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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Jimbaround

  1. Depends on the cut. Tenderloin/filet - I usually don't bother because I find the come out a bit mushy. Strip - 129 - 130 for an hour to 1.5 hours. Sometimes I do lower heat and sear longer, but if I am cooking longer than an hour or so I am concerned about bacteria growth. Ribeye - 132 for an hour to 1.5 hours, but I could go even longer. It depends if I want a ribeye texture or a prime rib texture. Sometimes I add herbs and seasoning to the vacuum bag, sometimes not. I stopped doing chicken since it tends to come out rubbery more often than not.
  2. Wow, that was a lot of scrolling. Thanks for bringing this gold over.
  3. Yeah, that’s why they are so pissed at us.
  4. I can’t wait to search for this thread later.
  5. This thread interests me. I pretty exclusively do steaks in mine and I need tsome branch and out dammit.
  6. I have only been to Stanton’s once and although the burger was good the bun was a bit off. Must have just gotten a bad one. Has anyone been to Langford Grocery lately?
  7. Yup, going to have to make some seafood gumbo now. I have a bunch of lobster stock I want to use up.
  8. What the fuck is with the “Lets watch our recorded show” and then she proceeds to talk and/or do shit on her phone the whole time? This ultimately ends up with her asking me a shit ton of questions about the show.
  9. Shit, I posted the wrong video. Here’s the right one:
  10. Look, if I am going to make a drink I often defer to this guy:
  11. An old fashioned can be any whiskey (there are also gin and brandy versions, the latter probably being way too sweet for my taste). I get that you guys prefer rye as the corn in bourbon makes it sweeter, but there are so many different bourbon mash bills out there to say you just use rye seems like it is limiting your universe. The old Grand-Dad 114 is a high rye bourbon that makes a delightful OF, but generally I like to stick with the higher proof stuff in my OFs.
  12. I went through and just watched the ninth episode of seasons one through six recently. So much greatness.
  13. He did a podcast with Bill Simmons recently where he talks about this show and with creating PC Principal on South Park.
  14. How many PMs have you sent Derka? Obvioulsy, not enough.
  15. Really liked it. Interesting to see where it goes.
  16. Is this for a formal event or just a casual night out? Depends on the shine and weight of the chain.
  17. Yikes, good thing you cut bait.
  18. Maybe he meant to type sooomth.
  19. ERhine can school you on some FRLE. Chewbacca, a 750 of Weller 12 is $30 retail. If you really really want some I would say pay as much as $60. $99 is dumb.
  20. No more reactions today Beau, sorry. I had not read this in a while and if I didn't know it was real I would be certain it was a joke.
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