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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by hobbes2702

  1. Just now, Smax said:



    Neither, Im upset that the national media insulates one party from any type of scrutiny then turns around and gives the other party 24/7 negative coverage for the doing the same thing.





    Dont be a shitty irresponsible pet owner

    Don’t be a shitty person. Maybe learn how to handle your problems like an adult.

  2. 1 minute ago, DDD Dad said:

    Engaging smax on the substance of his blathering is a waste of time.  Much more productive simply to call him out for his trolling and idiocy.

    Like poisoning your neighbors dog. That’s the kind of person he is.

  3. 1 hour ago, JimmyHoffa said:

    Not saying it won't be cool but other that the actual anthem and calling it the champions league not sure what exactly would be different than before?  

    Anthem, presentation, actual ball, etc. Just more authentic

  4. 19 minutes ago, Spankytoes said:

    The dude straight up admitted that he said it. You acknowledged it and backtracked. I presented other examples that are directly attributed to countering your claim that no one is advocating for open borders. If “moron” is what you’ve got, perhaps it’s best to just let it go and take the “L” on this one.

    I agree he said it. He also doesn’t represent “the left”. You seem to struggle with the idea that not everyone on one side of the political spectrum has exactly the same ideals. Try this on, the right loves pedophiles.I know that the right loves pedophiles because they had one run for office and supported him.

    So an immigration plan for a limited group of people is open borders? Does that sound like it makes sense?

  5. 1 minute ago, Spankytoes said:

    Oh c’mon now. Let’s not play the “I’m not touching you!” game. What in the fuck do you think DACA and Sanctuary cities, which have been heavily advocated for on this board, are? Calling Auschwitz a “Concentration Club” doesn’t change what it really is. Catch and Release is a friendly term for “tag, your it”.

    So you’re saying that you made a claim without evidence? One might say you lied? Is that what you’re telling us?

    And let’s not forget that neither of those things have anything to do with open borders but youu knew that. Or maybe not in which case I’ll say again, you’re a fucking moron.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    To be fair, I said I would like that. But it was aspirational, not a serious suggestion at policy. I have been clear that I am open to any middle ground.

    I stand corrected. Point still rings true though. The “left” is for open borders despite that position only being considered by one fucking person. Gotta have everyone in their groups though. Sparky seems to have trouble understanding that not everyone opposed to his stupid shit is one unanimous block

  7. 1 minute ago, Spankytoes said:

    He’s right you know. Anything other than “Come on over here you silly gooses. Beer’s in the fridge of your new house” would be rejected by the left. Fuck the left.

    These are deplorable tactics being used by the Right. I understand why they have been implemented, but fuck the Right for not coming up with a more palatable solution.

    What you are saying is that it’s ok for a poor person to steal food from Walmart because Walmart is a huge corporation and the poor person has to survive. You don’t give a shit that this affects the bottom line, which affects prices consumers pay and the person who got laid off’s family because they’re faceless names that can always get another job while collecting unemployment. So fuck you too.

    Yea except that’s not what anyone has said. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    here's why so many of your posts ring hollow. maybe you don't realize it, so i'm kind of going to give it a try.

    you are obviously against the separation of families, at least it seems. however, your step forward in sentence one of paragraph one. the rest of your post delves into a weird hypothetical because, for some reason, you think that the constant criticism of trump is unwarranted, because no matter what happens people are going to freak out.


    people are freaking out because of the outrageous shit. THIS ISSUE is an example of "the real deplorable shit that needs to be confronted head on."

    and what you do with posts like yours, even if you aren't #bothsides, is legitimize the both sides. when you should be decrying in the loudest and most powerful terms, you still equivocate because some people are shrill about some things. it ruins you as a poster a bit, because we all know you're a smart guy. you just don't seem to want to take a stance, instead trying to be critical of the critics. it's strange.

    You mean Anastasis was disingenuous? I’m shocked 

  9. 1 minute ago, Spankytoes said:

    OK. I condem thee policy!

    But I also don’t have a better solution to the problem we’re having to deal with/pay for because they don’t take it seriously.

    You I can think of nothing better to do than taking kids from their parents? That’s hard to believe 

  10. Just now, deech said:

    See I disagree.  It's the highly intelligent career politician that is what I think draws the ire more than anything with me.  She's played the game for decades and is way too good at it.  


    By whom?  Obama?  I still voted for HRC based entirely on the lesser of two people I don't like much rationale.  

    By believing the bullshit enough that you despised her. That’s retarded. Sorry but it is.

    You think Obama didn’t play the game. Obama was the most skilled politician of my lifetime. It’s ridiculous to hate HRC for something that is just a characteristic of politicians

  11. Just now, Equinox said:

    I read it. It says enforce previous policy.

    Whose previous policy?

    Do some research. The facts of the issue will shatter your little worldview. You’ll probably cry but you’ll come away a more informed person. Maybe you’ll even learn what a fact is

  12. 5 minutes ago, deech said:

    She's been disliked since her husband's presidency.  It was not manufactured.  I decided to work on Obama's campaign because I despised her so much.  I almost voted for Trump because of her.  Almost.

    So you got duped?

  13. 1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Really don’t think the solution to solve our division is more division.  

    Who am I kidding, we’re so fucked.

    You can’t have a discussion with someone who ignores all norms of discourse. That’s why they need to be shunned. They don’t want to have a discussion or hear other points of view 

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  14. 1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Trolls aren’t good for discussion IN REAL LIFE community but they’re here.  Walking and talking around in society like you and me.  The message board community should reflect that.  

    No safe spaces anywhere I say.  

    We’ve got to learn how to deal with this shit without suppressing voices. 

    We don’t though. We shunned racism for a long time. We made it unacceptable for racists to have a voice in civilized society. We let them have their voice again because the argument became pc vs not pc. Shun these ignorant fucks back to their shitty homes and let them yell at their TVs. They don’t have a seat at the table and they don’t deserve to have their voice heard. Laugh at them or ignore them until they fuck off.

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