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Posts posted by MotownHorn

  1. 2 hours ago, shadow_operative said:


    Randi Trew: “i started the physical confrontation and chris acted in self defense. he also never strangled me.”

    of course here comes the point where you try to have it both ways, where you dismiss randi trew’s own admissions about that night, writing it off as her just playing her role and trying not to get kicked off the gravy train. here comes the part where you unwittingly admit that you don’t care about the facts, only in holding on to your own idea of what’s what, ie that chris beard is randi trew’s abuser.

    elsa GIF

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 9 hours ago, shadow_operative said:

    yes, we do need to start racking up wins, but here’s the problem:

    Do you really need to write a few paragraphs about how our schedule is hard, while throwing in some personal insults along the way?

    I know our schedule is hard. Everyone knows our schedule is hard.

    You're a fucking beating on every. single. topic.

    You either write a couple paragraphs about something obvious (our schedule is hard) while throwing in a few personal digs to try to get a fight going, or you're beating a horse that's been dead for over a year now (Chris Beard's arrest for choking and biting his girlfriend) with a novel's worth of the same wrong argument over and over and over and over and over and over and over again for months/years on end.

  3. 9 hours ago, The_Great_Hornsby said:

    Shoulda woulda coulda. Your are what your record says you are. 

    All my very simple statement meant is that the team has potential (almost beat the #4 team in the country less than 48 hours ago) and could still capitalize on that potential and get it together by March (though time is running out).

    The question was is it time to give up and focus on next year. My very simple statement shared my opinion that no, it is not.

  4. 5 hours ago, crash_davis said:

    So that turnaround is not going to happen this year. Next year?

    We were a point away from going 3-1 against Top 25 teams in our last 4 games. We need to start racking up some conference Ws but I wouldn't throw in the towel just yet.

  5. 10 minutes ago, Hookem2147 said:

    A bare minimum requirement to coach at this university is to not appear in an orange jumpsuit on the day of a game.

    If you are in danger of not meeting that low bar that 99.999% of people can meet, regardless of why it might be, check into a Motel 6 for the evening.

    That's the insane thing. Dude could have has his own penthouse on top of the W Hotel or something. Had the money, esteem, and influence to live wherever he wanted if things were not good at home.

    But nah gotta choke a bitch I guess.

    Saint Chris Beard the Innocent Victim will self-destruct again soon enough. It's who he is.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 1 hour ago, shadow_operative said:

    actually we do know what happened, it’s public information, information that has been posted here multiple times. from the anecdotal information that’s been shared from those who were on the NYC trip, to the police report, to beard and trew’s statements on what happened, it’s all out there.

    Trew's statements on what happened from the police report...

    "He choked me, threw me off the bed, bit me, bruises all over my leg, throwing me around, and going nuts."

    She also said..."at that point she couldn't see because she didn't have her glasses, and that's when Beard came up behind her and put his arm across her neck, choking her."

    The police also noted that she had fresh bite marks on her body and 3 different abrasions/cuts.


    For over a fucking year now you've been claiming poor Saint Chris Beard The Victim was justified choking, throwing, and biting a woman leaving multiple marks/brusies all over her body.

    It's fucking idiotic. I repeat...

    let it go GIF

    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. 43 minutes ago, shadow_operative said:

    you cannot possibly know the details of what happened and come away with this take. 

    YOU DONT KNOW THE DETAILS OF WHAT HAPPENED!!! None of us do. No one knows the true details of what happened except the two of them. 

    Quit white knighting for a guy arrested for 3rd degree domestic violence. Make like Elsa and…

    let it go GIF

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 10 hours ago, Brian Fantana said:

    You're not very smart are you?

    What’s the highest degree you’ve earned, my man? 😁

    Sorry you couldn’t understand that long post I made with my take on Brock’s recent play. I’ll try to write at a lower grade level next time! 

    • Fuck You 1
  9. If your statement was "Brock is not contributing as much and should get fewer minutes" I'm all in.

    "Brock is a worse player due to RT" is mind numbingly stupid. RT isn't bricking those shots. Brock is.

  10. Brock's old man YMCA tricks don't work as well anymore because opponents and refs have figured him out. He gets called for a ton of shit that he didn't used to get called for. He used to get away with all the little pushes and shit that BYU got away with today. Now he gets called for all that. That's him developing a reputation and the refs responding, which is fully independent of who the coach is.

    Plus his shot is just off and he shouldn't be taking 6 3s in a game until he gets that fixed. RT letting him shoot last year was actually a smart coaching move. The problem is RT is still letting him shoot despite his shot sucking this year. But RT isn't shooting the shots for him. Again, his shot going cold is fully independent of who the coach is.

    If you said "Weaver should have gotten more of those minutes today" I'd agree. "Brock is a worse player due to RT" is just fucking idiotic. He's simply getting called for more and shooting worse. Which are independent of the coach.

  11. 1 hour ago, The_Great_Hornsby said:

    SEC chant is strange. These people arent even our rivals and have been conference members for a year lol

    Yeah they should be thanking us for leaving so their shitty little cult college got the chance to play in a halfway decent conference 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  12. 3 hours ago, Rickylovesweed said:

    For some reason, Terry has completely abandoned the really small lineup where Brock plays at the 5. We had a lot of success with that last year. 

    I think that's where Brock is best utilized because he creates a lot of weird match ups where bigs have to chase him on the perimeter. Moving forward, I think I would also prefer Brock minutes at the 5 over Shedrick or Onyema when Disu needs a breather. 

    That makes sense to me

    The old Warriors Death Lineup

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