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Everything posted by chase25

  1. Ole Miss beats A&M 4-3 Just when you are ready to bury Bianco
  2. That sounds more like a manager covering for his player but I respect it
  3. Well Tulo is back in the dugout and we are winning on Friday’s
  4. The zone has been consistent but boy has it been atrocious
  5. It is actually remarkable this game is 4-3 with how tiny this strike zone is Sheesh, what a play Peyton
  6. I’d let Dre go as long as he can, would even entertain the idea of him going the distance
  7. Outside of the pinch hit homer against Texas State, that is probably the sexiest thing O’Dowd has done all year
  8. If Max can get this out it would be very beneficial if he could try and get through the 6th
  9. This zone is not going to do Grubbs any favors
  10. Another interesting tidbit as if the shitty head scratching losses this year didn't piss you off enough already, Texas is 1 of only 10 teams with 10 or more Q1 wins. Texas has a legit hosting resume until you get all the way to the Q4 column, then you barf
  11. Nobody does, but they have an average offense. There are worse matchups overall in terms of teams that have better offenses to pair with their pitching but Hagen Smith is the toughest matchup in college baseball. Plus if you can get through it it’s paired with a regional that has serious upset potential
  12. We are due for a regional like this and I wouldn't mind it. Obviously there are much easier regional matchups but this would be a fun one
  13. That is any offense
  14. Was trying to gage (no pun intended) the likelihood of him coming back next year and trying to be a starter
  15. @Hookem2147 What are you hearing with Boehm as far as the draft and how high he goes?
  16. I don't have as much issue with his fastball simply because his offspeed allows teams to sit on it. Carson Benge who we just faced has dominated with a straight 90-94 fastball all year long because he has a dominant 12-6 curve that sits 12-14 mph off his fastball and it buckled us all day long. Benge is pretty much Tanner Witt. It obviously would not hurt Lebarron to have some run or cut on his fastball though, just unfortunate that his slider and splitter are dirt balls.
  17. You can find those flaws in just about any lineup minus a handful. Our pitching puts pressure on our offense to always be on as well. This past weekend is a perfect example of how you have to win in baseball when you face quality competition. Pitching was good and the offense got timely clutch hits. Arkansas is hitting .271 as a team, they just have 2 front end arms that carry them every weekend. We are 9th in the country in SLG when you only factor in major conference teams (16th overall). This offense has also roughed up some arms you shouldn't in Wentworth, Neighbors, etc. This team is missing that Duke Ellis/Eric Kennedy which I think you mentioned the other day should be Dee Kennedy's role on this team and I have no idea why he doesn't do more to get on base and create havoc. We don't exactly abide by the tride and true winning formula in baseball which is why you get the jekyll and hide but this offense is good enough to get to Omaha. As an offense they are sitting at a 2.5:1 K/BB ratio which isn't great but Gasparino has 8 walks and 63 strikeouts which makes that number look a lot worse than the collective team has been. Without Gasparino they are 2:1 as a team. Will struggles to recognize spin which isn't that surprising given his height and his life is made more difficult by the inconsistency of college umpiring trying to navigate a 6'6 strikezone.
  18. It really is disheartening that Lebarron didn't do anything to get better after last year, which makes his decision to comeback that much worse. He has the ability and pitch mix to be an elite arm if he could just command his offspeed. This is where players have to take self accountability in their own development, coaches can only do so much. He is the only thing this team is missing. Offense is Omaha worthy, Ace and Max as #2 and #3 starters are Omaha worthy, Andre, Gage and the rest of the bullpen are enough. Just no #1. If Texas is able to make it to a game 3 in a regional I honestly think I would roll with Hurley which is sad to say
  19. If Ace can get healthy and creep his fastball up to 90 it will make his life much much easier. For max it’s just about improving the slider, if he can develop that he’ll be fine in the SEC.
  20. No I know, thought it was amusing, he pays real close attention
  21. Where did you pull that number from
  22. We currently have the #3 class in 2024 and #2 class in 2025… Where have you been?
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