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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Gap03

  1. 4 minutes ago, Pescado_Rojo said:

    Yea, it feels like this would be a much larger story if it were 100% true. National media, ACLU et al would be crying from the rooftops if this is how it went down. 

    I suspect there may be a lag here because the media / ACLU want to get the full set of facts before going after DeSantis and co. given Jones' history of not telling the whole story.  If it's true though, this should be a HUGE deal, especially in light of DeSantis' efforts to develop his own little Gestapo in Florida.

  2. 10 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Oh!  Maybe that's the Court of Appeals affirming, because I think that was established in the trial court some weeks ago.

    ETA:  from the above, so it is.  Great fucking news.  It is not a ruling on the merits, but by denying the stay, they're forcing the testimony, so it's a nice little lower court shadow docket ruling for the good guys.

    So Uncle Ruckus and co. are going to be stepping in any time now, aren't they?

  3. 9 minutes ago, totallynotabuttpirate said:


    Shoulda known I'd regret that.  As a dad of a 12-yr old daughter, I definitely keep an eye out for the totallynotabuttpirates creeping around the competitions ...


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  4. 29 minutes ago, HamsterHookah said:

    ... today there are distinctions that need to be made between Christian Nationalist, Christian, and a Christian who identifies as one due to heritage or social capital or culture versus one who is an active practitioner of the faith.


    harrison-ford-who-gives-a-shit.gif no-shits.gif shrugs-nobody-gives-a-shit.gif

    As far as I can tell, the vast majority of them seem to be pulling the same direction to fuck the country.  

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  5. 12 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    Furk - I'm getting dragged to Orlando for a cheer competition at the end of April, probably just in time for Florida Men throughout the state to go full Road Warrior.  Perfect. 

    So what's Abbott going to do next to try to outstupid Desantis? 

  6. 21 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    Case in point, fucking yesterday:

    What could possibly go wrong?  Constitutional carry + "stand your ground" / extended castle doctrine + the right wing hate engine means there's going to be a lot more of this throughout the SEC ...

    And nobody will get charged.  May be time to invest in armor technology for passenger vehicles.

  7. 11 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    Cool. I dgaf about things like that. Maybe a 10 rd for defense purposes or something, has to stay at home or something, tax item, I dont know.  Hunting is already limited to 5.  Easy peasy.  This is the kind of things that can incrementally be passed and no one notices or cares.  Even with the paltry showing of 14 Rs or whatever it was that passed the last benign bill. 

    We should do a little experiment.  Go over to your kindred spirits at the Texags politics board and see what they say about this proposal.  My strong suspicion is that you'll get shouted down on a 10:1 basis (probably more like 20:1).  That is the GQP base, and that's who the GQP house is subservient to.  

    As cactusflinthead said:


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  8. 25 minutes ago, DalTxHornFan said:

    This AR-15 myth is so stupid and wrong.  Most folks won't even use a .223 as a deer rifle because it doesn't have enough knock down power.

    But carry on with your magical stories about how the bullets explode in the bodies of innocent victims.

    I'm more than happy to have much tighter regulations on ALL semi-auto, high-velocity, high-capacity guns, not just AR-15s.  We mention AR-15s merely because it's the gun that repeatedly gets used and it causes a shit ton of damage.  You fucks that want to argue with the trauma surgeons about how easy it is to patch up a kid that has been shot with an AR-15 should get to spend some quality time cleaning up the aftermath.

    In any event, the point remains - if it's designed to kill / maim as quickly as possible, it should be much harder to get.  

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  9. Just now, Goredho said:

    Dude, help me out here.  Link to some posts in this thread or news articles and otherwise show me the changes R's have made since Uvalde.  I'm an open minded person.  I'm willing to say, "Wow, I didn't know that.  I was wrong.  Sorry."  This is your chance to make headway with someone who isn't a left-wing zealot.

    Two words, man - SIDE. DOORS.  Abbott has been all over those side doors, and all the kids are so much safer for it ...

  10. 2 minutes ago, DalTxHornFan said:

    FIFY  Really a dumb take, Chuckie.

    Fucking Republicans and their bullshit false equivalencies.  You worried about getting jacked for your AR-15 the next time you try to intimidate some drag queens? 

    The point remains - there should be some clear standards for how a responsible gun owner handles his weapons (especially high-capacity, high-velocity ones developed to maim/kill as quickly as possible), and if you don't meet those standards and someone ends up committing crimes with a weapon that they shouldn't have otherwise been able to get, you should be responsible for that. 

