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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by morehornsepower

  1. 1 hour ago, Getafix said:

    Voting Climate Change GIF by INTO ACTION




    I'd like to take the money for the service I've promised to provide (so I can eventually retire), but I could get in trouble if I actually deliver it, so...yeah.  But thanks for the $!

  2. 15 minutes ago, TeeDubya said:

    Thanks @morehornsepower

    I was concerned about three things:
    -too much wind-blown crap would swirl in there from the open side and need constant cleaning.  My existing patio is enclosed on three sides, and it's a constant fight.
    -that it might feel a little too closed in.

    If my wife gives the order, I can add it later... LOL.

    I'm going to dig some of the dirt out around the back and outside of it felt it, fill with river rocks and make it a dry creek bed for drainage.


    That all makes a lot of sense.  We're looking at building an outdoor space in the hill country in the next couple of years, and I'm always looking for ideas.  I think that 3rd side enclosure would make a lot of sense further north, where it can get damn cold outside, but you could probably stay comfortable in that more enclosed area.  I hadn't even thought about the leaf/crap accumulation that would come with it.  Thanks for sharing, and again, looks great!

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Brew said:

    Depends on which composite selection you go with. For the lower end that would probably cover it. We did Trex on a large project and one problem we had is it was hot in direct sunlight. You were not going to walk outside in the day without shoes which also was a problem for the dogs going out. It was in South FL and we probably should have gone a much lighter color, but it was miserable. The railings also did not hold up well and looked rough 12 months in.

    We have ~12yr old Trex on our back deck, and this bolded part is 100% correct.  A pressure wash once a year makes the deck look great...but the railings look like stained styrofoam at this point.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. A few thoughts...

    1. The FIA needs dedicated stewards and clear rules & penalties.

    2. I hate seeing Danny Ric going out like this.  He is (or at least was) a good F1 driver, and I hope he can regain that form if/when he gets another seat

    3. As a Red Bull fan, I have been rooting for Max.  He has an ego (like they all do at that level), but I thought he had grown up some over the last couple of years.  Guess I was wrong.  :/

  5. 9 minutes ago, Dennis Taylor said:

    1 minute in: "We're always going to be here!" (Said as if it's a good thing)




    I love these standings. 

    Aggy: THE MIGHTY KYLE FIELD!!!!!  Scariest place to play in the country!  Best homefield advantage in the history of, well, ever!!!

    World:  <checks notes>  It says here that this school has the 13th best home record (out of 14) in the SEC...and only Vanderbilt has a *worse* home record.  ?

    edit for probable Jimbo response: Wellwedo.wedo.wehavethebestfansinthecountry.righthere.everysaturday.theycome.theyyell.theysway.andourplayerstheyplay.everydowntheyplay.thisiswhatwedo.theresultissecondtonone.noplacebetter.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  6. 5 minutes ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    If you’re going Polish, get your hands on some bootleg Zubrowka (bison grass) wódka, sadly not legal here because of the alleged narcotic properties of the bison grass. Mix with apple juice for a szarlotka (apple pie) shot that will make you forget your worries as well as “responsibilities” and “physics” as you realize the shit DOES taste like apple pie that’s not at all 80 proof.


    Ukrainian horilka is vodka but they make some excellent tinctures. I am partial to the stuff with a hot chili, but honey is another good choice. Nemiroff is the standard if you can’t get your hands on the real clear whiskey jet fuel (samahon)— literally, “self-distilled.” If Zubrowka makes you forget you physics, samahon makes you remember it as you ponder how vomit can freeze so quickly on an Eastern European midnight, and the implications on your fragile near sack of not getting in from the cold successfully. 

    This is our "go to", with a pickle (yes, pickle) chaser... mmm


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  7. Do we have a culture problem on this team?  Fuck if I know.  But I bet that applies to most of us on this board.


    But I do think, if our RS FR QB hadn't had such a shitty day...we wouldn't even have this thread.

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  8. 5 minutes ago, Longhornfrenzy said:

    Here you go.

    Chin Pubes is crying on the radio this morning also said it's a possibility that Stewart would leave


    LOL.  OK, Luigi.  Pretty sure the only "recruiting" we'd have to do is make sure he watches a few drives of our offense, compared to Jimbo's...

  9. Let me start by saying that watching the defense on 3rd & 4th down is incredibly frustrating.

    If you look at points, we're #21 in the country in scoring defense.  We've held every opponent other than Tech below their scoring average.  And in most cases, we've held them to their lowest or 2nd lowest point total of the year.  The biggest outlier was Tech (their 2nd highest scoring game) and now ISU (their 4th highest).

    But at some point, that inefficiency on 3rd/4th down is going to bite us (again).  And I have to believe it is demoralizing for the defense to get a team to 3rd & long, or even 4th & whatever, and then let them convert.  Over and over.  Like I said...frustrating...

    • Like 4
  10. I thought that a business sign that said "Business Name, Est 1900" meant that the business was started *some time* around 1900 (est = estimated).  I thought there were some really stupid business owners that didn't know exactly when their business was launched, when the "estimated" date was only a few years in the past.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Are you a believer with a personal and daily walk with Christ?   

    It’s weird how so many non-believers want to post in this Christ followers thread. The hostility is expected though.  

    I think it is great that non-believers want to post in this thread.  What a fantastic opportunity to show them that true Christians are loving, kind, and non-judgmental.


    A relationship with Christ is a deep, personal connection between one person and the savior.  But organized religions (Christian and not) have been used for thousands of years, to gain wealth, influence, and power.  Sure, they often manage to do some good as well.  When people post in here, what they have seen in their encounters with organized religion, they may not be doing so just to be hostile (but this is Surly, after all ;) ).  Organizations that proclaim themselves as "good", should absolutely be held accountable when they do "evil".  And an organization that proclaims themselves as "good", ought to respond to feedback as an opportunity to improve.



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