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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Jimbaround

  1. Standard haircut. That math works the same when it comes to gambling losses.
  2. Uh oh, Jordan is feeling it.
  3. Speith plays the back like he knows how and he could be in Butler's cabin talking to Sergio tonight. Reed and Rory are treading water.
  4. Ha, WTF indeed. Too bad I picked him as one of my golfers this year.
  5. Please explain, I missed it. Rory with a less-than-desirable tee shot.
  6. Yup, I'll sell you mine for $400. It's a$50 bottle of hooch that has an expensive label.
  7. Allegations of cheating in college, cocky attitude; allegations of stealing from teammates while at Georgia; etc. Pops posted some links a few pages ago: https://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/golf-devil-ball-golf/new-book-paints-patrick-reed-as-cheater-in-college--reed-responds-164842746-golf.html https://deadspin.com/how-patrick-reed-became-golfs-latest-villian-1682766305 (This is a long, but good article) https://www.cbssports.com/golf/news/patrick-reeds-wife-reportedly-had-reeds-parents-kicked-out-of-us-open/
  8. I feel like Reed is a bit of a sympathetic figure. Seems as though his dad was the typical sport-parent tyrant, and Reed didn't seem to have normal social skills which killed his chance at bonding with teammates. Dude probably needs some major therapy to get right with himself. Incredible talent can fuck a person up mentally. His wife though? Not sure of her excuse.
  9. Rahm is so big it looks like he's playing with kid's clubs.
  10. Oh my Rory. Almost dunked it.
  11. Triple zero is some straight bullshit. It's like they don't want us to gamble anymore.
  12. I have excite for tomorrow. I can't wait to lay on the sofa and watch golf while the rug rat complains to me about not watching Mickey Mouse.
  13. My poor Sinn has pretty much been in Germany since October. I sent it in for repair, received back in Feb and still wasn't fixed. Sent it back and got the "you'll get it back in 8 to 12 weeks."
  14. No. 11 is beating the shit out of these golfers today.
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