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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SimonBolivar

  1. Can't say it's been a boring offseason. I'm looking forward to February 22nd.
  2. I wonder if they bought those boots in bulk or all went together to buy them.
  3. Yeah if only we lived in 1968 like TOS S2 & 3. No, but seriously, you're right we are in a time when "dark" rules our entertainment. As noted by my excitement for Severance tomorrow. Two of the top shows in 1968 were Gomer Pyle USMC and Mayberry RFD.
  4. I just remember that he lives really close to the SPAM museum in Austin MN, but on the Iowa side. Hard to forget the majesty of the SPAM museum.
  5. Google says like 3.5 hours from you right? Worth it.
  6. My wife's aunt in Ottumwa makes kicks ass Zacatecan food like the rest of her family. If you ever find yourself stuck there in need of the softest rice of your life, let me know. I think she's single too, unless I'm confusing her with the Missouri tia. Either way I'm sure there are plenty of single women in the branch looking for a farmer to steal.
  7. Well that was a cheap lunch. Do they have deals like this often on their Meal Simple stuff? I saw that sweet and sour chicken was on sale for $2.
  8. What is the vibe on Section 31 right now? Is the community generally excited for it?
  9. I'm about to be on the movies. I was home sick from work yesterday and got through the entire first season of TAS. I'm actually liking it more than I thought I would, but then again I'm a sucker for cartoons with that style from the 70s. I'm thinking that I've seen the first 4 movies, but I don't really remember what happens too much in them.
  10. Truth, I wonder how long before we get S2 emulation up and running. I wonder if it might be too powerful for the SD to handle in emulation?
  11. I'm no David Brooks fan, but I thought his article yesterday in the Times was pretty accurate in how we deserve him (though it was too easy on Republicans for nominating him). I do disagree that we're at the most dangerous foreign policy point since WWII, but he's always pretty hawkish. This was the most prescient part:
  12. Man as a Steamdeck owner I just can't get that excited about it.
  13. TOS is done with and on episode 3 of the TAS before we get the movies and TNG. I'm still ready to move on.
  14. Damn Mouthwashing was great. I love short, story intense games like that one (I finished it 2.5 hours). I enjoyed it so much that I gifted it to family members on Steam.
  15. Hah, @Trey3216 I forgot which site I was on for a second and thought, "Why would anyone want to hang out with Bruin? Oh wait it's not THAT Bruin."
  16. Most of the value is in the land out there so most normal people would be completely fine with a $3M max.
  17. I know quite a few MIS grads from BU and they do well, but they're all in business analytics roles doing their computing. I doubt it's worth the tuition costs from strictly a ROI unless there are some good scholarships or tuition remission (that's what I did for free) opportunities.
  18. Halfway through Tom Sawyer when prepping for the last semester of grad school switched me over to immigration history.
  19. Saturn is pretty bad ass, though Neptune does have a certain understated Jazz like coolness too.
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