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Everything posted by MotownHorn

  1. In the words of George W. Bush.... "That was some weird shit"
  2. I'm looking forward to seeing what this year's squad can do Put up or shut up time for RT. Sweet 16 or bust
  3. Also from his social media dude would have agreed to die for Trump* *(not that he deserved to die just because he was an asshole on social media)
  4. Pretty sure PA is an open carry state so he could have had the rifle out in plan sight and no one could do anything about it. WIsconsin is also an open carry state. Milwaukee tried to use a local ordinance to not allow open carry inside the "outer perimeter" of RNC security zone (equivalent to where the shooter was in PA). That attempt failed. What could go wrong? https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-assassination-attempt-impact-rnc-security-plan-officials/story?id=111935286#:~:text=Due to Wisconsin state law%2C people will be allowed to,patrolled inner "hard perimeter."
  5. LOL i love that you're not ruling out keyfabe
  6. Wow. Hard to believe that picture is real
  7. That's not saying much. I might be a better center than Onyema. And I'm 6'1" 220 lbs
  8. I'm one of the 159 presidential scholars who took part in this survey. I think an interesting result is that if you scroll to the last figure, even Republican and conservative scholars rate Trump as one of the very worst presidents of all time (of course, 95 of the scholars were Dems so to be fair that biases the results a bit overall).
  9. Cart girl at a course I play had TN cup and gear. Chatted with her a bit and she’s a sports management manager who works with the basketball team. She had nothing but good things to say about Barnes. Said he’s one of the funniest guys she’s met.
  10. I don't remember anything at this point in time to be honest. wow.
  11. Looks like they play in the WNBA, not the NBA. Hence my confusion.
  12. wait. what? there's a transgender man playing in the NBA?!?!?!? Who in the what now?!?!?!?
  13. You don’t think John Cena participated in an Illuminati humiliation ritual at the Oscar’s?!?!?
  14. Don't start this shit again, dude. Click that ignore button. Britney didn't post the video to social media, for one. Someone else did. The replies to the Twitter link you posted are FULL of faux conservative outrage, for two.
  15. The faux conservative outrage and conspiracy theories because a female athlete has....checks notes...small breasts....is pretty funny. Have they never seen a female athlete before?!?!?!?!?!
  16. This development seems less than ideal
  17. Dude fucked us last year. I won't shed any tears for him.
  18. It’s like they’re intentionally missing my point As always I will see how the season plays out. One more decent big and it’s a team with a shitton of potential
  19. It seems similar to that DE that just transferred to OU instead of us. He wanted as much money as possible. Sark and the NIL guys said "here's what we'll offer" and didn't get into a bidding war with OU. You're assuming 1) Toppin was a big part of RT's vision, and 2) the NIL guys would be willing to vastly overpay to serve that vision.
  20. I think he can tell the NIL guys who he wants, but if that player's price is way higher than they want to pay (as is allegedly the case with Toppin) he can't force them to pay it
  21. You think he controls the NIL funds?
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