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Posts posted by totallynotabuttpirate

  1. 3 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

    I kind of enjoy going to SECRant, because every other school's posters hate A&M and make fun of them, but there are still a few aggies hanging around, desperate for acceptance, taking the hate.  This one from last week made me blow my drink out my nose:


    This needs to be a permanent resident in the A&M thread. Such a perfect description of their situation. All the while, they think they're the drug kingpin who's only doing the ass-smuggler until "next year". 

  2. 39 minutes ago, EvilCaseMcCoy said:

    They seem to like Frazier in that role, for whatever reason, so not sure they'll give up too much for ET.  Also, would they have cap space for ET, Tank and Martin?

    Sounds like Rico is 4th in the TE rotation.  Swaim steady with Jarwin gaining ground.


    Cap space won't be a problem. They'll have about $64 mil + $5-10 mil of 2018 carryover. The new deals can also be structured to minimize the 2019 hit if needed. 

    • Like 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:
    3 hours ago, C-Man said:
    Earl Thomas officially holding out. Let’s get this done.

    What would it take to get him at this point?

    Next year's 2nd would totally be worth it. We all know they'll revert back to the mean and draft an injured/risky player. 

    A third might do it the longer this goes. Seattle has no leverage at this point. Thomas is such a crazy and passionate guy, there's no point in fucking with him. 

  4. 9 minutes ago, UT Lawnghorn said:

    Literally right here, man. That’s what started this whole thing. If you’re saying NFL teams can’t figure out who’s good, then college coaches with less time and data certainly can’t, which would then render recruiting a completely meaningless “crap shoot.” 

    But then you also said this, so you’re clearly struggling with internal coherency.

    So let me get this straight, according to you, it’s  all a “crap shoot” and coaches/NFL scouts can’t figure out who will be good, but we need to “get the right kind of players 2 win.” Ok, bud. 


    What's incoherent about that? The right kind of players are ones that fit the system we're trying to run. 

    And it is pretty close to a crapshoot in the sense that there are no guarantees outside a few of the best players every year. You might notice the "pretty close" qualifier in my comment. It's important.  

    Again, where did I say "recruiting doesn't matter". In fact I said that it does just a few posts ago. 


    1 hour ago, totallynotabuttpirate said:

    Do you need to have a great class regularly to win? Yes, but crying out your vagina every time we don't get a prospect who may or may not pan out,  is just silly. 


    • Fuck You 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    This from the guy trying to warn us all about the past 8 years. What planet am I on?

    Pointing out the reality of the last 8 years, nothing to do with from " trying to warn us all about the past 8 years."

    • Fuck You 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    You should probably begin work preparing your anus, then.

    Why? Show me a loss bruh...


    8 minutes ago, UT Lawnghorn said:



    Why don’t you go google the term, “necessary but not sufficient?” No one here is saying good recruiting guarantees winning championships, or even the conference, but it is necessarily to win at the highest levels. The data bears that out over and over. Just because your ignorant of that data doesn’t make it any less true. There will always be outliers on both ends. Texas has been a negative outlier because 1) Mack’s last classes were massively overrated and Charlie squeaked into the top 10 twice but then lost a lot of those guys before they hit campus—and then lost another wave in the coaching change— and 2) its had terrible coaching for almost the entire time span you discussed. 

    At some point, Lord willing, Texas will get the coaching part fixed, be it Herman or someone after him. Whenever the coaching gets fixed, those same people who are saying recruiting doesn’t matter and it’s all a crap shoot will absolutely be changing their tune. Recruiting is interesting because it’s the most predictive barometer for measuring the success of your program 3 years down the road. Doesn’t mean it’s always right, but it’s silly and foolish to say it doesn’t matter, especially on a recruiting-specific thread.

    Where did I say it doesn't matter? 

    • Fuck You 2
  7. 3 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    Like clockwork, every year, some dipshit comes onto the recruiting forum and proclaims that everyone is a whiner - the telltale sign of a poster who secretly is scared and afraid and tries to project their fears onto others. All I’ve seen on this thread recently are normal thoughts about the recruiting process, save for a few saty posts here and there. This forum is probably too much for you to handle.

