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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Jimbaround

  1. Is there a way to connect using other than S-Video? From what I understand S-Video caps out at 480p.
  2. Make sure your receiver can handle 4k if you're going to future-proof it.
  3. I've got slugs on my basil. Any ideas on the best way to get rid of them? Is slug bait going to poison me if I eat my herbs? Btw - Sage, Oregano, and Thyme are coming in like gangbusters.
  4. Yup, coming home from my honeymoon we had a tailwind and the trip was shortened by an hour. First class on Asiana drinking champagne the whole way home.
  5. Love that story. Reminds me (not quite to your extent though) when I found a couple of bottles of a cab I love in a random liquor store between Sacramento and Reno. They were 2004s (this was 2014) and the price tag must have been on there since they bought them. I think they were $65 and the vineyard was selling those library bottles for $140 or so.
  6. That looks delicious. Might need to look into attending this festival.
  7. I am going to remember this for this year's stock grill challenge. It will make things much more manageable. Don't tell Huge or NOMAA.
  8. I did Detroit to Tokyo in coach after a long out of town wedding weekend. That was brutal. I remember getting on the plane, eating, watching a movie, sleeping for a bit, then looking at my watch and realizing we still had 8 hours. The best part was that when I checked in it offered my business class upgrade with miles (of which I had a ton) and I was so hungover I just skipped it as I was trying to get checked in as quickly as possible.
  9. That is some nice rendered fat. You're cooking that at high (relatively) temps?
  10. Hey, look at it this way, 10 hours and you've earned yourself a nice fast-food lunch.
  11. What year is that R.D., 1996? That's a lot of nice grape juice you've got there.
  12. This is important. My wife pretty much told me what she liked and I searched for the cheapest price to get that. I think all told I was about 1 and 1/2 month's salary.
  13. Okay, what did you do to post this? I cannot post pictures that are on my phone.
  14. Yeah, I cheaped out on my in-ceilings too, but we were already way over budget on our remodel and they were cheap enough that when I want to upgrade it won't be a big deal at all (plus, the sound just fine for what we use them for).
  15. I bought this subwoofer about a year ago. It is relatively small but sounds great. I have Sonos and wired in-ceiling/in-wall Polk speakers (MC85s (Center and Front) and some RC 6 (surround and kitchen/living room). They aren't expensive, are polarity matched and sound great (non-audiophile for sure). The Sonos is connected to my receiver for the surround sound.
  16. Welcome Crimson. I was hoping we would see you here soon.
  17. Sorry, you cannot add anymore reactions today.
  18. I like this better than the seizure-inducing clown.
  19. Yes, well done. Audio by Ted E. Ruxpin
  20. I watched two episodes of season two and it fell off my radar. I was getting pissed at Pete being such a dumbass (the broken coffee table, etc.). I guess I'll have to finish out the remaining shows of this season.
  21. Huh, they do. Didn't realize it was a franchise.
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