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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ztejas

  1. Zeke with a... leadoff double?
  2. That was some sexy-ass offense.
  3. Nah I'll let them figure that out.
  4. Oh okay thanks for clarifying that. I guess let's just start the Finals thread and quit discussing potential playoff matchups.
  5. Okay sweetheart. They're looking down the barrel of a 2nd home loss to the only team that took them to 6 games last playoffs but you do you. And, look, this Suns team has issues and in no way am I endorsing them to make a run. I just think they're a team that I would like to avoid if I'm DEN.
  6. Phoenix looks like a potential major matchup issue for Denver. Question for PHO is can they get there.
  7. I would highly recommend seeing them live. They back up everything they do in the studio.
  8. Damn guess I hit a nerve. How's spring practice going down in Dixie chickenland.
  9. Yeah, thanks. I haven't been super plugged in lately.
  10. That whole douchebag franchise needs to fall in the ocean. Just saw a highlight of Curry kicking a chair over in Orlando? I'm amazed that a group of dickheads was ever able to slot the Lakers 2nd in my hate index.
  11. To throw a wrench into things - a contemporary guy I really, really like (a little hip-hop/rock fusion).
  12. I agree. I just think the lineup is going to shred and we'll find a way to piece things together rotation wise. Might need to get some meaningful innings from DeGrom to get to 90, though.
  13. Season opens at home tomorrow night against the Cubs - 6:35 first pitch. Call your shots. I'll go 92-70
  14. Okay but this team has sucked dick all season. I agree that Texas baseball fans are easily the best of the big 3, but at some point let's call a spade a spade.
  15. Zubia also played nails D at 1st and was clearly a clubhouse leader.
  16. Dude needs to step away from the game. He'll thank himself later.
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