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Everything posted by BERT

  1. Fuck it, let’s go back to the old Astro turf Damn you!!
  2. Why would anyone want to do that?
  3. This is all I think about when I see anything about the WNBA
  4. I’m glad to see some of y’all act the same even when Texas isn’t playing lol
  5. Why are you taking this personal?? It’s Saturday night, what else do you have to do?
  6. You’ll get late night baseball and you’ll like it!
  7. Let’s don’t act like he was lighting it up before he left. Come on now
  8. Besides Vic, who doesn’t??
  9. God damnit, you knew what I meant
  10. I don’t suck. Speak for yourself
  11. Now we just need Florida to walk off aggy tonight.
  12. Thought I saw Daily touch his chest after a foul ball. Y’all disappoint me with no mocking.
  13. Yeah looking back at the ump to mouth off while ur running out a single is definitely something
  14. O’Sullivan won it in ‘17 and played for it just last year. I’d say that’s better than Schloss but that’s just like, my opinion
  15. The anticipation of bleeding vaginas on this site is killing me. And just for the record, I’m saying it’s O”Sullivan
  16. They’re the better team. They’re really good. What’s to be confused about?
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