higher end, large boat.  This is something completely out of my wheelhouse, so I need a little guidance.  She want's something 75 ft+ that has a motor and not a sail.  Something with 2+ cabins in case we wanted to stay on it overnight and needs to be freshwater.  

    Does anyone have any experience with this?  She said freshwater but I think putting it on Lake Travis is a terrible idea.   Does it make sense to have something like that in the gulf?  Is it something best to go through a manufacturer for or is there some type of brokerage that could possibly locate one?  What kind of things should I be looking for?

    No you're not getting pictures of my wife.  


    Sounds more 10%er to me.


    Also a 75 foot boat in Lake Travis is hilarious.


    Seriously though, what is your legitimate experience with boats?

  2. 49 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    Got a fuel pump to replace.   Gonna start with the fuel filter, though, and see if that does the trick.   If it's neither, back to the drawing board.

    Is it an in tank pump? If so, and you fuel tank is so full it's still in the filler neck, it's probably the pump. Just because.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

    Mostly old rich people. Sure, more of the tables are M/M than M/F, but its basically the olds now.

    I resemble that remark. Especially since I feel to old for DuPont.

  4. It's pretty difficult to find a ramp that does drop off rapidly, most of the country just doesn't have them because of geography. Powerboats generally have it very easy, smaller sailboats have issues ramp launching whatsoever because of draft.

  5. 1 minute ago, Brew said:

    Pontoons are awesome. I pull mine out into the cove and then get a ride on the jet ski back to get the wakeboard boat. The pontoon serves as the floating dock where the kids can eat, hang out on, jump off of,  the women stay on it, etc and it keeps all that shit off my wakeboard boat.

    You are not improving your argument here.

  6. 5 minutes ago, texanbychoice said:

    I’m here right now for a super quick trip. Even while not really doing anything I still love this city so much.

    My man.

  7. Had an interesting conversation at the LBS today. Apparently a lot of people are getting back into MTB's. I'm very much a solo rider (though one of the sales guys there just got his BMC in, so we may go for a spin), and not really plugged into the scene anymore, so I'm out of the loop on these things. The conversation started when I was mentioning in passing I started on MTB's back in the late 80s, was one of the original teens who drove that scene, and got into road bikes as I got older. I was somewhat surprised to hear this, as I assumed MTB ridership had been pretty steady, and road biking had been sort of falling in the race scene, but steady in the general ridership sense. Apparently all the road racers are just dropping road bikes almost completely and going MTBing. In our area it's extra odd, as you have to drive a long ass way to get to decent MTBing. To go on the road, it's just open the garage and roll.

  8. 2 minutes ago, texasdago said:

    That's Uccio... childhood friend.  They're super tight so he probably knew Rossi didn't want to have anything to do with him.



    Yeah, a lot of his friends, childhood or otherwise, are fucking clowns is kinda what I'm getting at.

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