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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wildcat09

  1. If you think people shouldn't be allowed to criticize your sources when your sources have included literal neonazi websites in the past then what you're telling us is that you think you should be able to post literal neonazi propaganda without challenge.
  2. Yeah, but local council meetings are so fucking boring.
  3. I hope you're not just making this up because if this is happening it's very funny.
  4. It's no coincidence that the guy who has posted a nazi link is bitching in the DT national protests thread about people who attack sources. I'm really trying not to CR up those threads, but when people are posting Andy Ngo clips in there that shit needs to be called out.
  5. Yeah, the thing about these protests in particular is that, historically speaking (so far at least), they're actually fairly small and low impact. People like to hype them up for various reasons and cops love any excuse to put on the riot gear and crack skulls and lie to the press and strut around pretending to be important. And most of these protesters themselves are dumbasses with no cohesive theory of effectuating change and their demands (when they have any) are barely even tied to what they're protesting against. Even at Columbia, which seems to have been the worst of these, nothing that has happened has even approached the standard English soccer riot in terms of violence or property destruction.
  6. You of all people really should not be bitching about this.
  7. He’s done this a few times. The most memorable cases were when he posted a quickly debunked link to try to dunk on us when Abbott blocked the border patrol from a park on the border and some immigrants drowned in the river, and another when he posted some bullshit Hunter Biden laptop shit. Both times he whined like a child about how mean everyone was to him when he refused to acknowledge how obviously wrong he was.
  8. NYPD has been lying about some of the evidence regarding outside agitators:
  9. Goddamnit, I hate it when people make me defend Hillary. This is what her full comment actually was: She was saying basically what Biden has always said: that Trump has brought fascism back, but that many who support him and/or might vote for him aren't fascist and that we should empathize with their concerns.
  10. People who like to compare much less serious events to things like Kristallnacht or the Holocaust tend to do so in an attempt to persuade others that Kristallnacht, the Holocaust, or whatever else they're comparing a current event to wasn't as bad as most believe that it was.
  11. Shame on us for not being more agreeable with 9/11 truthers.
  12. Same name. He just doesn't post in CR unless he needs to indulge in a periodic humiliation fetish that he clearly must have.
  13. For those that don't know, Jimmy Dore, LLL's source on these "lies", is a 9/11 truther.
  14. The problems with traditional journalism are mostly structural and largely result from basic capitalist incentives applicable to any private business. Johnny thinks they're all just paid propagandists because the non-traditional ones he likes actually are.
  15. Lol, you're an antivaxxer now? ETA: oh my god I didn't even check the source. He's posting Jimmy Dore. Jesus christ.
  16. Andy Ngo is quite literally a propagandist for a violent far right gang: Ngo later posted videos of the violence at that event and framed it as if it had been instigated by leftists. He shouldn't be trusted and it's bullshit to post his edited videos and his commentary on them as some sort of neutral source of information.
  17. *says he doesn’t follow any political stuff on Twitter” *posts tweets from a nazi agitator who makes kill lists for atomwaffen*
  18. It'd be so fucking funny if he just died in court.
  19. They remind me of those freaks that took over that wildlife refuge. Hopefully they don't smear shit all over the walls.
  20. So you do believe an N95 disguises its wearer's identity?
  21. Is it your claim that an N95 mask disguises someone's identity?
  22. Never dare a man to do something he's looking for justification to do.
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