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Everything posted by rage-a-holic

  1. Oh right, because part of Reagan's reforms from 67-75 was ensuring criminals could sue property owners for injuries during burglaries. But keep on sucking that dick.
  2. I forgot to mention that Neuschwanstein is still under extensive restoration and I'd guess at least 40% of the normal interior tour area is closed, if that affects your plans.
  3. The same governor that keeps telling sleepy joe and his appointees to go fuck themselves? No complaints here. And wtf does that have to do with a Cali state law from 50+ years ago? What's next, confederacy smack?
  4. Such a great show, but even back then, I remember thinking commiefornia was a fucked up state. That was after the episode where some lowlife piece of shit climbed up the ladder on the outside of Jim's trailer to rob him, but fell off the ladder, hurt himself and then sued Rockford.
  5. My niece and nephew asking if they can climb down there
  6. Then your definition of "sleepy" is weird. Grindelwald is bigger than Lauterbrunnen/Wengen/Murren combined and is the biggest tour/bus/train destination in the area behind Interlaken.
  7. You might want to ask on the Switzerland thread too. I prefer Wengen. Wengen and Murren are both no-car villages, accessible only by gondola/train, but Wengen is prettier and has more shit to do. It's all about how much you want to spend. Interlaken would be the cheapest base, then Grindelwald > Lauterbrunnen > Murren > Wengen The poster above said Grindelwald is sleepy, which is just crazy. I think he's confusing it with Gimmelwald. Grindlewald has a ton of hotels/shops/touristy shit and is jam fucking packed with hordes of tourists everytime I've been there. Here's the view from the 4th floor of the Hotel Shonegg Wengen.
  8. Well good thing he wasn't "experiencing" stabbiness before APD showed up.
  9. Holbox is like a smaller, shittier version of Tulum you need to take a ferry to. And the water is Gulf of Mexico, not Caribbean. Go to El Cuyo instead. Unless you enjoy crowds of douchey influencer types, then definitely stick with Holbox.
  10. I think the main problem is the giant fucking gap in the middle that people coming downstairs will step into 90% of the time.
  11. And? Their corn tortillas are terrible. The ones in the pic are keto flour tortillas, which you can't find in most of Mexico. I said "they aren't bad" as in "they are edible". The corn ones aren't.
  12. That's what has prevented me from installing one, but fuck, I am so fucking tired of leaves and shit. Almost 10 years of daily or weekly skimming.
  13. Do you have dogs? I have 3 dogs averaging 65 lbs that would just run/sit on this thing all day long.
  14. Nope, still tasted like shit. And I'm sure you get lots of free lard up in the boonies, but veggie oil is still cheaper than lard in Mexico, which is what your average person uses.
  15. OMFG are you shitting me? Those are some of the worst tortillas on earth. My girlfriend accidentally bought some last week to make enchiladas. Fucking INEDIBLE. THEY ARE FUCKING MADE IN GEORGIA.
  16. Crimwelk? Joe Bob Crimwelk from Decatur? He fixed my tractor one time.
  17. I couldn't get through the 1st book, and I tried twice. I just felt like the translation was awkward and disjointed.
  18. The best part is when the meathead roid-raging leprechaun struts into the bar, screaming, smashing stuff and assaulting people...then grabs a random chick to dance with, yanking her away from her pissed off boyfriend. She gets up and follows him with a smile on a her face, because I assume that's standard bar procedure in Florida.
  19. Your take is just illogical and wrong. Both versions of Chani understood imperial politics and marriages. Here's a good piece written about it by Dr. Laura Robinson, who is presumably not a misogynist incel neckbeard. Does Denis Villaneuve Understand the Women of Dune?
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