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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SimonBolivar

  1. So are those of us that live in Spurs blackout territory, but aren't close enough to get any of the OTA stations fucked again for those 10 games that aren't on national or FanDuelTV?
  2. My intensive summer of two Ancient Greek classes (3 hours a day) with a C and a D+ confirm that this is accurate. I get verb conjugations, but noun declensions are straight up bullshit. Baylor lets you get a BA with two semesters of Latin and 2 semesters of Ancient Greek, so it's possible to graduate without learning anything.
  3. San Marcos also has a college with around 40k students and all that revolves around that which separates it from NB.
  4. He could win without NC if he picks up NV, AZ, GA, PA and MI. He could even lose WI in that scenario and be fine. Technically possible, but unlikely.
  5. Interesting and that's a different answer than the Trumpers I interact with daily at work that are all older and 100% believe that he's going to do everything that he says he's going to do. I have a question that is sort of tangential to this one. Do you believe he is really going to round up millions of undocumented immigrants and if so, how do you think that would impact the economy? If he is again just bullshiting around, then what are his actual policies that you think he's serious about that makes you excited to vote for him? Also how do you feel about adding tariffs as a fight against inflation when that's the exact opposite of how it actually works? Thanks for participating.
  6. Living in a Trump +20 county and working with the general public will change a man.
  7. LOL and the Pod Save America guys just joked about how McDonald's never kills anyone.
  8. So you want to start a prediction thread at the start of the 4th quarter? Come on man, let's get risky.
  9. We paid for the big seat from EWR to AUS last year and I thought it was easily worth the price.
  10. Wasn't 300K the number we were shooting for or am I off?
  11. Wife had to take a leak at Buccee's in Temple yesterday and they had free samples of these They weren't bad, sort of a mix between cool ranch and salsa verde doritos.
  12. God 4 more years of this would be so insane, so naturally that's what we're going to do. And he's going to try for a 3rd term too.
  13. Allred doesn't even trust parents. Hell he's probably celebrating our win over Tech tonight too, losing those three votes.
  14. The Big Seat on Spirit is fairly tolerable.
  15. I might be a little bit high, but damn it must be fun to be the president. "Yo, I want a 30-page write-up on what's going on in Kyrgyzstan this month from the embassy by 6AM tomorrow." Wasting that kind of curiosity power on someone who won't read a damn thing like Trump is such a tragedy of resources.
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