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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by YChang

  1. Seriously, that’s one of the most infuriating thing about the current timeline. We avoid the hard work and we avoid looking at and admitting our faults.
  2. I don't know how. But this is clearly the fault of CRT in our classrooms.
  3. Amazing, if you’re at all into dinosaurs it’s a great watch.
  4. Help me out, I don’t understand why you quoted me…
  5. Ultimately, who knows? But that’’s money a fledgling nation was deprived of. And as article mentions our hands weren’t too clean either with the exploitation. Just a sad documentation of all sorts of disaster, natural, foreign, and home-grown that has beset the country.
  6. I’m sure some of y’all will think the positive attributes of lost growth for Haiti speculative but damn… still a fascinating story. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/05/20/world/americas/enslaved-haiti-debt-timeline.html?unlocked_article_code=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACEIPuomT1JKd6J17Vw1cRCfTTMQmqxCdw_PIxfs9gGPzNiGeVTdcwqNPW9LavB-QIvA7IMQ0xTCXA9ZEPaUuT_VpieJZJEhkVQSk55uNmYgEZik4o572QmIz0pbMW71-8SPvaiPxDtZD84CFnkDMNimsU7rCiSpncE0289Y-Mg232HMOkqrEFedqj9AviOMmVpt7WTdQbSGVvvPqCxwub4mGORmL-RB2D78CIUzbnt-a7r0CcgRAWxmRHD4kvzFKuJ4LM8gXPa3_MxcnZMH-5L4RAWZtJ4qibIYjE8mWz_459O6Q9mHfjZa-1P40F65LvbzbsW7cN10nSr2eOVWZTSVK6-vCuEbTJA-O5lpF9Wah&smid=url-share
  7. I mean no one of course. And I agree with you in principle that the US is still seen as a desirable place for immigrants to have a better life. With that said, it’s not uncommon either for that better life (whatever that means to the family) to take a few generations.
  8. Asians and Asian immigrants are not a homogeneous group in the US. It’s time to drop the model minority label.
  9. Amazes me that the developers of these outdoor malls think they can take what only works well in California and plop it rest of the country with no changes to the architecture or design. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. I’m not doing my part but I do have solar and batteries.
  11. Hey… give some credit, I bet as a native of Minnesota he can tell the diff between say a Norwegian and a Swede!
  12. I really enjoyed it. Loved the classic Sam Raimi horror vibes throughout the film.
  13. Not an active shooter update (for now) thankfully. Just wanted to share a really well written story about a survivor's experience from the past Oxford Michigan school shooting: https://wapo.st/3l9keHK
  14. Lol, as an immigrant family...the first decade or so my family didn't use the dishwasher. It was just a rack to dry dishes.
  15. He's an evil smarmy ambitious prick.
  16. For fuck’s sake, come on end the game already
  17. I remember enjoying the book... but don't remember much. Think I'll read it again before I watch the dramatization.
  18. Yep yep. Despite our state's founding myths... it's was mainly a bunch failed slave owners that couldn't hack it elsewhere needing a second act or they thought it would be an easier place to start making money. Boy talk about how some things remain the same.
  19. I still really like the world of GoT despite the last season. Can't wait to see this.
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