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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by C-Man

  1. 12 minutes ago, dcbc said:

    I'm very close friends with the Peticolae.  I met Michael in law school in the late 90s and try to make it up to Dallas a couple of times per year to hang out (usually schedule it around the concert calendar).  I also brewed the second batch of Velvet Hammer with him back in early 2012.  Great people. 

    That's really cool. I know Michael a little bit from bumping into him around town and at the brewery.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, babysdaddy said:

    Jerrah was on 105.3 this morning and said Frederick received good news yesterday from the second opinion.  Expects both him and Martin to play week 1

    David Moore intimated that he's getting a second and possibly third opinion to potentially back up what the first guy -- apparently, the preeminent ortho spine guy out of LA said he simply needs to rest it for a bit -- recommended as treatment. Hope it's nothing as he's probably my favorite Cowboy until we make the ET deal..

  3. On 8/18/2018 at 3:17 PM, SuckitKevin said:

    2M smokehouse is legit bbq

    El Mirador for some unique Tex-Mex

    Tip Top for CFS



    Can't argue with any of this. But there are hundreds of great places to eat Tex Mex.

    • Like 2
  4. Peticolas is still my favorite. I just wish they'd get around to bottling/canning at some point. I think I read somewhere recently that the farthest you can enjoy Peticolas from the brewery is 39 miles. (I was a little excited to see one of the Peticolas kids is in my 5th grader's homeroom class for this coming school year. Got a great idea for a Parents' Night!!!!)

    • Like 2
  5. finally caught up as well.  not gonna quote anyone, because i'm basically quoting everyone.
    -what the fuck with becca showing up.  i know bip isn't that old, but i ain't never seen that shit before.  i really really hope they're grooming colton to be the bachelor and this is some sort of long game the producers are running.  otherwise, good god.  i don't even like him, i've mentioned his emotional maturity level being in the mid teens, but that was out of line.  we had to watch tia pine over him, then that whole mess when he arrives, then chris and the brute squad waiting up to lecture him, now the bachelorette comes to "console" him, before walking off and saying, "i'll tell garrett you said hi".  are they kidding with this shit?  becca sucks for even agreeing to it.
    -speaking of chris, dude.  he gets all riled up about "treating tia right" while waiting for her and colton to return, then turns around and makes out with krystal, and now is locker-rooming it up with jordan?  half of mexico saw them making out, did chris really think that wasn't going directly back in tia's ear?  and on top of that, he thought he could just start mowing down chicks afterwards?  a bunch of drunk, irrational women in a small, confined space.  yeah, that seems like a sound strategy.  nice justice that it came from colton as well.  somebody was gonna tell tia, may as well keep him relevant.
    -note, i'm not saying i want colton to be the next bachelor, but it sure seems like they're doing all this for a reason
    -the jordan conversation with annalise.  wow.  in his mind, he did the right thing, sat her down, and told her the truth, which is the best policy, and something she'll respect him for.  in reality, he sat her down, told her about 25x how amazing his other date was, while getting distracted just thinking about it, and then telling her that hey, if something goes wrong, he'll consider coming back to see what's what.  jordan was sorta starting to act normal and half-way likable, so i'm enjoying this turn of events.
    -the timing of arrivals and the editing is way better this year.  it actually seems like they've put thought into it and trying to create actual drama, instead of putting a bunch of cameras in mexico and sorting it out later.  there have been several new arrivals fucking up existing couples.  on that note, the venmo guy (blanking on his name) - wow, he's a player now.  caroline is a nice catch for a dude like that, but he looks like he might blow her off.  obviously they looked on people's preference sheet to time that one properly.  nicely done.
    -the only bummer to the chris situation is that i feel like tia is about to tell him to get bent, which means he'll likely be stuck with krystal.  in turn, colton will be there to pick up the tia pieces, and will likely give her the rose, thrusting them back into a relationship that seemingly neither of them wanted.
    -the david vs jordan stuff is fantastic, even if it's totally scripted.  and by scripted, i mean two producers pulling david aside and feeding him moves.  the whole birthday thing with the alien was top shelf shit.  jordan loses all composure when he's around.  she's like, "um, you seem angry, you'll squeezing my hand very hard."  classic.
    -assuming they don't add anymore people, there sure seem to be a bunch of chicks, which means several are heading home.  i'd like to see caroline stay.  i would guess one of the black chicks is heading home.  i never see eric talking to anyone, so i don't know what he's thinking.  if colton doesn't give tia his rose, she should go home.  but he will, and she won't.  i would imagine they'll give david the second to last rose, and jordan the last one, giving david a chance to scoop jordan and fuck with his move.  that's what i'd do.
    -bummer we have to wait 6 days to see chris get a proper talking to.  if kenny swoops in and steals krystal back, i can see chris getting the sads and just going home.  mopey/angry chris is kinda scary, but confident chris is offputting.
    until next week, 
    -reality hg

    The Jordan-Annalise conversation was incredible. Can’t believe she didn’t just punch him in the face right then and there. He just starts talking, has no idea what he’s saying and doesn’t know when to stop. Just no self-awareness at all. Mind bottling. David is his kryptonite — which is funny because he’s a bigger tool than Jordan.
  6. 27 minutes ago, EvilCaseMcCoy said:

    I get hyped every year, but this year seems different.  I'm hoping it means good things. 

    Same. I like our pass rush with Lawrence, Gregory, Dorrance, (hopefully at some point) Irving and the LBs look pretty good with Lee, Jaylon 2.0, Vander Esche and the secondary should be good with early reports on Jones and Cheeto (Mike Fisher says he's going to be a star sooner than later). Now go get ET to QB these guys.

  7. On 8/14/2018 at 10:07 PM, Vito Andolini said:

    Jordan placing Mexico in the Southern Hemisphere put a pensive look on my face.

    DirecTV went out (again) on Tues night so I didn't get to see that episode until last night. That was hilarious. Just when I think he's playing up the stupidity as schtick he goes and says something like that. Minus the voice and god awful tattoo down the middle of her back, Jenna is quite hot. (Oh, and the fact that she thinks she's an alien.)

  8. 18 hours ago, Ghost of LL said:

    No--it's not.  It's one guy.  I don't know why he's gone to just retweeting, but it may be something as mundane as his work schedule.

    Gotcha. I don't pretend to know, just thought I'd seen that somewhere. Again, though, if you're going to retweet only -- at least give us an idea what the reference is.

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