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Everything posted by MotownHorn

  1. Agreed that it's tough to compare QB to DE or TE or RB etc. etc. etc. But Sam was a fucking baller who singlehandedly won games. We would have been absolute shit those years without him at QB. To say he's not one of our best players over last 10 years of overall shittiness is asinine.
  2. Derka didn't just say Sam wasn't a Texas football legend (which would be wrong enough on its own). He said he wasn't even one of the best 20 players in the past 10 years. Which is a flaming hot bag of dog shit garbage take.
  3. He could probably have a fine Colt-like career making $2 million a year for the next decade as a backup if he had the humility. It's one of the best jobs in football. $2 million a year and you don't take the hits. But he's too much of an arrogant ass to be smart enough to do that.
  4. JuCo transfer Beard picked up over the summer
  5. I already have burrow and Jackson or else I’d be doing the same
  6. He flogs himself is the funniest part. "Now that we'e turned this thread into hating on me!" Bro, 10 of the last 15 posts are from you. You are the only one who turned it into a thread about you. Like F'in usual. Just take the L and STFU already.
  7. Yep. The complete inability to react to our freshman QB having a historically shitty day is what's so frustrating. Card could have stunk up the joint too but everything we've seen from him this year suggests he would have been able to move the chains a little bit, at least.
  8. Derka acting like a psychopath? Knock me over with a feather!
  9. If we finish 8-4 or better I'll have some hope for our future with him. Anything worse than that and fuck Sark
  10. Oh that's awesome. I live in Northern Virginia. Sam starting for their opponents is the only thing that makes a Commanders game worth watching. Usually it's a waste of 3 hours of NFL TV time.
  11. That overly long post about how it was defensive pressure that caused Quinn to suck and Card wouldn’t have been any better because he holds the ball misses one important thing… Card also takes off and scrambles, which Quinn refuses to do. We would have won yesterday if Sanders refused to scramble because he didn’t want to get hurt The downside of these NIL guys is they’re looking out for #1…their draft prospects. I don’t blame them but it definitely affects their game
  12. The refs literally called a phantom hold when we had the ball with a chance to win/tie, which contributed to our failure to get it done by negating a 1st down and making it 3rd and 22 Youre bad at this. You should quit.
  13. How do you consider that hold “wisely declined” when their kicker hit a 46 yard FG? Take the hold, stop them, and it’s a 56 yard FG in the wind pussy move to give them 3 there. No wonder you think it was “wise.”
  14. Worthy always shows a lack of effort/concern if you get him a perfect throw he’ll catch it. But he’s not laying out or jumping up and exposing himself to a hit or anything Worthy’s biggest concern is Worthy. Not Texas winning football games
  15. It's a fireable offense IMO if he was not there
  16. If Card played anywhere near as bad as Quinn did today this board would be torching his dorm room tonight
  17. Sorry. It seemed like a similar game to me mostly because the officials were fucking the road team in both games
  18. Hudson Card probably wins that game as insane as it is to say Quinn is better overall but it wasn't his day Look at Clemson. They switched QBs in the 2nd half and scored 17 points in their next 3 drives Some days it's just not your day. It wasn't Quinn's day.
  19. Your bitch ass declared defeat last week too how are you not embarrassed being such a pussy? We’ll win but it shouldn’t be this close
  20. The refs could at least use a little lube edit: well ok. Good job picking up the flag on the kick return
  21. Exactly!! At full speed, the defender has to make a ton of assumptions of what the QB is going to do? Bull shit. It’s really fucking stupid Cook began his tackling motion before sanders slid. It’s not Cooks fault that sanders waited too late to slide
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