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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by hobbes2702

  1. 20 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    Yes he’s a liar. 

    No he’s not a despot.  That’s hyperbole. 

    Yes he does demonize some portions of the immigrant population.  I think a lot of that is silly. I also don’t agree with separating families at the border.  That doesn’t change my feeling that the border should be more secure.  

    So we have two sides it seems.  One is trying to scare its constituents into wanting extreme measures on the border.  The other wants to act like it’s been fine and dandy down there.  The truth is probably somewhere in between.  I lean more to the secure it side.  

    Anyway, I support Trump on some issues and probably oppose him on more.   I take it on a case by case basis  


    Utter bullshit. No one, on any side, thinks it’s been fine and dandy at the border. Your false equivalence is the issue. This isn’t a both sides thing. Everyone agrees that we need massive overhaul of the immigration. Only those who support this idiot think we should separate families. 

    • Like 1
  2. 32 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    On the off chance you're serious, da fuq?

    He is most DEFINITELY an authoritarian.  Just because he is not yet wholly successful in taking over the country doesn't change what he is.  You can't simultaneously argue that he's evidence the Executive can get too much power AND that he's not really a threat.

    The mental gymnastics in that post are gold medal worthy.

  3. 10 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    This is pointless to argue I guess.  Let’s just say I think we’re wayyyyyyy fucking farther away from indefinitely detaining and then exterminating large numbers of illegal immigrants than 99% of the posters here. 

    Honestly the Hitler/Trump comparison are an insult to Hitler.  He’s one of world history’s truly evil people.  I thought Trump was a shitty businessman, terrible deal maker, and generally incompetent person who can’t get anything done.  How is he gonna convince an entire population whose never performed a genocide before to do it?  Puhleeze.   

    He convinced half the country to elect him president despite all of those issues so...

    How does any authoritarian move to genocide? It’s almost like they do it in steps. Weird.

  4. 3 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    It's not even farfetched to think that if Donald gets a second term, and lives through it, he'll try to leave the presidency to one of his kids without an election.

    Nothing is farfetched anymore.  

    Yea I’m not joking. He admires authoritarians and tries to mimic them as much as he can. 

    Washington Post published a survey in which more than half of republicans polled said they would support postponing the 2020 election due to national security if Trump proposed it. Republicans are trying to get a king.

  5. 6 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    Again, stupid.

    Actually Hitler and the Nazis knew what they wanted to do with the Jews from day 1.  It’s not the same galaxy.  

    They may have known but the plan for he final solution didn’t exist until 1942 so I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make. These things happen in steps. This really isn’t hard

  6. 1 minute ago, GRHorn said:

    Actually we built our own then too.  Ever heard of Crystal City?   It’s a stupid comparison.  Nobody is getting gassed, nobody is stuck indefinitely like back then, but whatever.

    Btw guys, if Donald is such a raging racist, such a pawn of Putin, such an existential threat to our Republic (IF there’s another administration blah blah blah), then why do Democrats repeatedly vote to give him more money for military and DOD spending that he will command?  Or the upcoming vote to give more leeway to Sessions to classify drugs?  

    It’s almost as if your chosen standard bearers for the “Resistance” don’t believe everything they tweet.  Maybe they’re just getting their people riled up because it could fill their coffers, get them more influence, and thereby get richer?  Almost as if they’re playing the people like a fiddle with the help of a compliant media that benefit as well from people like Brisket or Hugo going off the deep end.  Just a thought.  Follow people like Schiff’s and Lieu’s actions, not their tweets. 


    house 351-66


    senate 85-10

    You know the Nazis actually gassed all 6 million Jews on day 1. They were just super efficient. 

    Maybe the best idea is to wait until people are being killed. Or we could stop the current round of human rights atrocities before things get worse.

    • Like 5
  7. 4 minutes ago, retread said:

    Shouldn't building internment camps be something decided on by more people that just Trump, Miller, Kelly, Kush, and Ivanka?

    Normally yes but what the King wants the King gets. Just wait until Jr takes over in 2024.

  8. 9 minutes ago, zork said:

    Britain is an ok foreign power, right?  Or is it you have to pay lawyers to use the British for your opposition research?  I didn't click the link.  So you are right I don't care, to a point.  

    Translation: I’m a moron and I don’t care to not be one.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Smax said:

    I do have kids and we separate children from their criminal parents every day in this country, some go to family others go into the system

    So we should put your kids in jail too?

  10. 4 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    When was your last misdemeanor? Yesterday? Last week? Last year?

    He already admitted to one in this thread when he poisoned his neighbors dog. 

  11. 1 minute ago, JimmyHoffa said:




    Please, it's a fucking jacket. It's actually sad/comical the number of people losing their shit over it. Of all the fucking legit things (hello kids being taken from their parents) to freak out about and this is the latest shinny object. 

    Hell I'm impressed she is wearing a $39 jacket. 

    It’s pretty important that the First Lady chose to wear a jacket that basically said “fuck You” to everyone concerned about the issue.

    • Like 1
  12. Just now, Smax said:



    Neither, Im upset that the national media insulates one party from any type of scrutiny then turns around and gives the other party 24/7 negative coverage for the doing the same thing.





    Dont be a shitty irresponsible pet owner

    Don’t be a shitty person. Maybe learn how to handle your problems like an adult.

  13. 1 minute ago, DDD Dad said:

    Engaging smax on the substance of his blathering is a waste of time.  Much more productive simply to call him out for his trolling and idiocy.

    Like poisoning your neighbors dog. That’s the kind of person he is.

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