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Wanker Bob

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Everything posted by Wanker Bob

  1. Keep your panties unbunched there chap. Big bad rich ass Texas just lost to a team from... Abilene? Yeah, I'm gonna be riding this for a long time
  2. You have Greg Brown and Kai Jones! You should have been able to play 4 on 5 and win by 10+ against this team
  3. Blaming the refs?? They're from ABILENE, TEXAS!!! That's like losing to your 6 yr old in horse and blaming the wind
  4. Oh man I need a gif of that little bench cheerleader white boy that was throwing the horns down like he played at all. How fucking embarrassing. This may be the worst basketball performance I've ever seen
  5. Only having a small connection posting on this site and living in this state and even I'm embarrassed watching this. This is Scut Farkas laying on the ground crying level
  6. Juzag and Jaquez have more killer instinct in their left nuts than everyone on Texas' entire team except Sims. Maybe it's best they bow out tonight to the 14th seed. At least these Abilene rejects will show up to fight UCLA.
  7. How can Kai Jones and Greg Brown have no balls? These dudes are NBA level measurables and can't hang with a bunch of church of christ nobodies? I know the coach sucks but damn if either of them had any nastiness in them they'd take it on themselves to take over this game. They're by far the best prospects on the court physically but are mental midgets
  8. You're losing in the 2nd half to a team from that tiny west Texas town no one wants to live. Especially no young black men want to live there. These kids are there because literally no one else wants them and they're making your future NBA 1st rounders their bitches. Even if this team wins this one UCLA will embarrass them if they don't start playing to their talent.
  9. This tournament is far more entertaining than anything in college football. The college football playoffs are as boring as watching golf because they're so predictable and the games are ridiculously long.
  10. He turned out to be a Texas Ranger or fed or something at the very end. Wonder what they do with that
  11. Religion idiocy strikes again. Scourge on hunanity
  12. Those countries don't have boastful proclamations on their monuments like this: "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" Most of the European nations also have far better upward mobility than the US current day even though the US used to be at or near the top of the list. If Americans want to be okay with their rapid decline in these areas then that's fine but for God's sakes shut up with the "land of the free, land of opportunity, greatest country on Earth" bullshit. Because at this point in the 21st century it's all just bullshit
  13. Wait, he's a chiropractor? A fucking chiropractor?
  14. I just drove to Abilene to get my covid shot a week ago and I cannot believe that little run down town has a university big enough to be in March Madness. I have no idea how they recruit anyone out there. I was there about an hour and was itching to get out. If you lose to whatever school comes from that place I'll spam the board with cry laughing gifs for weeks
  15. The second one. But after marrying into a family of the first one and seeing how shit on and disparaged that group is even if they're just as hard working and dedicated it illuminated the magnitude of disparity. All of you natives should be itching to flay whoever necessary to get that changed in the other direction but instead it's much easier to just put your head in the sand and pretend you're great while the world passes you by. But that's all I'll say on this
  16. Oh there's opportunity all right for the rest of the world's rich who can afford to pay top end American universities to educate their kids. But for the rich there's opportunity in every country no matter where you go. Truth is the US used to be a good place for upward mobility and a high standard of living for the middle class but it's been passed up by most of the developed world over the last 40 years and its own citizens don't even realize it. Now that's rich
  17. You're still living off of 20th century pro-american propaganda my friend. Like in most metrics the US has been plummeting like a rock in social mobility in recent times. People come here from other countries either as political refugees because America is such a hodgepodge of cultures, or as the way the wealthy and privileged from other countries educate their children. Since amazingly the US still has very dominant high-end research University systems even if it's public education doesn't prepare 99% of the population for it. The biggest problem is Americans are still living off a false sense of superiority so the problems will never be fixed when they aren't even acknowledged. Again this speaks to the toxicity I've mentioned. https://www.weforum.org/reports/global-social-mobility-index-2020-why-economies-benefit-from-fixing-inequality responsive_large_webp_EAsivHIDIyBlCZnhgbAxi2Uy9TynrGdjdw6B319qpKU.webp
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