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Everything posted by cabowabo

  1. At least Boone didn't challenge that blown call on the pick off play. Espada....why is Abreu still in there?
  2. Why can't our pitchers THROW FUCKING STRIKES?
  3. Amazing we have to rely on Parker Mushitzki.
  4. Holy shit glad I saw your post. That kicks ass.
  5. We're gonna lose this game 2 - 1 right?
  6. Why isn’t that reviewable?
  7. Headcase Framber looks just like he did last year.
  8. I didn't spend all this money recently upgrading my thermals to shoot coons and tlacuaches. Coyotes are worthy adversaries, but they don't show up consistently for me. I have to manage the swine heard wisely to ensure a target rich environment for myself and future generations. I did take down one of the adults the other night and shot and missed the second adult while running off. I did let the piglets run off with Momma for the reasons enunciated above. Video evidence below. The pig I dropped in the video got up and ran off after being on the ground about 2 or 3 minutes. I was unable to place a running shot on him. My only thought is that I hit him in the head area with a non lethal round and it knocked him silly. There were no birds feasting in the area yesterday so it ran off somewhere. The pig family did show up on the game camera last night and only two adults were with the three juveniles, so that hog must be dead or laid up convalescing somewhere. Side note: Those are Nilgai in the background. Yes, I know I could shoot them at night, but they are like my pets now, so they get a pass.
  9. I actually look forward to getting them done now. Best sleep I ever get and that Propofol shit burns clean. I wake up and have no hangover whatsoever. Hell, I drove myself home 225 miles after my last one (after my wife got us out of the hospital parking lot).
  10. Lulz. Yeah, this kind of thing never happens to elite athletes.
  11. Getting drunk at a bar on a Sunday night. Didn’t he have to be at work on Monday? Grow up idiot.
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