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Everything posted by MotownHorn

  1. I was in nyc at a 4 day drug party and missed the news about Carr and Allen. Glad to hear it! Hopefully they both take it up another level next year
  2. UNC was the best pick for sure. Miami was a good one too I hope you all noticed that I won by picking Shakas 1st round opponent! 😉😁
  3. Nah that’s not a bad way to spend a little money!
  4. I’d like to thank the Academy. Jada I love you and I’m looking forward to GI Jane 2. Oh shit…. On a serious note this was a fun contest and great idea for points/picks. Glad I could show that I know at least a little something about college basketball. Since @Wulaw Horn and @Scipioorganized and funded this contest out of pocket I’d like to donate some of the winnings to charity (I’m using the rest to pay for all the $15 beers I purchased at the games in milwaukee). Do we have a favorite charity? Or good NIL thing going? I was thinking the Texas Childrens Hospital but open to NIL or other ideas. Thanks again Wulaw and Serak and Scipio
  5. What'd Ramey's dad say? I don't see anything on his Twitter account. I was not a fan of Ramey until this year. I thought he played great for us this year. Limiting his shots and his time at point really helped him as a player imo. Best of luck to him in the future.
  6. Unless I’m mistaken it’s down to me and @longhornjoe He needs Villanova to win the championship against Duke a UNC victory on Saturday clinches it for me and anything short of a Villanova championship eliminates him that’s my read at least
  7. Ol’ Huggy Bear might be at the end of his time in Motown That fan base is only going to accept completely sucking for so long
  8. Think the Kansas win just put me 1 ahead of Hobbs so I have him covered if UNC wins welshy and SpongeBob are done at 147, which I hop with a UNC W here longhornjoe can score some points with a nova title, but I don’t think enough to overcome me if UNC wins today. I think he could maybe hop welshy and SpongeBob with a peacocks win and a couple more nova Ws though? probably other possibilities for winners if the peacocks win today. I’m just making sure a UNC clinches it for me before I bet a stupid amount of money on the Peacocks ML
  9. Seems like UNC/St Petes today and Nova vs winner of Kansas/Miami will determine the outcome but that’s just from a quick look
  10. Hey now! i don’t know all that much about him but he seems like a good dude in general. Saw he was out mixing it up on the town when they were in Buffalo last week
  11. LOL good luck man. I’d like to win this for bragging rights but I’m not gonna be upset if the Peacocks win. I put $20 on the ML last night. This Nova/Houston game seems big too. Looked like some folks had Houston and Miami and could get some points if Houston wins This is a fun contest and fun idea. Thanks @Wulaw Horn
  12. $5 on that will win you over $30k
  13. I think I have a shot if Miami and UNC can win a few games? Fun idea/pool either way. Thanks to Wulaw Horn for organizing!
  14. I put a few bucks on Purdue. Put a few on Kansas to win it at the start of the tournament at +850. Also a few bucks on Tech +400 to make the Final Four.
  15. The funniest part is they probably could have saved a pick or two if the Texas took Baker instead but the Texans were all “nah we’re good on that. We don’t want that clown, thanks”
  16. Not that anyone cares, but Coach Beard totally won me over in Milwaukee. First games I’ve seen him coach in person as I live in NOVA now (NOVAHorn is taken though). All the other teams I saw at open practice were just shooting around. Our guys were doing FT competitions with the whole team/staff doing push-ups if someone missed, had coaches and players mixing it up diving for loose balls as a game, took the last minute to throw t shirts to fans, etc. Our guys just had way more energy and passion than any of the other teams. And we fought like hell in both games. I was really happy with our culture/spirit as a team. Shots just didn’t fall for us. I’m 100% on board. Obviously I was pulling for us every game this year like usual, but it was clear in person why we hired him and why he’s been so successful in his career. PS I flew through Detroit today. My old stomping grounds!!! 😁😉
  17. It’s weird too because I sat there with my dad and watched him shoot like 85% during the open practice on Thursday Obviously easier to do with no one guarding you but he was shooting great
  18. It is amazing and amusing to read the “he’s a terrible coach except for that championship!” argument
  19. I posted one sentence after Barnes lost in the tournament again like usual, didn’t mention Derka, have him on ignore, and he’s posting about me at 1 AM and calling me “obsessed” JFC the lack of self-awareness. It’s very sad.
  20. We didn’t attack the rim when 2 of their guys are way bigger than all of our guys? Weird 🙄 I would respond to all the other dumb shit you posted but I have a plane to catch in a few hours so I don’t have enough time
  21. His entire job is to make up a rationale to justify the refs call. He never disagrees with what the refs call. It’s dumb.
  22. I was in the 10th row and it sure seemed like we got jobbed. 4 to 1 is a lot
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