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Everything posted by BERT

  1. Do kids these days not sweat just standing around? I wouldn't last 10min in a hoodie today
  2. Pearce just said on 104.9 that he's giving up 3rd base duties. On know a few of y'all will enjoy that
  3. Lou Brown "maybe one of these days we'll learn how to beat those guys"
  4. Anybody care to remind me about this again? Something about Philips looking for Frost?
  5. You mean during games or practice? Pretty sure Patterson was "coaching" at practice.
  6. Do you live in a log cabin deep in the woods? Or maybe it's like on Funny Farm, by the time your driver gets there he's already so far off the path he's drunk and forgets to drop off your package? ( yes i know in the movie the mailman just throws his shit out while driving by)
  7. O'Bannion flunked again? Yeah, what a dumbshit.
  8. Whoa whoa whoa…… put the claws away
  9. Is this a Ketch joke?
  10. And get his damn knee off the ground when runners are on base.
  11. BERT

    2023 HR Derby

    Don’t tell me why I hate or don’t hate something. You sound like your brother talking like that
  12. BERT

    2023 HR Derby

    Yeah, for people that can’t pay attention for shit
  13. Be careful looking at my tv screen??
  14. Still one of the most awesome things I’ve ever seen
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