    Dipshit here again, the only thing I'm scared of is having another team full of highly ranked players shit the bed during the season, for what feels like the 10th year in a row. 

    • Fuck You 2
  8. 3 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    You might be missing the point. I’ll wait to see if totallynotabuttpirate sprints back on here with 3-4 more revelatory posts to confirm that. 

    totallynotabuttpirate checking in here. Please proceed. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    Sure, from the article you linked: 

    At this point, it’s important to acknowledge strong recruiting does not guarantee on-field results and that other teams have bucked the elite recruiting trend with sustained success.

    Texas, for example, has not finished worse than 17th since 2011 in the 247Sports Composite rankings with four Top 10 classes to its credit. But in that time the Longhorns have compiled a record of 41-35 overall.

    The overall macro data doesn't mean dick for us. We need to build the foundation of the program and get the right kind of players 2 win. 

    UT is literally the exception to the rule. 

  10. 1 hour ago, UT Lawnghorn said:

    This is an unbelievably stupid take. If this Is what you actually think, then you shouldn’t be reading the recruiting threads anyways.

    I don't normally read them, was just surprised by all freaking out and crying. Guess I shouldn't be. 



  11. 1 hour ago, Newy25 said:

    The old "recruiting is not that important because some guys do not pan out" sunshine pumper defense. That's one of the best defensive mechanisms of the sunshine crowd when we are not recruiting well at a position. 

    This despite the overwhelming macro evidence suggesting otherwise. 

    Yea, I really enjoyed the last 9 years of great TX recruiting! We really kicked some ass. 

    We've gotten our shit pushed in regularly by teams full of 2-3* players. 

    Bama, with loads of 5* winning every year skews the "macro evidence". 

    Do you need to have a great class regularly to win? Yes, but crying out your vagina every time we don't get a prospect who may or may not pan out,  is just silly. 


  12. Bunch of bitter pussies. The Slim Reaper is anything but soft. 

    They're just jelly they haven't won a championship in 18 years. Big game Bob passing on his big game brilliance to Riley. 

  13. 13 minutes ago, GlenFromTheMailRoom said:

    It's funny watching you assholes prognosticate about hiring new position coaches when we haven't played a down yet.  You dickweeds should stick to lurking.  It's a better look.

    Agreed, this thread is full of whining and bitching when none of us have any idea how these HS players will turn out. The NFL is full of busts, and they have 3-4 years of college data + thousands of hours of analysis by professional scouts. 

    Outside of your 5-10 true five stars, this is pretty close to a crap shoot. 

    Some players will want to play for Texas, some won't. Great! 

    • Like 1
    • Fuck You 1
  14. 1 minute ago, LonghornSean said:

    I'm not a fan of the move to GS and have been rooting against the Warriors but that's ridiculous.  The guy reps Texas every chance he gets and has donated a fair sum of money to UT if I remember correctly.

     Congrats to KD on two straight Finals MVP's.  Well deserved

    Cool mil a year. 

  15. 10 minutes ago, Dallas-jo said:

    KD left OKC for a team that was coming off a 73-9 season. The same team who probably would have won if Draymond hadn’t gone full retard and gotten suspended. 

    Then he walks around like he’s some badass. KD is not tough. He’s soft.

    Just let all that hate flow through you. Use it as motivation to stop molesting your little brother and the sheep. Also you should get a job and move out of your parents house. 

  16. 3 minutes ago, Dallas-jo said:

    KD’s legacy was tarnished when he jumped on the bandwagon. I’m embarrassed to say he went to my alma mater.

    You're an exceptional dumbass. Not just a dumbass, an exceptional one! That's something to hang your hat on. 

  17. There's always at least one ridiculous self-inflicted issue with a player on this team. 

    If he can't get his shit together in a contract year, it's never gonna happen. All he had to do was show up in shape and get to work. 7-10 sacks probably would have gotten him 9-10 a year. 

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