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Everything posted by BERT

  1. I'm guessing Aranda is going to show something different than what we've seen so far this year. Just like Rice and Wyoming did. Also guessing Sark will stick with his game plan in the first half no matter what until second half. Hopefully I'm wrong and he treats conference games different than those "pre season" games.
  2. Pretty sure this year it keeps going once the ball is set outside of 2min to go
  3. True but you were saying Sark can’t coach a full game and then blame the players for dropping passes. It’s not Sarks fault they dropped passes. He called a great game last week. There was nothing wrong with 90% of his calls tonight if people would catch the damn ball and Quinn would stop over throwing people. His play calling hasn’t been the issue this year. Some of y’all just want to put it all on him just because y’all don’t like the guy as the head coach. Should he have run the ball more in the first half, probably so. But it’s almost like he treated this game and the Rice game as “pre season” games to work on thing in the first half. Then in the second half call plays he knew would work. Hopefully he cuts that shit out in conference play. We’ll see
  4. Oh you think? Just wait til next year and beyond when you have to figure out how to find SECN+
  5. I’f I didn’t know any better I’d swear you wanted us to lose today so you could say you were right all during this game
  6. We’ve already seen more guys on defense than we did last week
  7. Really only thrown one ball that was uncatchable. Others were either dropped or batted away. But were on target lol
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