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Everything posted by Wishbone

  1. One of his best plate appearances!
  2. Ok Pressly, don’t barf up more than 2 this inning = profit.
  3. Did Dusty get his Abreu’s mixed up?
  4. Yeah, he’s only getting a bronze star for that on my sheet.
  5. About fucking time! Bregman is in a grove right now.
  6. Not to worry We’ve been told we’d win 80-90% of our games with this lineup.
  7. Especially playing for and then later coaching under Norm Chow who has plenty of experience in that regard.
  8. Like the rest of us that watched that mess. Hopefully he’s fine and can help bring this team together.
  9. I love Bags as much as the next guy. He will always be an Astros icon and HOF player. That being said, what does he know about championship baseball? Of course, it’s not necessarily his fault. He never had ownership and front office support to find out. But still, he doesn’t have those skins necessary IMO to warrant expert credibility on the subject.
  10. Welp. One of those nights I guess. We had good enough pitching to avoid this mess but couldn’t place a ball offensively to counter this shit. Whole team seems off tonight.
  11. Not even a loud fart so far tonight. Dusty needs to get his head out of his ass regarding the lineup. Ok, we have a base runner. Let’s go Ted.
  12. Jeez. Those nickname suggestions all suck.
  13. We’re gonna need somebody on base as well.
  14. Maybe he feels the same way about this game as I do right now. A dump seems like a better use of time at this point. LET’S FUCKING GO!
  15. WTF is going on here? What a fugly game to this point. C’mon man.
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