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Certifiably Surly
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About SimonBolivar

  • Birthday 03/25/2018

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  1. There are many reasons, but my top reason is certainly one coming from my white male position of privilege that isn't existential in nature. Freedom of thought in the form of the advancement of higher education versus the denigration of our universities and those that attempt to advance the knowledge and understanding of all things.
  2. I randomly picked Rockdale one year and they were fun to watch with some good athletes. I did not agree with many of the coaching decisions that were made that year, but hey the home games were on YouTube.
  3. Disney could cut off their dick without anesthesia and they'd find a way to praise it.
  4. Can we get an admin in here to clean up this offtopic fight...wait, shit.
  5. I know real estate agents are crazy these days, but it's still a stretch to call San Antonio "a majority immigrant part of Austin."
  6. Yes, the same reason it wasn't day one for Pelosi, Schumer, and Jeffries. The slow burn for maximum attention.
  7. I was a highwayman, along the coach roads I did ride With sword and pistol by my side Many a young maid lost her baubles to my trade Many a soldier shed his life blood on my blade The bastards hung me in the spring of '25 But I am still alive
  8. Yeah it's a good place though I do enjoy Di Campli's more. Pignetti's has been a Temple institution for a long time so their location opening in Waco was something of a known commodity by foodies in Waco already.
  9. Well shit, I'll slam a green been casserole. Maybe I should join the church.
  10. For those that aren't history sickos. He's leaning into this vibe from JFK which is the right feeling that Kamala needs to chase.
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