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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by C-Man

  1. My boss buys quite a bit from Tom James rep. Our VP just recently broke down finally and ordered some stuff from her. He's not happy at all (sizing was all fucked up) -- and it ain't cheap. Pretty sure it was north of $1K for the entry-level suit from them. And our rep isn't overly hot so no rush to have her come in for me. It is convenient, I guess.

  2. 7 hours ago, CBT said:

    There was huge fallout. The CEO and his lacky head of HR were fired. 

    Ussery left several years ago, of his own accord. Think the HR guy was simply suspended. I'm wondering what the blowback will be on Cubes. It's becoming quite apparent he wasn't completely honest (at a minimum) when the initial story broke.

  3. 37 minutes ago, Mdhorn said:

    Don't sleep on A Place to Bury Strangers at Dada on June 2.  Kind of Jesus and Mary Chainish with the Swans fusion.  Speaking of which, JMC and NIN are playing at the Anthem in DC for the magical price of $100--before fees.  F'k that.  If they play Dallas, hope it's way cheaper. 

    They are playing Dallas (well, Irving) at the new Toyota Music Factory spot. Tickets went on sale last week and you had to do it old-school style by waiting in line and buying them. Looked like a beating. And it was hella expensive.

  4. On 5/25/2018 at 10:09 PM, 6FigsHandler said:

    I still teach spin. There are worse things than hanging out with 40 or so women in their twenties and working out. Turns out you can do that and still run companies as long as you bust your ass

    Sounds like something Hamm would say.

  5. 2 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I always hated that "well you were probably a teenager who didn't know jack when Nirvana broke" argument.  I had spent nearly 20 years buying albums (and then CDs) of all kinds of music by the time the 1990s rolled around.  I owned (and still own) everything from Led Zeppelin to Chuck Mangione to P/Funk to Gustav Holst.  (I have never sold or intentionally gotten rid of any recording, ever.)

    The 1980s were a tough decade with a few great hit-making acts (The Police, REM, U2, Prince, The Cure, The Pretenders) largely steamrolled by pop pablum (Whitney Houston, the single biggest waste of a phenomenal voice in pop history) and hair metal.  A lot of folks like me retreated to "college radio" where we could hear the Pixies, The Replacements, Violent Femmes, Superchunk, Afghan Whigs, Throwing Muses, and Sonic Youth.  In THAT context Nirvana was like a flood that lifted all boats.  Suddenly the kind of music we had been listening to was all over the radio, but better.

    Yeah, it's not an age thing.  If you were a teenager Nirvana was probably to you what Cheap Trick was to me.  If you were a young adult they were a godsend that signaled the end of shit (and unfortunately soon thereafter a new era of a different kind of shit).  If you were even older, they were a flashback to how you probably felt when Queen started to explode.

    Added one for ya! ;)

    • Like 1
  6. Admittedly, I don't use my Klose all that much. I leave the valve drain open all the time and it dumps into a stainless steel bucket. Dump that out from time to time. Guess it's time to go in and clean out the cooking chamber with some Simple Green and the hose.

  7. 1 minute ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    Gilbert is one of the EP's.  Didn't realize that Norm McDonald came back and wrote most of last season..... Wonder what he'll do if it did get picked up.


    She wasn't acting on the show? I stopped watching long before the original version went away and hadn't watched any of this. Was Sykes just a producer or was she acting as well?

  8. 5 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    Ah Twitter. The platform that's led to the death of many an entertainer's career. 

    Maybe Fox will pick it up like the Tim Allen show.

    If they do, sounds like they'd be doing it sans Wanda Sykes and Sara Gilbert.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Capital City said:

    DisneyABC sucks.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk


    2 minutes ago, Deej said:

    Same Disney/ABC that owns ESPN that still has Jemele Hill on air? 

    Man, Roseanne went off the rails on Twitter. ABC had no choice but to cancel the show.

  10. 17 hours ago, kingkoopa6 said:

    The Parks kid looked really really good

    Forgot that it was on. Read that he looked good when he came on. When is the game against Ireland?

  11. Went to The Grape for brunch for the first time ever today for my mother-in-law's birthday. Got the burger. And it's massive. It's pretty good but lacks seasoning on the meat IMO. It's nowhere near as good as the Uncle Herky. Love Brian and Courtney but I think I'll try other stuff next time. The Luscher's sausage hushpuppies were off-the-charts good. Just fantastic!

  12. 22 hours ago, oSuJeff97 said:

    This all feels like an extended rant of pissed off fanboys who didn't like TLJ because it wasn't the movie that THEY would have made.

    I didn't like TLJ because at the end of the day, it was a pretty fucking lousy movie.

    • Like 1
  13. I can't remember if the NFL suspends for DWIs -- do they? Also, I'm not sure they'll be able to nail him with a DWI here because he left the scene. A good attorney should get him off on that charge. Now the PI and destruction of public property and leaving the scene of an accident -- yeah, they got him dead-to-rights on those charges.

  14. 1 hour ago, Johnny Sack said:

    He was suspended 73 days.  For an interview he gave in the offseason while not in uniform or on the clock.  Because his comments pissed off many of MLB's customers.  Which was a smart move by MLB.

    The NFL should prohibit all divisive political activity by players while in uniform.  Like pretty much any big business does.  No kneeling whether it's to protest police violence against blacks, gay marriage, abortion, gun violence, restrictions on guns, bathroom bills, transgenders, the rainforests, global warming, etc.

    Stop all player politics before it gets more out of hand and other types of political protests start up.  Because one side or the other is going to be annoyed, turned off, or pissed off.

    Players are free to do whatever political activity they want on their own time.

    Let's not compare Rocker's situation to players kneeling for the anthem in a stand against police brutality. Rocker was suspended because he outed himself as a bigoted, racist jackwagon in print.

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