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Everything posted by SuperSport

  1. 'Ren & Stimpy Show' Revived at Comedy Central Fuck. Yes.
  2. It is now August, just sayin'...
  3. I'd be more than happy to take your money and kick you in the nuts instead, save you some frustration. Just let me know.
  4. DECN (lol) bagholders rejoice! Up 35% this week.
  5. My pops bought his '73 prior to his 4th Class year at USAFA...C3+mountains+snow = no thank you, please.
  6. Don't worry, the trucks are on their way. They're going to be awesome!
  7. But you actually acknowledged the warning light and did something about it. That's not how this thread works.
  8. Soooo most renderings have a three-panel layout for the visuals on this thing...in the spirit of naming shit around here, do we dub this Ghidorahtron?
  9. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck...Kodak up another 100% pre-market. Closed at ~$2.70 on Monday, trading over $16 by Wednesday.
  10. Skydrol injections? Sign me up!
  11. All I can say is, you could make a killing off the price swings today.
  12. Gotta love a good flash crash moonshot.
  13. Same, I exited minus today's lunch money.
  14. Something tells me you'll get another chance today.
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