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Wanker Bob

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Everything posted by Wanker Bob

  1. Remember when they said 60k? Like a month ago? By the end of July it'll be 1.5 million
  2. Thy need to do that at every time he speaks. Just be shouting questions while he's trying to talk and run him off the stage. Nobody needs to hear jackass speak
  3. We went regularly when I was a kid in the early to mid 90s. Remember loving the BLT. Hadn't been since probably 99 or 00
  4. There's zero way you will ever be able to spin this into being like a flu or not very bad or minimize it because it is that bad. All the number tricking and propaganda in the world can't change that this is killing more Americans in a short amount of time than years long wars did. That's not even to mention how many it's causing to suffer debilitating and horrific pain and suffering and lengthy hospitalization that even after survival will be a financial albatross around many necks. Just stop it already. You backed a sadistic and fucked up political party that has shown truly evil colors in this disaster. You can't rationalize that to us.
  5. What's going to bite us all in the ass is when they reopen completely and most everyone except idiot trumpkins aren't going anywhere because we just had a big spike from this reopen. Once they say it's all good and take away all restrictions and people don't trust it because the gop are evil liars there will be nothing they can do.
  6. It would take massive casualties and an overrun medical system where he's taking massive amounts of heat from whites and rich whites.
  7. So this is actually going to happen? I've never watched a UFC fight before but with no hockey and basketball playoffs I need something. Been trying to read up on what's what and who's who in this thing for tonight.
  8. Coworker of mine went into a Braums in collin county to get some milk and saw this. She said after the pic was snapped another 6-8 bubba's walked in and piled on top of the rest and all with zero masks (except that poor employee who is definitely getting infected).
  9. Sucks our government is sacrificing service industry workers to force a reopen. I guess the progression of the republicans and trump administration's horrific acts was always bound to get to sacrificing the lives of non military American citizens sooner or later. Where does it go from here? How much farther does America fall? Where does this full blown failure of the American democracy experiment lead?
  10. It's amazing especially when every country that went mandatory masks by law from Austria to Korea to Hong Kong to even Singapore are able to have so much more if their normal day to day activities opened up without overwhelming spikes in cases. Something so simple but Americans are too arrogant, selfish, and stupid to do it even with the lives/hospitalization of hundreds of thousands if not millions of Americans in the balance. In my area I've noticed maybe 10 percent at most wearing masks. Don't ever want to hear about patriotic bullshit from these callous, selfish idiots again.
  11. So he pulled it out of the back and didn't sell it to you because he's saving it for people who appreciate it? Or did I read that wrong? Thanks for the info fellas. Although I'd like to try some it's not something important enough for me to go and make it a networking lifestyle. Before this shit happened I was supposed to go to Louisville for business in April. I may get to once things open back up to normal. Are these easier to get there on a distillery tour? If so I may just wait until then.
  12. They didn't get married until 2016 so I'm assuming in between HS and that he ran plenty a train with his brother. Probably got tired of the gold digging hoes and went back to this crazy ugly one because she "loved me before I was rich and famous". Between Cutler, Brady, and now Earl coronavirus is causing havoc on NFL marriages.
  13. Social media takes down another one. Enemies of the people: 1) Coronavirus, 2) Zuckerberg
  14. Which store locations do you have the best luck? What exactly do you ask? I'm not a big drinker and never got much into bourbon past eagle rare and four roses and stuff like that. I've never tried Blanton's or EH Taylor and would love to try both.
  15. How does one go about finding out where these allocated bottles are and how to buy them?
  16. Yeah it's horrible. These rubes are ridiculously stupid. Going to be driving down to Dallas to do my shopping (outside of H Mart) for the foreseeable future
  17. In collin county what I've observed at least among the White, Hispanic, and Black populations it's more like 3 to 10 percent wearing masks. Among the Asian population it's about 80 to 90 percent wearing masks. I doubt statewide is anywhere near 30% people wearing masks. If he made the law on mandatory masks and flipped it to seventy to eighty percent of people wore masks, if for no other reason than to avoid a $500 fine, we could probably reopen a lot more and keep the medical system safe. It's sheer stupidity at this point.
  18. I remember posting last week about this happening because restaurant owners will considerate it "unappetizing"
  19. I think it's possible Abbott just opens everything up completely on May 18th only for May 25th to be when we really start getting hit hard by the infections that are taking place at this moment
  20. She did until the moment we said "I do"
  21. I think you missed the second word in that post you quoted
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