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Wanker Bob

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Everything posted by Wanker Bob

  1. He figured out that being saddled to a loser who's most ardent fans are redneck idiots isn't going to make him any money going forward. Rode that gravy train until the train crashed and smashed both of his legs.
  2. If twitter doesn't ban him right away they're beyond complicit. They already were when they didn't ban him when he was just a regular person spouting hatred well before he ran for office.
  3. They're actually making it a lot easier on Biden. He would have had to give some thought on some difficult decisions for non-trump appointees and loyalists. Now can just come in and wipe all the trump people out and install whoever he wants
  4. The reason you're not winning despite the resources is because you're dysfunctional. Like jerry jones level bad culture. I mean Ive seen some of the most toxic premier league football craziness has to offer and this beats it. Horrible leaks everywhere and bad actors masquerading as reporters or fans torpedoing the program and neutering the coach. Athletic program executives screwing up what's supposed to be a very private inquiry to replace their coach so badly it's top story on espn. This makes the Messi to ManCity fiasco from the summer look tame
  5. But I've found I thoroughly enjoy watching people I don't know or care about burn their program in a sport I don't care about to the ground like this. It's been entertaining so if y'all want to keep it up and doubling down I'm happy to be entertained some more.
  6. With all that 9.95 stuff and so many reporters throwing out craziness about big money donors throwing millions to can coaches for not standing for the school song and all this info about courting a new coach while the current one is still there it's just a shit show. You have either or both of 2 problems. 1) the athletic department is leaking info like a sieve or 2) a bunch of parasitic professional reporters making up or exaggerating stories to leech money off the fan base. Those problems need to be fixed or mitigated as much as possible before your reputation as a coach killer program changes.
  7. If Urban takes another job then you'll know 100 percent it was he just didn't want to deal with the horrible culture and BS that you all have described here. He didn't think he could operate in that culture and was waiting for one he felt he could win with. If that happens then you gotta make changes
  8. Every school has some of that but when I've looked up internet searches on oklahoma, alabama, Ohio state, USC, and Georgia football teams they have their fan site but I don't see the sheer number of places reporting sources within the athletic department slamming the coaching staff or speculating its demise the way this has been. I've looked back several years worth but I haven't noticed nearly the same level as this one with all these professional reporters throwing out what I would imagine is supposed to be behind the scenes negotiation between the ad and a new coach while their current coach is still employed. I'm not talking about sites like this one where it's pure fan sites I'm talking about the actual people who are making money reporting on the University football teams. Based on the searches I've done it seems your university has an infestation of these types of parasites that I just don't see what the other major programs when doing simple searches. This is all info that goes straight to recruits and their parents and chances are they take the professional reporting sites as fact more than not even if it's BS
  9. I've lived in Dallas since I was 15 in 2002. I know how much Texans love football, but that should make the top University in a state this big great at football. It's not and from what you're saying hasn't been for a very very long time except for a few years. Maybe you should start not blaming the coaches and start looking at the culture? I mean just from seeing the stuff here and how many sources are throwing garbage on social media it's insane.
  10. Trust me you're way off on that. That's the info that goes out online. That's the info that gets tweeted. Therefore that's the info players and their parents see first and most. I've never seen so many parasites leaching off a team before in this manner. Either they're making things up or your athletic department is a bigger sieve than the White House has been. Either way it's a massive problem for you. How long have this many parasites existed like this?
  11. So your administration is so shitty they're going to torpedo their coach that just went 6-3 and has a 25 million total buyout because they don't like his personality and because he didn't force his players to stand for a song? From a humble Brit on the outside looking in on this fiasco... If you want to know why your program is mediocre despite having all sorts of money? This type of horrific mismanagement is the reason why. The number of reporters I've seen quoted here sabotaging the coaches with leaks, propaganda, and probably some lies is insane. It's worse than Chelsea, Real Madrid, Barcelona, or ManU. Hell it's worse than the Cowboys. And in a business where you have to recruit your talent instead of select it that's extremely problematic.
  12. Who is this mulleted jabroni? This is among the worst country music I've ever heard
  13. I think Crawford wins but Spence would push him into territory we don't see him get pushed. The last fight I was jacked up about was Canelo vs GGG 1 but I'd be jacked for this one.
  14. In the end Spence is just too slick to counter punch for 12 and Danny is a pure counter puncher. They really need a better and more knowledgeable main announcer for these high level PPV fights. This dude kept railing about compubox over and over and wouldn't stop bringing up Garcia's eye when the eye wasn't close to swelling shut. The bruising was under the eye, the swelling mostly down, and no cut on the brow to bleed into it. His vision was fine. Even after his corner shrugged off the eye question he still kept on it.
  15. Whoever stands in the way of Spence vs Bud Crawford needs to be shot. That needs to be the next fight. Would be the biggest in the sport in years
  16. Me too. The two non Lennox announcers are annoying as fuck though. They should both shut up more
  17. Spence is so technically good. He's a piece of human shit but he's one of the top handful of most talented boxers right now
  18. This Fundora guy is making 154 at 6'6"? That's one of the weirdest looking dudes I've ever seen but he can throw even that skinny
  19. That's exactly what I said to my wife right before we started dating
  20. They all know about the very public pursuit of Meyer by UT while UT still had a coach. They could just be messing around and joking to mess with you
  21. That'll be hilarious if Texas fires the coach after hanging 69 on a conference opponent and going 6-3 on the season. So funny
  22. Texas isn't one of my favorite teams on there. I don't have any college sports at all just NFL, boxing, and european football. The news headlines shows whatever the big news of the day is deemed to be. I'll see stuff about women's college basketball if something big happens there or baseball or nba which I would never watch.
  23. How often do college programs go chasing so publicly after a coach? I don't remember seeing anything like that in my espn news app except Texas with Herman and Texas with Saban. 3 times in 7 years. There's probably something rotten in the culture that this keeps happening and something that should be fixed. Just my opinion in it
  24. Nah, in that picture the cops aren't reading the guy the riot act. They're recruiting him to try out for the academy. He's exactly American cop behavior type.
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