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The Beast

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  1. Sark just took a big shit right on aggys doorstep. 🤘
  2. For all of you running your mouth ( you know who you are) the last 3 years… you can kiss my whole ass. How’s your goofy little sark names now?
  3. I didn’t think anything would top IT saying Gary Kubiak was under serious consideration for the Texas job, but this does it. Absolutely amazing, I’ll be the first to say we are winning by 40 next year.
  4. Doesn’t matter who the new coach is most on this site will crap their pants about how Texas is now screwed. It could be bozo the clown and there will be entire threads on how he is the next Saban and we suck.
  5. In before the turds start worrying about how great the next Aggy coach is going to be and start worrying about the implications for Texas.
  6. You boys better get ready for some interesting ref calls or lack of come Saturday.
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