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Everything posted by chase25

  1. I hate to break it to you but it ain’t a whistle lol... It’s what that mouth do It ruins games
  2. I think the rest of college athletics needs to launch a series of networks under the umbrella “It just means less”
  3. The PAC 12 has such piss poor leadership. Arizona is 45-16 hitting .327 as a team and most people have never seen them play until the tournament.
  4. And right now Vanderbilt is taking bombs in the first round
  5. As they say “everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth”
  6. Really? His voice is synonymous with the CWS at least for me.
  7. How do you slide with no momentum? He broke his sprint to run around and avoid the second baseman fielding the ball. He was kind of screwed either way. Didn’t interfere with anything but because of the way the rule is written it is a double play. Wasn’t a game changing call but it could be at some point.
  8. This is what happens when suits write rules... If the kid slides he takes out the second baseman trying to field the ball
  9. Texas Tech is probably wondering where this version of Stanford was last weekend
  10. Definitely, that is why Lucas got a lot of opportunities out of the pen, he is the only viable lefty we have in the pen
  11. It’s not stupid at all lol, it’s scheduling but I get that is probably above your head. Vanderbilt plays Saturday and Monday, if they win their first 2 games they wouldn’t play until Friday (6 days rest for Rocker). If they decided to throw their 3rd starter on Friday and lost, they could then throw Rocker on a full weeks rest on Saturday which is normal rest for a college staff during the regular season. So yes if Vanderbilt wins their first 2 games it is very much a MOOT point that they don’t have a 3rd starter. I’m trying not to be a dick here but you are making it difficult. Now let’s enjoy the CWS
  12. I didn’t say having Pete wasn’t an advantage as I agree they don’t have a 3rd starter. Once again you take something that wasn’t meant to be a total disagreement, just a difference in opinion on their bullpen as you put “Vandy doesn’t have anyone close to Hansen, Quintanilla or Nixon. “. I like our chances against anybody as I have stated I think we are the deepest team in Omaha but if you think Vanderbilt’s bullpen isn’t anywhere close to ours you are just delusional and haven’t watched them at all this year. Feel free to keep making a mountain out of a molehill as you love to do. Auto correct has gotten the best of us all, always knew your chub got a rise correcting grammar on a fan forum.
  13. Yeah I’m going to have to disagree on Vanderbilt having no one close to Quintanilla or Nixon. They have 3 guys in their pen with 20+ innings and sub 3 ERAs. Highest batting avg against the 3 is .203. Only weakness for them is they don’t have a 3rd starter which is a mute point if they start 2-0. If they lose one of the first 2 they could be in trouble but the same could be said for any team that loses one of their first 2 because you are now going to have to play 5 games so somebody is going to have to step up (I.e. Chad Hollingsworth)
  14. Mississippi State has 744 strikeouts as a staff, we have 528... They have a couple of buzz saw’s. More than likely going to be a double digit strikeout day where timely hits (specifically a HR or two with a man on) and a great performance from Ty are going to be what gets it done.
  15. I'd be pretty surprised if Stevens left, Zubia still has a year left as well and I don't see either going high enough for it to be an easy decision.
  16. This is a special group of guys, we are currently witnessing days that we'll wish we could go back and relive someday
  17. I like our chances but it is more than just Vandy. Stanford is hot as hell (and good), Arizona is hitting .327 as a team and that just went up tonight, Tennessee and ND on our side will be tough, if Mississippi State wins tomorrow I like our chances because their lineup isn't deep. Tennessee battles and they have some arms.
  18. Mississippi State is the only one left with a chance to punch their ticket. If they lose tomorrow Texas will be the only one to make it to Omaha of the 6
  19. That inning was USF's chance if they had any at all... 3 outs boys, 3 outs and we are making trip #37
  20. Might have more of a damp sound but...
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