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Wanker Bob

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Everything posted by Wanker Bob

  1. The best way around this if you want to buy the all inclusive league pass is to get a streaming device like a firestick that has the sports league's app on it and load a vpn like SurfShark on it. Then you can change your location to many different locations across the country to side step blackouts. An alternative is to load a vpn onto your computer then stream from there to your tv with an HDMI if you don't want to use a streaming stick. SurfShark is my favorite and is $60 for 24 months https://order.surfshark.com/
  2. Stuff like this makes me happy I don't have a kid of my own and never want to do so. Raising my niece is challenging enough and I honestly think if I was going to have another one to start from scratch I'd look into moving us to another country. America is one of the most toxic places I've ever been. It's like you imported the worst of the British traits and over 240+ years have taken them to the max at every opportunity. An exhausting segment of the species.
  3. No, but you see what I mean about the show aspect of it. Completely ridiculous but enjoyable people watching insanity for sure. Some of the women and men there were going absolutely nuts for the dude and this weird character he created.
  4. Amazing how they can get body cam footage out when it doesn't look bad on them or expose their own criminal acts.
  5. Does diabetes turn you racist? According to one Maga idiot it does https://www.espn.com/espn/story/_/id/31053026/oklahoma-prep-game-broadcaster-denounced-using-racial-epithet
  6. Surprisingly, no. Terrible behavior by Judge Hill and Collin College. Hill should be removed one way or another. https://www.dallasobserver.com/news/county-judge-chris-hill-lashes-out-at-three-terminated-collin-college-professors-11994072
  7. I don't think he'd be very good at it but compared to the near Nazi level of the current republican garbage he'd have to be absolutely horrendously evil to be as bad as them. And he doesn't seem like that at all.
  8. Just release the body cam footage of every officer that was there. There's a simple way to prove you aren't covering up for corrupt murderous cops. And that proof is needed as you've lost all benefit of the doubt with previous corruption and cold blooded murders by cops. Should be standard procedure for every shooting or case where serious harm came as a result of police action. Shouldn't even be at their discretion, it should be automatic.
  9. Not as much as they're going to make being the high brow version of kardashian social media whores. This whole thing is nutty. I'm a white English male and you couldn't pay me enough to marry into the royal family. Yet this half black American female thought she'd just waltz in and live a fairy tale? Gotta stop raising your daughters with false princess dreams. English princesses don't get to do whatever they want. Their role is to look cute and dignified, be personable, but most of all shut the fuck up. And when they do speak only in positive terms that make the crown look good. Her situation is either on her for thinking she'd change that or Harry for not letting her know exactly what's demanded of females in that family. What she did was as stupid as if she married into a Nazi white supremacist family and expected to be happy.
  10. That's exactly my point. She barely left now after trump is silenced and gone. Why did she stay the previous 5 years while the religion was publicly in bed with trumpism? Has that self serving smell to it. Not Jesus serving.
  11. So why is this a story now? Obviously she stayed in the cult during the 5 years as it got progressively worse otherwise this would have been a story years ago.
  12. It took her 5 years to publicly come out against trump? Conviniently after he lost the election, attempted to overthrow the government, and is silenced by social media? So much hypocrisy and bullshit. I don't know how intelligent people can still believe anything about this stuff other than lying to themselves because admitting your parents were fools who brainwashed you in bullshit is tough to come to grips with. I did it and you can too.
  13. I guess they just want to make sure this first go around as some people were symptomless and others like me probably received false negative tests. My mom tested negative twice then a month later had a physical and tested positive for the antibodies. I tested negative once even though I was so lethargic I could barely walk up the stairs in my house back in November and then that first shot knocked me into terrible fatigue for 2 days.
  14. DFW area is going all out freedom mode. Add soon as Wheelie announced the removal of all restrictions last week I went out of my way to drive over 6 hours round trip to get the vaccine in west Texas last weekend. I was willing to wait for my demographics' turn as long as we kept things status quo in the state but once he announced full Thunderdome rules it's every mofo for himself.
  15. Getting covid to watch the rangers play is like getting herp to bang the cast of My 600 lbs life.
  16. West Texas. Drove 6 1/2 hours round trip to Abilene last Saturday. They don't be giving a damn in Abilene
  17. I don't think so. At least through CVS. Last week got a shot set up in west Texas for the next day and drove over there, got it, and drove back. Next appointment is for early April at the same CVS. They really aren't caring at all about qualifications because the only thing they asked me is name and DOB for that card they give you. Never had to show an ID or insurance card. I'd suggest getting it set up for a Thursday or Friday or whatever day you can afford to have the next one to two days off. The rest of Friday wasn't bad except a pretty bad throbbing arm that made it hard to sleep, but Saturday and Sunday were pure fatigue. I just slept for 3-4 hours at a time during the day last weekend and I almost never take naps.
  18. Wanted to hear first if anyone else here went before I went into it but the best way I can describe it is walking into an internet meme come to life. The place is nice, the look and ambiance is on point. But I quickly found out it's not about the food. It's about the show. Seeing people going crazy over getting a glimpse of internet fame up close. You can definitely find better steak in Dallas. At a lower price. Better cocktails at a much lower price. But you won't see grown women and men alike swooning over a little guy in a white muscle shirt and sunglasses bringing the internet meme to life like that anywhere else. Doubt I'd ever go back as my choice but for a singular experience I can't complain.
  19. So the Dallas location of this social media meme salt guy's restaurant just opened on Pearl St. Anyone go opening weekend? Friend got a reservation for 4 and asked if we wanted to go so we said why not, and it was... something else.
  20. This top shot thing is interesting and the question is does it take off in popularity while the market remains fairly low in serialized product? If that's the case I can see the value of some of these e-cards forming a bubble for a while. That drop a couple of weeks ago where anyone who wanted a pack got one makes me leery though that the NBA will flood the market and devalue the whole thing. I've bought a couple of packs and am looking to flip them asap to make a little money. Might keep one or two of the best moments just to see if it blows up or collapses.
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