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Everything posted by chase25

  1. Pierce has been a gutless bitch tonight. Prime Augie would have gotten tossed right there, at some point you have to stick up for your players
  2. 1st time through the order he was phenomenal, 2nd time through we just sucked.
  3. Like Troph said this is the inning. If we don't get it done this inning we are going to need more than a miracle
  4. For the love of god why is Pete up? What the fuck is Pierce doing? His ass is more puckered than the players
  5. I usually try and stay optimistic because baseball has many ups and downs but this shit is over, Landon Sims is going to mow through whatever the fuck we are doing at the plate right now, I don't even want to call it an approach because that would be an insult to preparation. (Hope the reverse jinx works)
  6. This isn't even good pitching anymore, just swinging through fastballs down the middle.
  7. The approach just makes no sense at all. This is an abortion of a coaching job right now
  8. You got raked because we hit .303 in the tournament coming into today, certainly wasn't the best competition
  9. There is ZERO coaching going on in the dugout, this team has their butt cheeks puckered right now
  10. He just called that EXACT same pitch a strike.. I'm just done complaining, pointless
  11. Holy shit you mean we got a call, fuck, thank you ump
  12. Absolute horse shit. Total utter abortion to the game of baseball... On the chalk of the batters box
  13. Madden all of a sudden busting out a 3rd pitch??
  14. Yeah no sugarcoating this shit, hopefully we pull it out and still have 6 innings to go but we can't even hit broadway fastballs
  15. The approach needs to change the rest of the game. Have to start trying to ambush fastballs. Like Madden he has two pitches, they are very good, but you just have to sit on fastballs. There isn't any point trying to work pitch counts, easier said than done but we need to be looking for fastballs early. If we keep getting deep in counts with 2 strikes it is going to be a long day. What are we going to do? Work Bednar's pitch count so they turn it over to Sims who is better..
  16. I don't really blame the committee this year just because schedules were all over the place. There was a whole lot of .500 in the ACC with 4 teams that had a chance to do anything and fortunately for the ACC 2 of them made it to Omaha. Here are the standings: https://www.warrennolan.com/baseball/2021/conference/ACC
  17. It hurt the ACC that they didn’t play many non conference games at all really and then they just all beat up on each other except for ND who separated themselves from the rest
  18. Well the Aggies are 1-1 in Omaha so far this year. One more win and they’ll double their win total all-time in Omaha.
  19. Damn now that whistler will be there until at least Wednesday
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