    • Hook 'Em 6
  11. 9 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    Anyone for prosecution of the parents of that child?  I think if parents were held liable, they would take access more seriously. Thoughts?

    Uh, yeah.  There are a ridiculous number of reasonable reforms that we could discuss, the vast majority of which would help reduce gun violence.  But the point remains - why fucking bother?  The GQP won't allow a single one of them to pass, which is the reason why you are a human pinata in this forum.  Until we get some of the GQP out of office or the existing GQP reps in Congress decide to start acting reasonably (not a fucking chance), it's just a waste of time.  

  12. 11 minutes ago, Michael Knight said:

    here's your republican talking point



    Jesus H. Fucking Christ - what could possibly go wrong?

    Why can't anyone ever target Rupert and his fucking merry band of agitators? 

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  13. 13 minutes ago, Creasy Bear said:

    2) When are we going to start treating trans people for what they are... mentally ill individuals. 

    For trans people - "definitely too sick to have access to guns."

    For repeat spousal abusers - "sHAll nOT bE InFrINgeD!1!!!"

    GTFO here with that shit.

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  14. So the only people that have heard from McConnell since his fall are Thune and Cornyn, with some texts to Capito and Tillis, with Tillis offering up this gem:


    "Mitch is alive and well. His presence is here, and it's known every day that the lights are on," Tillis told reporters.



    Progressives and conservatives are joining together to reignite efforts to ban lawmakers from owning and trading stocks. (politico.com)


    What happened: Two senior Senate Republicans said they've spoken directly with Mitch McConnell by phone, disclosing direct spoken communication for the first time since the minority leader was hospitalized with a concussion following a fall.

    Senate Minority Whip John Thune (R-S.D.) told reporters McConnell "sounded good" and "sounded like Mitch" during their five-minute phone call on Tuesday.

    "We just kind of checked in and touched gloves. He wanted to convey his appreciation for the way we’ve been working with his staff."

    — Thune, to reporters

    Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) also said he spoke by phone with McConnell. "He’s chomping at the bit. Can’t wait to get back. I said, ‘Well, don’t be in a big hurry, 'cause we’re not doing anything here,'" Cornyn told reporters.

    Two other GOP senators — Shelley Moore Capito (W.Va.) and Thom Tillis (N.C.) — said they'd been texting with the Kentucky Republican. "He said he’s getting stronger and feeling better, so it was positive," Capito said, adding they'd been in contact by text at the start of the weekend.

    "Mitch is alive and well. His presence is here, and it's known every day that the lights are on," Tillis told reporters.

    None of the senators speculated on when McConnell might return. His office said March 13 he had left the hospital and had begun "period of physical therapy at an inpatient rehabilitation facility" following his fall.


  15. 44 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    War on libraries now:

    Until these fuckers can actually provide a coherent definition for "woke", "groomer" and "CRT", they should be kicked in the nards every time they use the term in one of their rants.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  16. 7 minutes ago, BevoAbyss said:

    I was lucky. Damn lucky.

    — Mom was from a very poor family in the Hill Country, a God-fearing, Bible-believing Texas lady, yet who had a massive distrust of preachers of all kinds. She thought they were mostly con men.

    — Dad was a military veteran, degree from UT on GI Bill, and completely agnostic and uninterested in religion. He was a "live and let live" dude.

    Thus, my family never went to church or watched TV preachers. We never said a prayer at Thanksgiving or Xmas. Religion was non-existent in our lives. We were a secular family with emphasis on education, honesty, hard work, respecting others, and a trust in science/medicine. Which means I was not subjected to the relentless religious brainwashing propaganda in my youth. Thus:

    — I never have to think the Bible offers profound truths about life, morality, or human existence. 

    — I never have to cherry pick passages/verses from the Bible to support my worldview or moral positions. 

    — I never have to believe religion is a force for good, when, in fact, it is tool for the 3Cs: colonize, conquer, convert.

    — I never have to ignore or make excuses for the genocidal atrocities enacted by Christians all across the three American continents.

    — I have have to offer bullshit rationalizations about a God who remains unseen, never cures diseases, ends famines or stops wars, and seems utterly uninterested in anything on Earth. ("God works in mysterious ways." Lulz)

    — And I never have to feel guilty about too much fun, sex, or tequila.

    Damn lucky, I was. 


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