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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by hobbes2702

  1. 12 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    Someone said/did something. Even if it didn't directly influence or cause an outcome, it's still to be blamed and we should freak out about it and say it is to blame.

    That's what I'm hearing you say. It's video games cause violence or Eminem's rap music causes murders redux.

    None of those things give a direct action. We can debate about violence in media causing more violence but that does not compare to Milo saying that people should shoot journalists and then it happening two days later.

    Is that really how your brain works lol?

  2. 35 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:


    The 14 Words:
    We Must Secure The Existence Of Our People And A Future For White Children.

    DHS Headline:
    We Must Secure The Border And Build The Wall To Make America Safe Again

    14 points

    88 as statistical sample size

    When I first read the tweet I was weary of saying it was anything other than coincidence. After reading the headline it certainly seems intentional 

  3. 11 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

    If you are a reporter are not required to deliver only the message politicians approve of.   You are however required to deliver facts and to keep your own personal politics out of what you are presenting.  Otherwise you are not a reporter you are a propaganda spreader.  You are supposed to report what you know to be true, not what you believe to be true.  That is for editoral pages and internet blogs.

    Cool story. Way to stay on topic 

  4. 10 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

    I'm sure the thousands screaming at the press has nothing to do with the press screaming that child detention centers are concentration camps and the Trump administration is the Fourth Reich.  Irresponsible actions promote irresponsible reactions.

    You’re a fucking dunce

    • Like 3
  5. On 6/27/2018 at 9:33 AM, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

    I have no idea what is going to happen in November, but I do know that Ted Cruz voted to allow your internet browsing history to be bought and sold and that he voted against net neutrality. 

    Wrote a letter to his office about this yesterday 

  6. 16 minutes ago, Napoleon said:


    But... but... I watch a lot of EPL matches and... and... I always pull for the first place team. I mean, I watch all of their games.

    And with Sergio Agüero, Gabriel Jesus, Kevin de Bruyne, David Silva, Raheem Sterling, Yaya Toure, Ilkay Gündogan, Fernandinho, Danilo, and Benjamin Mendy... Sané has shown flashes of excellence!

    That's all I know, so it must be true that he should have been included!

    Yea I’m an LFC supporter but I also have eyes. You should try watching sometimes

  7. 5 minutes ago, GabrielsHorn said:

    Ozil was playing direct in this game. 

    and for someone who has watched every Germany game, I’d love for you to point me to a time where Sane did a good job for the national team against a compact defense. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it, but I’m willing to change my mind. 

    You’re right. The squad was perfectly constructed. Ozil, Khedira, Ginter, Draxler, Boateng, etc. were all the right choice. Had to be right. I mean they scored all of 2 goals in 3 games and finished last in the group. Great choices. 👍

    • Like 3
  8. 12 minutes ago, GabrielsHorn said:

    No idea for Ginter, or 5 CB, but the rest of those players have proven that they can be good players for Germany. Sane hasn’t. For saying that he can break down tight defenses, you should watch how poor he was against Austria trying to do that role.

    I watched those games. I watch every Germany game. They are my team other than the Yanks. He didn’t play great in the friendlies. He’s still clearly superior to Ozil and needed more shots. He’s young so he will of course be relatively inconsistent. My entire point isn’t even about Sane being amazing. The point is how poorly the squad was constructed overall and how it was clearly missing pieces that every team needs. At some point in every tournament you’re going to need some pace on the wing. At some point you’re going to have to play direct. Germany didn’t have the players to do that when they needed to. Ozil dribbling the ball backwards 40 yds from goal down 2 with just minutes remaining being a perfect example of that. 

    • Like 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, bularry1 said:

    Sane improved dramatically over this past club season.  I watch a lot of City games and he wasn't the same player at the end of the season.  


    I'm not sure he was the answer for this German world cup team, but to say he didn't do much for the national team before so he wasn't a good fit is a bit unfair IMO.

    They needed someone who was direct and could effectively run at defenders in space. Same and Brandt are about the only options they had that do that unless they were going to bring someone like Bellarabi. I’m not saying Sane was the answer but it’s insane to bring a team with zero options for pace off the bench and very minimal pace overall.

    • Like 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, GabrielsHorn said:

    Form at a club definitely doesn't always translate over to national teams. Watch his games against Brazil and Austria, both of which were pretty lackluster. 

    Özil also doesn’t play in Germany and provides nothing. Neither does Draxler. He struggled in recent friendlies but is basically their only option for pace which they very clearly needed.

