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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Jimbaround

  1. I wouldn't say strong, but it is very nice and the bottle is cool. If buying it doesn't make you sweat, get it as a nice addition to your bar.
  2. I was looking at the thread names and thinking how amazing it is that we all transitioned so quickly.
  3. Oooh, I've got some in the fridge. Good idea.
  4. I've got no problem with this. Makes them a bit more tangy.
  5. Won't say that I did and won't say that I didn't, but a man who won't cheat for a poke don't want one bad enough.
  6. Hey Wong, what's with the pictures, it's a parking lot! Wong, I think this club is restricted, so don't tell them you're Jewish. Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
  7. I mean, we're on pace. Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
  8. Sometimes I add chopped up boiled shrimp. Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
  9. Ribeye tonight. Oven to 95 then hit skillet with clarified butter some rosemary and garlic.
  10. Seeing the deviled eggs thread got me to thinking. If I wanted to generate some really good gas what meal would I make/eat. I think my best bet would be to start with some sliced onions and japs sauteed in butter; a big ribeye; a couple of deviled aggs; and then I would top it off with a couple of slices of Domino's hamburger pizza. Granted, I could only do this if the wife was out of town, because if she wasn't... she would need to leave town.
  11. Yup, this will work, but it won't it remove the ability for the receiver to control the audio and video input on the television (and remove any on-screen interface)?
  12. Well Dale, they're whats called a trophy fish, so yeah, they're pretty big.
  13. I try and watch Hallmark movies during Christmas and my wife won't let me.
  14. Come on, what would the Monday morning Chronicle be without plenty of the General's F-minuses? Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
  15. There is a Delorean Motor Cars in Houston (off of 59/69 north and Beltway 8). https://www.delorean.com/ From what I understand they bought out all the parts and were going to build new replicas.
  16. Huh, I always have liked the smell of skunk on a cool night drive through the country. Thanks for the slug tips. Going to try some out tonight. I think I have some old Bud Light that will be perfect for this.
  17. I do too, it's just not the most flattering picture I suppose.
  18. All I have in this world is my balls and my word. And I don't break them for nobody, you understand?
  19. Yup, Will Wheaton was surprisingly good (except for the part where he kept pronouncing poser, pos-yur).
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