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Everything posted by Iceman

  1. wait... kneeling is wrong if it's the wrong people? LMAO!!!! Sooooooooo fucking consistent. ( FTR, i wouldn't kneel for any song, regardless.)
  2. Should just play some Paul McCartney one week and Michael Jackson the next and call it good.
  3. In football, teammates who had their own helmets/ cleats( not school issue.) Buying my own helmet might as well have been a Maserati.
  4. Your last line is an exceptional one. It’s obvious when it comes to politics, that is nowhere near the popular opinion.
  5. Except that it isn’t just me bailing out of CR with similar concerns. and I’ve always rolled with the punches regarding the meme/ verb, embracing it even. The denial of the issues is astounding really Like it has all been made up or some shit.
  6. During the Reagan/ 41 years, it came in a 5# box, much bigger than velveeta. It was harder than Velveeta, but it damned sure wasn’t cheddar like what you’re describing. The grossest thing was opening the canned pork. Those were the days I knew I really wanted to eat to survive.
  7. Yeah, except that in every other forum, real conversations are had. Many, many conversations and threads. Without incident. Go in CR and it’s fucking lunacy. That’s not to say there are posters in CR with whom I don’t have great dialogue. Honestly, someone like Fondren Road is someone with whom Ii very, very rarely agree politically; yet through the years, we’ve had many good talks. It’s hardly limited to FR. But yeah, I’ll just go through life doubting my opinions because the CR can’t discuss them Productively. I mean I don’t have near the problems a shit ton of those folks have or are headed for; but I am seeking their validation. Lolz. You’re right. It’s me.
  8. The Pinebox on wheels is ablaze... What are odds ole Tommy crawled out through a window? https://247sports.com/college/texas-tech/Article/Tommy-Tuberville-campaign-bus-fire-Alabama-senate-race-148747118/
  9. 1. Beggers annoy me. 2. There is ZERO desire for diologue or true discourse. Anyone who deviates from the leftist cabal is met with getting shouted down, told how idiotically stupid they are, and ghost negged by 20 motherfuckers who never participate in the conversation. It's a fucking beating and not worth it. Message heard loud and fucking clear from this poster, who hasn't shied away from those discussions since joining the Shag in 2008. Regardless of my life experience and being relatively successful, I evidently can't hit my ass with both hands when it comes to expectations for public policy. Whatever... 3. The DT thing drives the leftists nuts because issues are discussed without the constant, "we hate CheetoMan and you support him if you're not wishing for instant death on his ass" The message needs to be controlled, right? LOLz. Bottom line is they can post in DT too( and have) without the political histrionics, but it irks a few of them to no end that they can't wave their banner and blast every discussion with propaganda.
  10. They haven’t even been the best in their half of the SEC...
  11. I rook for you wong time...
  12. OK, so I misquoted the bullshit. It was 2.4mm hunting licenses in Texas. It was so insane, the numbers weren't quite as operative as making the comparison of hunters with professional soldiers.
  13. "We have 2.9 million gun owners in America, thus, we have the largest army in the world." As if some 45 year old who gets winded walking to the deer stand with his 30:06 is remotely comparable to a trained soldier or marine trained in tactics and combat while also being in peak physical condition and possessing advanced weapons systems. It's the most incel, Call of Duty horseshit comparison ever.
  14. Technically she didn't get caught afoot, but yes, you are correct on your assessment.
  15. go on... ( as in, continue with the tale)
  16. Gameday is a little chaotic, as the campus damned sure isn't designed for that. Get there early or if it is a noon game, plan on staying afterwords. The campus is beautiful, but the content of the history on virtually every corner is pretty overwhelming, IMHO. You will not regret the trip. There are hidden treasures all over the damned place, beyond the obvious statues, Trophy Point, the cathedral, Beat navy Tunnel, etc. At the entrances to the barracks, there are arched walkways with keystones commemorating different battles and such. My favorite is a lightning bolt destroying a swastika. I could( and did) walk around looking at that shit all day.
  17. 3 per game... QB's arm is cold every time they throw.
  18. And he was the casualty of another aggy swinging binoculars like a bolo...
  19. On July 1, 1830, Edgar Allan Poe entered West Point as a new cadet with the Class of 1834, after having served in the Army for two years. But he was dismissed from the Academy less than a year later in February of 1831 for "neglecting his duties." Legend has it that Poe was dismissed from West Point after he appeared at a parade drill on the Plain out of uniform--in fact without any clothing at all! He was reportedly only wearing white ammunition belts across his chest and a hat. But the more likely truth may be that he just stopped attending classes and training. Poe published his third book of verse, "Poems," in 1831, dedicated to his fellow West Point cadets & funded by their subscription. After Poe left West Point, he continued to write, becoming known for his poems and short stories such as “The Cask of Amontillado,” and “The Tell-Tale Heart," now considered classics of American literature. I got to meet Poe's great nephew who also attended West Point and graduated in 2017. He was a WR for Black Knight football team, which if you know the offense is akin to being that extra card you get in a new deck of cards. He did have 6 TDs in the 2015 season. Life's twists and turns with whom you meet and how paths are interwoven are so amazing, and IMHO, interesting.
  20. No murder. and I only wait for the autistic kids. They're worth more points. (intentional absurdity to address your idiotic scenario)
  21. no am not. I'm just saying don't fuck with people and don't get shot. That's what my post says, but keep on ignoring it.
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