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Everything posted by chase25

  1. Does Murphy still have another year because of Covid?
  2. So is Texas a top 20 baseball team again?
  3. If I was Pierce the lineup pretty much is what it is as far as the 9 guys you are going to have to roll with the rest of the season. At this point you have to get Daly going, just all there is to it. Last year Daly was arguably the best gap to gap hitter on the team IMO. Was 4th on the team in doubles and struck out fewer times (41) than everyone but Antico. If it were me, I'd swap Eric and Doug at the top, Hodo strikes out to much to be leading off. I'd bat Daly 3rd in front of Ivan (I know he's hitting .190) because he will see a lot of fastballs which is only going to benefit him and the way he likes to hit. Stehly 5th, then after that its Trey/Silas (6th/7th), each has their pros and cons, Messinger 8th, and Dylan 9th. Just pray that Daly finds his 2021 form. Also please give Southard a start Pierce.. In 13.2 IP in his career he's given up 5 H, 10 BB, 23 Ks, 0 ER. We've seen everybody under the sun out of the back of the bullpen and they just about all have issues finding the strikezone. Let's give the guy who's at least got the stuff to work around the control issues a chance.
  4. Just infuriating that he fucking ran Blair out onto the mound. Games not over but doing that is just a kick in the nuts to the psyche of your team because everyone in the stadium knows he sucks
  5. Mitchell literally looked like he was about to cry after that strikeout.
  6. Pierce's biggest Achilles is consistently trotting guys out there that have no business being out there at the expense of the team. Did it all 2019 with Kameron Fields and basically torpedoed that entire season trying to make him a closer. Witnessing it again
  7. Pierce does not have one of those in him
  8. Pussies is what we are. I will say I feel absolutely comfortable saying that this team is not as good as last years. Not even close and that was before Witt/Todd went down. Just a down year in college baseball with a lot of injuries.
  9. Because he isn’t a starter but I would wager any amount of money that Pierce trots him out there as the Sunday guy the rest of the year trying to make him one
  10. Is anything going to go our way today? Motherfuckers getting nothing but infield hits, check swinging balls into the outfield lol
  11. I’m more heated that I just watched Mark Kingston (a pathetic excuse for a manager) save his ace for a 7 inning game to avoid getting swept lol. God that clown has destroyed a once proud baseball program.
  12. Difference between losing because you aren’t good. Then there is being not good and saving Bryce Elder for a 7 inning double header because you just want to win one game. That is what South Carolina did today. We will win game 2 and be 14-3 so not all that worried. Just astonished that South Carolina’s program has fallen to that low.
  13. We are a top 5 baseball team. Look around college baseball and you won’t find 5 teams better than Texas
  14. If Texas baseball gets to the point where we are 7-6 and saving our ace for a 7 inning game in a desperate attempt to win 1 game in a series, whoever is in charge at the time should be fired before they leave the dugout.
  15. Lost all respect for South Carolina’s baseball program
  16. This team is just going to have to learn how to compartmentalize and it’s going to start this afternoon. The fact that South Carolina has relegated to throwing their ace on Sunday in a doubleheader 7 inning game is laughable. I hope this team gets used to the kitchen sink being thrown at them because that is the way it will be all year long
  17. Mitchell is a boat anchor to this offense right now
  18. Maybe it’s just me but I’d almost rather have Stehly in the 3 spot. I think Ivan is at a level right now where it’s almost impossible to protect him, only reason I’d have Stehly 3rd. Everything else I agree with, we are far enough in the season that it’s beyond a guy just getting “hot”. If Daly can start hitting we are going to be pretty damn hard to stop, already are that’s what is scary
  19. Not going to argue over a fucking out, nice play by Daly to field it.
  20. 4 run lead in the 9th, already have one out, sliding grab towards the 1st base side. Generally you just take the easy out at 1B. Runner is meaningless
  21. Big win, bats had Pete’s back when he had an off day in less than stellar pitching conditions. Now go win 2 tomorrow boys!
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