  11. 4 minutes ago, GabrielsHorn said:

    Sane is definitely overrated from the EPL crowd. He's going to be a great future player for Germany, but he's way too inconsistent to reliably be called on. Brandt is also really, really damn good.

    Ozil and Khedira were woeful again. I'd be surprised if the next manager of Germany relies on them as heavily as Low did. 

    Overrated is a bit strong. He scored 10 goals and 15 assists in the premier league this year.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Napoleon said:

    Because Brandt is as good or better and because Brandt had played more games with the national team and everyone had better familiarity with him and he with them.

    The problem wasn't taking Brandt, it was NOT PLAYING BRANDT ENOUGH. He hit the post in each of the first two games and should have been starting from the second game on.

    Sane plays in a different country and doesn't have the same familiarity with the other players, nor they with him. That decision was fine.

    You needed to take Brandt and Sane. Leave Khedira, or Özil, at Home but you have to take Sane. There is zero pace out wide without him and you end up just kicking the ball around the box.

  13. 8 hours ago, FartingMonk said:

    look if a kid can get locked up and go to prison for having pictures of a classified engine room that has 60 year old technology then she sure as shit can go to jail for ANY of the emails that were in her server that were confirmed to be classified.

    That’s literally the opposite of how The legal system does and should work 

    • Like 1
  14. 39 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

    Okay, I'll play along.  List every racist thing I've ever done.  You can't because you don't know me from the man in the moon.  You've never met me.  You know nothing of my background.  You couldn't point me out of a police line up.  You know absolutely nothing about me other than I am a K-State fan.   And yet you think you can play Robbie Coltrane and develop some kind of deep psychological profile of me based solely on internet posts on what is primarily a college football fan board.


      What truth am I not understanding?  People are breaking the law by trying to enter the country illegally and the President is enforcing the law.  An action that as head of the executive branch he has every right, arguably even duty to do.  Don't like the law?  Write your congressman.  Congress drafts legislation, not presidents.  It doesn't matter what the skin color is of the people trying to enter the country illegally.  What matters is their actions, namely trying to enter the country illegally.  I would feel this way if Mexico was on the southern border of the United States.   I would feel this way if France was on the southern border of the United States.  I would feel this way if Japan was on the southern border of the United States or any other country was on the southern border of the United States.  It's not who the people are that matters to me.  It is what they are doing. 


    If you don't want your kids taken away from you in this country don't break this country's laws.  If you are trying to enter this country illegally and you don't want any kids you have with you taken away from then don't enter this country illegally.  What's the phrase that gets posted on this site at least once a week?  Don't start no shit there won't be no shit.  If you don't want to be arrested for shoplifting, don't steal shit.  If you don't want to be ticketed for speeding, drive the speed limit.  If you don't want to be arrested for murder, don't kill anyone.  If you don't want to be arrested for illegally entering a country, don't enter the country illegally.  If I decided to sneak into France through a non port of entry and was apprehended by French law enforcement I would expect my ass to be either put in jail or kicked back across the Atlantic where I came from.  This is policy for the vast majority of the countries in the world.  Donald Trump is not going through attics looking for Latin American Anne Franks.  No Hispanic-Americans here legally are being herded into box cars.  Your "truth" does not exist.

    You’re aware they already forming a task force to look into naturalized citizens? Of course you’re not.


    29 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

    Look, the person who can't read the words "I would feel this way if it was any other country on earth was on the southern border of the United States"  or the words "It's not who the people are it is what they are doing that matters to me."  is calling me a dumbass and proving my point about how fewer people there would be calling other people racists if they first had to know what the definition of racism is in order to call someone a racist.

    It’s not the people it’s just what they are doing that matters. I agree for sure. Which is why the Obama policy of deporting criminals made sense. What are these people doing exactly that we should be separating them from their kids?

  15. 1 hour ago, GRHorn said:

    You got me.  I'm in the chill bro category that doesn't get hysterical about politics or Trump.  I think there's probably more people like me than you would guess just not as vocal.  We could use more people who are even keeled.  People are gonna start getting seriously hurt out there if this keeps escalating. 

    You mean people like the woman killed in Charlottesville? Or how about the man that killed himself after ice took his son away? 

    The escalation is clearly from the people in power. Everyone has to respond to that escalation or just accept that concentration camps for kids are cool. You appear to have just accepted that hence the both sides bullshit you keep spouting.


  16. 2 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    He said without irony.

    Come on, dude. Donald Trump is president because the right and his supporters are the angriest people in America.

    And the least rational

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